King Jotham of Judah
(2 Kings 15.32-38)
1 Jotham became king at the age of twenty-five, and he ruled in Jerusalem for sixteen years. His mother was Jerushah, the daughter of Zadok. 2 He did what was pleasing to the Lord, just as his father had done; but unlike his father he did not sin by burning incense in the Temple. The people, however, went on sinning.
3 It was Jotham who built the North Gate of the Temple and did extensive work on the city wall in the area of Jerusalem called Ophel. 4 In the mountains of Judah he built cities, and in the forests he built forts and towers. 5 He fought against the king of Ammon and his army and defeated them. Then he forced the Ammonites to pay him the following tribute each year for three years: four tons of silver, fifty thousand bushels of wheat, and fifty thousand bushels of barley. 6 Jotham grew powerful because he faithfully obeyed the Lord his God. 7 The other events of Jotham's reign, his wars, and his policies, are all recorded in The History of the Kings of Israel and Judah. 8 Jotham was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he ruled in Jerusalem for sixteen years. 9 He died and was buried in David's City and his son Ahaz succeeded him as king.
Yotama 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro
(2 'Bädri'bai 15:32-38)
1 Yotama ka a'do 'bädri'ba ro oko ndroa ndaro te 'buteritu fonji, ago nda mirivote ndroa 'butealo fonjidrialo Yerusalema ya. Endre ndaro ävuruna ni Jerusa ŋguti Zadoka ro. 2 Nda yete tase kusi OPI be ayani oso täpi ndaro koyebe ronye; Oko nda ci kote ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro ozane Yekalu ya oso täpi ndaro koyebe ronye. Caoko lidri ugu gi'du takozi oye. 3 Yotama ni 'dise kobe Dereŋwa Mä'dudrisi Yekalu robe ndi tiṛi 'bakici ro vose Yerusalema ro äzibe Ofela ana robe owo. 4 Nda be 'bakicii te 'bereŋwai Yuda ro lakosi, ago nda be tiṛi ṛatararo ndi tiṛiwiṛa be te kwokye zelesi. 5 Nda ye kyila te 'bädri'ba Amona ro ndi kyila'bai ndaro yibe ago pe ànya te ṛe. 'Dooko nda 'ba Amona'bai te ŋga kwoi osane ndäri ndroa cini ya tana ndroa na nätu: talentaro mo'di ro kama alo (100), lu'di kifo ro kutu 'butealo (10,000), ago lu'di kaaza ro kutu 'butealo (10,000). Ndroa ṛirina si ndi ninana be Amona'bai ozoyi ŋga kpate ndäri kpa oso 'do ronye. 6 Ago Yotama a'dote mbara amba be, tana nda ro OPI Lu ndaro te 'diriro. 7 Ruka taoye Yotama ro ro, kyila oye ndaro, ndi taora ndaro be, egyi tana te Buku Ambâ ro 'Bädri'bai Yisaraele ro ndi Yuda robe ya. 8 Yotama ka a'do 'bädri'ba ro oko ndroa ndaro te 'buteritu fonji, ago nda mirivote ndroa 'butealo fonjidrialo Yerusalema ya. 9 Nda drate ago ase nda te 'Bakici Dawidi roya, ago Ahaza ŋgwa ndaro gorite 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya.