Lawsuits against Fellow Christians
1 If any of you have a dispute with another Christian, how dare you go before heathen judges instead of letting God's people settle the matter? 2 Don't you know that God's people will judge the world? Well, then, if you are to judge the world, aren't you capable of judging small matters? 3 Do you not know that we shall judge the angels? How much more, then, the things of this life! 4 If such matters come up, are you going to take them to be settled by people who have no standing in the church? 5 Shame on you! Surely there is at least one wise person in your fellowship who can settle a dispute between fellow Christians. 6 Instead, one Christian goes to court against another and lets unbelievers judge the case!
7 The very fact that you have legal disputes among yourselves shows that you have failed completely. Would it not be better for you to be wronged? Would it not be better for you to be robbed? 8 Instead, you yourselves wrong one another and rob one another, even other believers! 9 Surely you know that the wicked will not possess God's Kingdom. Do not fool yourselves; people who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts 10 or who steal or are greedy or are drunkards or who slander others or are thieves—none of these will possess God's Kingdom. 11 Some of you were like that. But you have been purified from sin; you have been dedicated to God; you have been put right with God by the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
Use Your Bodies for God's Glory
12 Someone will say, “I am allowed to do anything.” Yes; but not everything is good for you. I could say that I am allowed to do anything, but I am not going to let anything make me its slave. 13 Someone else will say, “Food is for the stomach, and the stomach is for food.” Yes; but God will put an end to both. The body is not to be used for sexual immorality, but to serve the Lord; and the Lord provides for the body. 14 God raised the Lord from death, and he will also raise us by his power.
15 You know that your bodies are parts of the body of Christ. Shall I take a part of Christ's body and make it part of the body of a prostitute? Impossible! 16 Or perhaps you don't know that the man who joins his body to a prostitute becomes physically one with her? The scripture says quite plainly, “The two will become one body.” 17 But he who joins himself to the Lord becomes spiritually one with him.
18 Avoid immorality. Any other sin a man commits does not affect his body; but the man who is guilty of sexual immorality sins against his own body. 19 Don't you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to God; 20 he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory.
Vure Upi Kristo'ba Azi Lomvo
1 Ondro alo aza amiro kalaope be Kristo'ba azi be, nda le gwo tana ugune vureope'bai taomaako'bai ro kandra ago lidri Lu ro edre tana ko ni etaya? 2 Inye'do mini ṛo ko lidri Lu ro opena vure 'bädri ro 'da ya? Ondro ka'do, nyà ni oye vure 'bädri ro opena, inye'do ami ṛo ko tauni be vure tase giṛiŋwa ro ro opene ya? 3 Inye'do mìni ṛo ko anjioko màpena vure malaikai ro 'da ya? Se ndrani vure ori ono ro opene ri! 4 Ondro ta nonye ono ka'dote, inye'do nyà oye ànya ugune tana edrene lidri se vo ako känisa ya siya? 5 Driupi ka'do ämidri! Endaro 'diaza orivoya ami lako rumora amiro ya tavouni be unina ndi ta kalaope ro Kristo'bai azi be tana edrene. 6 Oko, Kristo'bai azi ka oyi vure ya azi kicune ago 'ba taomaako'bai gwo ni vure opene!
7 Ndi endaro tase ami orivoya kalaope be andivo amiro lako ono ka'date anjioko ta pe ami te cu ṛe. Inye'do a'do ṛo ko kado ni ami oyene koziro ya? Inye'do a'do ṛo ko kado ni ŋga amiro topane ya? 8 Oko, ami andivo miye azi te koziro ago nyotopa ŋga azi rote, ca ädrupii modo amiro ro! 9 Mìni ṛote takozi'ba unina ko Miri 'Bädri'ba Lu ro ro urune. Mì'ba andivo amiro ko amama ro, lidri se orivoya ronyi'ba yi kode se kabe lui edeedero mätu ago kode ronyi oye'ba yi ago kode toko drisi kode se kabe ronyi oye manoago azi be 10 kode kabe ŋga kugu kode orivoya yagäru be kode orivoya yi ufu'ba yi wa si kode azi kyere'ba yi kode orivoya kugu'ba yi alo aza 'di kwoi ro uruna Miri 'Bädri'ba Lu ro ro ko. 11 Rukä amiro orivoya oso inye. Oko äwäṛi ami teni takozi ri; adi ami te to Lu ri Opi Yesu Kristo si ago Tori Lu amaro rosi.
Nyòzo Lomvoi Amiro A'do 'Desi Lu rota
12 'Diaza atana 'da ekye: “Aletadrite märi ŋga cini oyene.” Owo; oko ŋga cini ko kado ämiri. Mänina ndi atane makye aletadrite märi ŋga cini oyene, oko mänina ko tadriolene ŋga aza ri ma o'bane iyeäṛi ndaro. 13 'Diaza atana 'da ekye: “Ŋgaonya orivoya tana ya, ago ya tana ŋgaonya.” Owo; oko Lu perena ànya riti 'da. Lomvo ko ronyi oyeza, oko ruinduza Opi ri; ago Opi kani ŋga ozo lomvo ri. 14 Lu eŋga Opi teni avo yasi, ago nda eŋgana ama kpa 'da mbara ndaro si.
15 Mìni ndi anjioko lomvo amiro orivoya telesi lomvo Kristo ro ro. Inye'do märuna telesi lomvo Kristo ro ro gwo ago ma'bana gwo a'done telesi lomvo märänyi'ba ro roya? Rritiro! 16 Kode mìni ṛo ko anjioko mano se kabe lomvo ndaro dro'bena märänyi'ba be ronyi oyene ka ṛo a'do lomvo alo ro anya be ya? Taegyi ata ṛo ŋbelero ekye: “Riti a'dona ndi lomvo alo ro.” 17 Oko nda se kabe andivo ndaro dro'be Opi be a'dona ndi tori alo ro nda be.
18 Mina ta ronyi ro. Takozi aza se lidri kabe oyena enji lomvo ndaro ko, oko mano se kabe taenji ronyi oyesi ka lomvo modo ndaro ro enjina. 19 Inye'do mìni ṛo ko lomvo amiro ni yekalu Tori Alokado ro, se kabe ori ami ya ago se ozote ämiri Lu si ya? Ami ko andivo amiro ro oko Lu ro; 20 nda gye ami te lagye amba si. Ka'do inye mìro Lu lomvo amiro si.