King Asa Defeats the Ethiopians
1 King Abijah died and was buried in the royal tombs in David's City. His son Asa succeeded him as king, and under Asa the land enjoyed peace for ten years. 2 Asa pleased the Lord, his God, by doing what was right and good. 3 He removed the foreign altars and the pagan places of worship, broke down the sacred stone columns, and cut down the symbols of the goddess Asherah. 4 He commanded the people of Judah to do the will of the Lord, the God of their ancestors, and to obey his teachings and commands. 5 Because he abolished the pagan places of worship and the incense altars from all the cities of Judah, the kingdom was at peace under his rule. 6 He built fortifications for the cities of Judah during this time, and for several years there was no war, because the Lord gave him peace. 7 He told the people of Judah, “Let us fortify the cities by building walls and towers, and gates that can be shut and barred. We have control of the land because we have done the will of the Lord our God. He has protected us and given us security on every side.” And so they built and prospered. 8 King Asa had an army of 300,000 men from Judah, armed with shields and spears, and 280,000 men from Benjamin, armed with shields and bows. All of them were brave, well-trained men.
9 An Ethiopian named Zerah invaded Judah with an army of a million men and three hundred chariots and advanced as far as Mareshah. 10 Asa went out to fight him, and both sides took up their positions at Zephathah Valley near Mareshah. 11 Asa prayed to the Lord his God, “O Lord, you can help a weak army as easily as a powerful one. Help us now, O Lord our God, because we are relying on you, and in your name we have come out to fight against this huge army. Lord, you are our God; no one can hope to defeat you.”
12 The Lord defeated the Ethiopian army when Asa and the Judean army attacked them. They fled, 13 and Asa and his troops pursued them as far as Gerar. So many of the Ethiopians were killed that the army was unable to rally and fight. They were overpowered by the Lord and his army, and the army took large amounts of loot. 14 Then they were able to destroy the cities in the area around Gerar, because the people there were terrified of the Lord. The army plundered all those cities and captured large amounts of loot. 15 They also attacked the camps of some shepherds, capturing large numbers of sheep and camels. Then they returned to Jerusalem.
'Bädri'ba Asa Pe Lidri Kusa rote Ṛe
1 'Bädri'ba Abija drate ago asete vo 'bädri'bai osero ya 'Bakici Dawidi roya. Asa ŋgwa ndaro gorite 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya, ago wari rite liatokpero Asa zele ndroa na 'butealo. 2 Asa i'dwe OPI, Lu ndaro te, tase 'diri ago kado 'do oyena si. 3 Nda ana vo tori oloro atrai rote ndi vo mätu ro Lu uniako'bai robe, toga läŋgyiri alokado kuni rote riya vuru, ago toga beti lu tokoro Aserima rote riya vuru. 4 Nda ozo ota te lidri Yuda ro ri ole OPI, Lu zutui ànyaro ro oyene ayani, ago ota ndi ŋgaemba ndaro be ätine ayani. 5 Tana nda ana vo mätu ro Lu uniako'bai ro ndi vona tori oloro ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro ozaro be teni 'bakicii cini Yuda ro yasi, ago 'bädri a'dote liatokpero miri ndaro zele. 6 Tu ono ya nda be tiṛi ṛatararo te 'bakici Yuda ro lomvosi, ago kyila a'dote i'do ndroa na amba, tana OPI ozo taliatokpe te ndäri. 7 Ago nda atate lidri Yuda ro ri ekye: Mi'de mà'ba 'bakicii se kwoi a'done mbaraekye, lomvona obe si tiṛi ndi tiṛiwiṛa ro be si, dereŋwà na osene ose gbolo si. Wari ono gi orivoya 'du amaro tana maye ole OPI Lu amaro rote. Nda äti ama te ago ozo taliatokpe te ämäri lamadri cini yasi. Ta'dota ànya beyite ago a'doyite kadoro. 8 'Bädri'ba Asa a'dote kyila'bai be kutu kama nätu (300,000) ni Yuda yasi, ŋga 'digaga robe ago äzui be ago kyila'bai kutu kama ritu 'butenjidriena (280,000) be ni Benjamina yasi, ŋga 'digagaro be ago kusui be; vona cini lidri turiako yi, embate kadoro.
9 Manoaza ni Kusa yasi ävuruna Zera ikyite Yuda dri kyila'bai tere'benye alo (1,000,000) be ago arabia kama nätu (300) be, ago ikyite le Maresa ya. 10 Asa fote tesi dri ndaro utune, ago ànya rayi iyi te vo kyila roya Vodelero Zefata roya loto Maresa lomvo. 11 Ago Asa ye mätu te OPI Lu ndaro ri ekye: Äye OPI, mini ndi kyila'bai mbaraako opane rritiako ni kyila'bai se mbaraekye risi. Yauono mipa ama, Äye OPI Lu amaro, tana mà mio'ba midri, tana mikyite kyila oyene kyila'bai se lowaro ono be ävuru miro si. OPI, mini Lu amaro; 'diaza i'do mio'ba be mi opene ṛe.
12 Ondro Asa ndi lidri Yuda robe kogotayi ànya te oko, OPI pe lidri Kusa ro te ṛe. Ago ànya muyite. 13 Ago Asa ndi kyila'bai ndaro be soyite ànya vo le Gerara ya. Ta'dota utufu lidri Kusa rote amba se kyila'bai ànyaro a'dote i'do taäyine ogone kyila oyene. Mbara OPI ro ndi kyila'bai ndaro robe a'dote ndra ànya drisi. Kyila'bai Yuda ro ŋgyiyi ŋgase otopabe ana te amba. 14 'Dooko ànya pereyi 'bakicii se cini gbikyi Gerara lomvosi ana te, tana lidri lau kai a'doyite turiro ni OPI ri. Kyila'bai kai topayi ŋga 'bakicii cini ana rote, ago ŋgyiyi ŋga amba se otopabe ana te. 15 Ago ànya gotayi gawa lekye'bai ro kpate, ànya ruyi timele amba ndi gamelei be te. 'Dooko ànya goyite Yerusalema ya.