Church Worship
1 First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, requests, and thanksgivings be offered to God for all people; 2 for kings and all others who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful life with all reverence toward God and with proper conduct. 3 This is good and it pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants everyone to be saved and to come to know the truth. 5 For there is one God, and there is one who brings God and human beings together, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself to redeem the whole human race. That was the proof at the right time that God wants everyone to be saved, 7 and that is why I was sent as an apostle and teacher of the Gentiles, to proclaim the message of faith and truth. I am not lying; I am telling the truth!
8 In every church service I want the men to pray, men who are dedicated to God and can lift up their hands in prayer without anger or argument. 9 I also want the women to be modest and sensible about their clothes and to dress properly; not with fancy hair styles or with gold ornaments or pearls or expensive dresses, 10 but with good deeds, as is proper for women who claim to be religious. 11 Women should learn in silence and all humility. 12 I do not allow them to teach or to have authority over men; they must keep quiet. 13 For Adam was created first, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and broke God's law. 15 But a woman will be saved through having children, if she perseveres in faith and love and holiness, with modesty.
Mätu Känisa ro
1 Ka'do inye, käti ono mata mi anjioko rulo'ba, mätu, taeji ago aro'boya ozone Lu ri lidri cini ta. 2 Ta 'bädri'bai rota ndi azaka cini se orivoya drikaca ya be, tana màri robe trwe ori liatokpero ori si taoro be Lu ri ndi taoye kado be. 3 Ono orivoya takado yi ago tana ka Lu Opa'ba amaro usi, 4 se le 'dicini ri a'done ŋgaopa be ago ikyine taŋgye unine. 5 Tana Lu orivoya alodi, ago pa'ba alodi orivoya lakole Lu ro lidri cini be ya, nda andivona lidri yi mano se ni Kristo Yesu, 6 se ozo andivo ndaro te drî lidri cini ro utwene. Se aka'date tu ŋgyena si anjioko Lu le 'dicini a'done ŋgaopa be, 7 ago se tana ro azo ma te lazo'ba ro ago miemba'ba ro Atrai ri, lazo taoma ndi taŋgye be ro opene. Maga kowe ko; ma taŋgye iti!
8 Male mànoago ri Lu mätune känisa cini yasi, lidri se ozo iyi te Lu ri ago uninayi ndi drí ànyaro eŋgane mätu ya teinye kyila kode kalawasa ako. 9 Male kpa 'ditoko ri a'done trwe ago tauni be ta boŋgoi ànyaro rota ago osone kadoro, ko drio'di ruegaro kode ruwere logo läguläguro ndi ŋgoŋgo be kode boŋgo lagye amba be oso si, 10 oko taoye kado si, se orivoya ŋgye 'ditoko se kayibe ata ekye ya Lu mätu ri. 11 Beṛo 'ditoko ri a'done titiiti ro vo ŋgaembaro ya rulogo si cu vuru. 12 Male ànya ko miembane kode a'done drikaca be mànoago dri, beṛo ànyari a'done titiiti ro. 13 Tana a'ba Adama te käti, 'dooko a'ba Awa gwo. 14 Ago odo kote Adama ayani, oko odote toko ayani ago fu ota Lu rote. 15 Oko apana 'ditoko 'da ŋgwa uti si, ondro ànya ka gi ugu taoma äti ndi ŋgalu be ndi a'do wäṛiro be, a'do trwe si owo.