David Spares Saul's Life
1 When Saul came back from fighting the Philistines, he was told that David was in the wilderness near Engedi. 2 Saul took three thousand of the best soldiers in Israel and went looking for David and his men east of Wild Goat Rocks. 3 He came to a cave close to some sheep pens by the road and went in to relieve himself. It happened to be the very cave in which David and his men were hiding far back in the cave. 4 They said to him, “This is your chance! The Lord has told you that he would put your enemy in your power and you could do to him whatever you wanted to.” David crept over and cut off a piece of Saul's robe without Saul's knowing it. 5 But then David's conscience began to hurt, 6 and he said to his men, “May the Lord keep me from doing any harm to my master, whom the Lord chose as king! I must not harm him in the least, because he is the king chosen by the Lord!” 7 So David convinced his men that they should not attack Saul.
Saul got up, left the cave, and started away. 8 Then David went out after him and called to him, “Your Majesty!” Saul turned around, and David bowed down to the ground in respect 9 and said, “Why do you listen to people who say that I am trying to harm you? 10 You can see for yourself that just now in the cave the Lord put you in my power. Some of my men told me to kill you, but I felt sorry for you and said that I would not harm you in the least, because you are the one whom the Lord chose to be king. 11 Look, my father, look at the piece of your robe I am holding! I could have killed you, but instead I only cut this off. This should convince you that I have no thought of rebelling against you or of harming you. You are hunting me down to kill me, even though I have not done you any wrong. 12 May the Lord judge which one of us is wrong! May he punish you for your action against me, for I will not harm you in the least. 13 You know the old saying, ‘Evil is done only by evil people.’ And so I will not harm you. 14 Look at what the king of Israel is trying to kill! Look at what he is chasing! A dead dog, a flea! 15 The Lord will judge, and he will decide which one of us is wrong. May he look into the matter, defend me, and save me from you.”
16 When David had finished speaking, Saul said, “Is that really you, David my son?” And he started crying. 17 Then he said to David, “You are right, and I am wrong. You have been so good to me, while I have done such wrong to you! 18 Today you have shown how good you are to me, because you did not kill me, even though the Lord put me in your power. 19 How often does someone catch an enemy and then let him get away unharmed? The Lord bless you for what you have done to me today! 20 Now I am sure that you will be king of Israel and that the kingdom will continue under your rule. 21 But promise me in the Lord's name that you will spare my descendants, so that my name and my family's name will not be completely forgotten.” 22 David promised that he would.
Then Saul went back home, and David and his men went back to their hiding place.
Dawidi E'be Saulo te Ufuako
1 Ondro Saulo kegote ni osovoya Felesete'bai vo oko, iti tate ndäri ekye: “Mindre, Dawidi orivoya vocowa Eŋgedi roya.” 2 'Dooko Saulo tope kyila'bai kado te kutu nätu (3,000) ni Yisaraele cini lakosi, ago oyite Dawidi ndi lidri ndaro be uṛine ogone 'buzele Lutui Indri vocowa ro roya. 3 Ago litibiṛi ya gyolo azaka timele ro orivoya, ago kugyi orivoya lototi lomvoigye, ago Saulo cite kugyi ya loline. Oko Dawidi ndi lidri ndaro be riyite piṛi ädu kugyi roya. 4 Ago lidri Dawidi ro atayite ndäri ekye: “Ondro ono tu esate, OPI ozo kyila'baazi miro te drì miro ya, oso se nda ko'ba tana be ronye, miye nda oso se tana kusi mi be nda oyene ronye.” 'Dooko Dawidi ŋgate, kugurute ago lo boŋgo runduṛuro Saulo ro sina te. 5 Ago ono vosi ya Dawidi ro loŋgate, tana nda lo boŋgo si Saulo rote. 6 Nda atate lidri ndaro ri ekye: “OPI laga ma zo märi opi maro, se OPI konjibe ono oyene koziro, drì maro eŋgane nda dri i'do, nda orivoya 'di äṛuäṛu OPI royi.” 7 Dawidi 'bidri lidri ndaro rote mbara, ago lekote ànyari Saulo gotane.
Ago Saulo ŋgate kuru ndi e'be kugyi te, ago eto oyite.
8 Ono vosi Dawidi ŋga kpate, ago fote ni kugyi yasi ago zi Saulo te ekye: “'Desi maro, 'bädri'ba!” Ago ondro Saulo kondre vote kovole nda kundu oko, Dawidi ändite militi si vuru, taoro ka'daza. 9 Ago Dawidi atate Saulo ri ekye: “Tana e'di nya ta lidri se kabe ta ata ekye mindre, ma mi uṛi ufune kwoi ro erina niya? 10 Mindre, kitu ono si ono mi miro ndre tase OPI kozo mibe drì maro ya kugyi ya ono te. Ago 'di azaka ta ma te mi ufune, oko me'be mi te. Matate makye, märi drì maro eŋgane opi maro dri i'do; tana nda orivoya 'di äṛuäṛu OPI royi. 11 Mindre, täpi maro, mindre si boŋgo runduṛuro miro pelepelena begi drì maro ya ono. Malo anya ni, oko mäfu mi kote, mini robe ago mindre robe anjioko mogbo kote mibe ago ma teinye ta ako mibe. Maye takozi aza kote milomvo, nya gica ma uṛi ufune ono owo. 12 Ka'do inye OPI oyena vure ni lakole amaro mibe ya. OPI kologo vo takozi se miyebe märi ro ni miri, märi drì maro eŋgane midri i'do alona. 13 Oso taoni uku aza atabe ronye ekye: ‘Taoye undiro ka efo ni lidri undiro yasi.’ Drí maro odone milomvo i'do. 14 'Bädri'ba Yisaraele ro efo tesi a'di vo ya? Nya oso a'di vo ya? Kokye avo vo ya? Nyonyo vo ya? 15 Ka'do inye OPI a'dona ni vureope'ba ro ago atana ta ni lakole amaro ya mibe; nda kondrevo ta maro ya, nda kagaga ma ago kopa ma ni drì miro yasi.”
16 Ondro Dawidi konde tase kwoi atana te Saulo ri oko, Saulo atate ekye: “Inye'do ono orivoya mi owo ya ŋgwa maro Dawidi?” Ago nda eto liyite. 17 Nda atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Mi orivoya taŋgye'ba yi ndrani mädrisi; tana miye ma te kadopara, oko maye mi te kozipara. 18 Kitu ondro ono si ono nyaka'da takado miro märi te. OPI ozo ma te drì miro ya, oko mifu ma kote. 19 Aba ondro mano aza kusu kyila'baazi ndaro be, e'bena nda gindi oyine liatokpero ya? Ka'do inye OPI käpäṛi mi takado si tana tase miyebe märi kitu ono si ono tana ro. 20 Mänite endaro nya'dona 'da 'bädri'ba ro, ago miri 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro ro a'dona ndi drikaca miro zele. 21 Ka'do inye nyäṛuru märi ävuru OPI rosi anjioko miri zelevoi maro ufune te i'do, ago miri ävuru maro forone tesi ni katidri täpi maro ro yasi te i'do.” 22 Ago Dawidi ye ta ruäṛu rote Saulo ri.
'Dooko Saulo oyite kovole 'bäru; oko Dawidi ndi lidri ndaro be oyiyite vo ruda'doro ànyaro ya.