Solomon's Achievements
(1 Kings 9.10-28)
1 It took Solomon twenty years to build the Temple and his palace. 2 He also rebuilt the cities that King Hiram had given him, and sent Israelites to settle in them. 3 He captured the territory of Hamath and Zobah 4 and fortified the city of Palmyra in the desert. He rebuilt all the cities in Hamath that were centers for storing supplies. 5 Solomon also rebuilt the following cities: Upper Beth Horon and Lower Beth Horon (fortified cities with gates that could be barred), 6 the city of Baalath, all the cities where he stored supplies, and the cities where his horses and chariots were stationed. He carried out all his plans for building in Jerusalem, in Lebanon, and throughout the territory that he ruled over. 7-8 Solomon employed at forced labor all the descendants of the people of Canaan whom the Israelites had not killed when they took possession of the land. These included Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites, whose descendants continue to be slaves down to the present time. 9 Israelites were not used at forced labor, but served as soldiers, officers, chariot commanders, and cavalry troops. 10 There were 250 officials in charge of the forced labor working on the various building projects.
11 Solomon moved his wife, the daughter of the king of Egypt, from David's City to a house he built for her. He said, “She must not live in the palace of King David of Israel, because any place where the Covenant Box has been is holy.”
12 Solomon offered sacrifices to the Lord on the altar which he had built in front of the Temple. 13 He offered burnt offerings according to the requirements of the Law of Moses for each holy day: Sabbaths, New Moon Festivals, and the three annual festivals—the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Harvest Festival, and the Festival of Shelters. 14 Following the rules laid down by his father David, he organized the daily work of the priests and of the Levites who assisted the priests in singing hymns and in doing their work. He also organized the Temple guards in sections for performing their daily duties at each gate, in accordance with the commands of David, the man of God. 15 The instructions which David had given the priests and the Levites concerning the storehouses and other matters were carried out in detail.
16 By this time all of Solomon's projects had been completed. From the laying of the foundation of the Lord's Temple to its completion, all the work had been successful.
17 Then Solomon went to Eziongeber and Elath, ports on the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba, in the land of Edom. 18 King Hiram sent him ships under the command of his own officers and with experienced sailors. They sailed with Solomon's officers to the land of Ophir and brought back to Solomon about sixteen tons of gold.
Taoye Solomo ro
(1 'Bädri'bai 9:10-28)
1 Ru Solomo ndroa na 'buteritu Yekalu ndi zo'desi miri ro ndaro be obevoya. 2 Nda go be 'bakicii se Irama kozobe ndäri kai kpate, ago zo Yisaraele'bai te orine kigyesi. 3 Nda oyi ru wari Amata ndi Zoba be rote 4 ago be tiṛi ṛatararo te 'bakicii Palemira se vocowa ya ana lomvosi. Ago nda go be 'bakicii te Amata ya se ni vo kitori yi lakazà odroro. 5 Solomo go be 'bakicii kwoi kpate: Bete Orona Kurulesi ndi Bete Orona Vurulesi be (tiṛi ṛatararo gagana robe dereŋwà na be oseosero), 6 'bakici Balata ro, 'bakicii cini se nda kabe ŋga lanjiro odrona kigye, ndi 'bakicii cini se arabia ndi farasii ndaro kabe ori kigye iyi be, nda be ŋgase cini nda kolebe obene Yerusalema ya, Lebanona ya, ndi wari se cini nda kimiribe ana ya iyi te. 7 Solomo loci zelevoi lidri Kanana ro ro se Yisaraele'bai kufu kote tuse ànya kuruyi wari ana be sina ana si kai te losi oyene. 8 Anjioko lidri Ete'bai, Amora'bai, Pereza'bai, Iva'bai, ndi Jebusa'bai robe, se zelevoi ànyaro ugu a'dote 'du iyeäṛi ro le tu yau ono ya. 9 A'ba Yisaraele'bai kote losi oyene, oko a'doyite kyila'bai ro, dri'bai kyila'bai ro, otaozo'bai arabia ndi farasi'bai be ro. 10 Ago dri'bai losioye'bai ro zo cini ànyaro obero orivoya kama ritu 'butenji (250).
11 Solomo ezi toko ndaro ŋguti 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ro teni 'Bakici Dawidi ro yasi le zo se nda kobebe anyari ana ya. Tana nda ekye: “Beṛo ko anyari orine zo'desi miri ro Dawidi 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro roya, tana vose aza Sänduku Tao'baro kabe ori kigye orivoya alokado.”
12 'Dooko Solomo lo tori te OPI ri vo tori oloro se nda kobabe Yekalu mile ana ya. 13 Nda za ŋgapäṛi ozaro te oso Ota Musa ro ta tu lämu'du cini rota ronye: Ta Sabata rota, Karama Imba To'di ro, ndi karama se nätu ndroa alo ro, Karama Ambata Loŋgaako ro, Karama Jalia ro, ndi Karama Kpakpa robe. 14 Nda raa losi tu cini rote kohanii ri oso Dawidi täpi ndaro ro ronye, ndi losi Lewe'bai se kayibe kohanii opa loŋgo oŋgo ya ndi losi azaka ya kai yibe. Nda raa dereŋwà gaga'bai kpate lonyilonyiro kama ànyaro tu cini ro yasi, ota Dawidi mano Lu ro ro ronye. 15 Ànya ätiyi ŋgaemba se Dawidi kozobe kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be ri ta vo ŋgaodroro rota ndi ta azaka rota ana be te kadoro.
16 Tu ono si losi cini Solomo ro kyete. Eto ṛoni tu kotopa Yekalu OPI ro obero si sagwo le ondena ya, aye losi cini te kadoro.
17 'Dooko Solomo oyite Ezionegebera ndi Elota be ya 'bakici lakazà lofo ro Cuku gyi'desi Akaba roya, wari Edoma roya. 18 'Bädri'ba Irama zo toŋboi te drikaca dri'ba losi miri ro modo ndaro ro zele, toŋbo opi'bai se tauni aba robe gyi'desi drisi iyi si. Ànya oyiyite wari Ofira roya troalo dri'bai losi ro Solomo ro yibe, ago eziyi logo läguläguro te Solomo ri ndrani talentaro kutu 'butealo fonji drisi.