1 “Ko ämiri ti kode timele se mämbi be togboṛo ro iyi olone tori ro OPI Lu amiro ri; tana ya OPI ro orivoya osoro ŋga inye 'do lomvo.
2 “Aba ondro ka'do manoaza kode toko aza ni alo aza 'ba'desii amiro se Opi LU amiro kozobe ämiri 'do yasi ye takozi te OPI ri tao'ba ndaro peresi, 3 lu azaka mätuna si ago ruindu si rigye kode kitu yi kode imba yi kode 'bi'bi yi; se ko ota OPI ro voro 'do. 4 Ondro ka'do itite ämiri kode nyeri ta inye 'do bete, 'dooko nyeji tavona ti'deti'de. Ondro ka'do tana 'do ka'dote taŋgyero anjioko tase undiro inye 'do a'dote Yisaraele ya, 5 'dooko ämiri manona kode tokona 'do urune lofone tesi ni 'ba'desi na 'do yasi ago nda ovone ṛi kuni si. 6 Caoko, toto ondro ka'do tazevoedre'bai ka'dote ritu kode nätu oko a'dena gwo nda ufune; oko ko nda ufune ondro ka'do tazevoedre'ba ka'dote toto alodi owo. 7 Tazevoedre'bai ri ni kuni ovone käti 'dina 'do lomvo, 'dooko anjoko lidri ro o'dena gwo 'dina 'do ovone kuni si; mìnana ta undiro nonye ono liti 'do yasi.
8 “Ondro vure aza ka'dote rritiro oyene ämiri, oso ta drimbi ro kode ta lomvo ogaro äträ kode tase lakole 'dise äfube ndi 'dise kufu 'di be roya 'do be, kode vure azaka se mitiro 'ba 'desii amiro yasi, 'dooko ämiri oyine vose mätu ro OPI ka oyebe onjine 'do ya, 9 ago nyìti kohanii se Lewe'bai ro 'do ri ago vureope'ba se kama ya tuna 'do si 'do ri, ago mì'ba ànya katayi tase oyene tana ro 'do ämiri. 10 'Dooko ànya itinayi tana 'da ämiri ni lau, ago ämiri oyene oso se ànya kayibe itina ämiri 'do ronye. 11 Mìletadri tavousu ànyaro ro, ago mìso ŋgaemba ànyaro voro. Mìkuko ni tase cini ànya kata tana be oyene yasi. 12 'Dise koro ta vureope'ba kode kohani se kama ya 'do ro kote, ndi nda ufune, tana mìnana tase undiro nonye ono ni Yisaraele yasi liti 'do yasi. 13 'Dooko lidri cini erina tana 'da, ago a'donayi 'da turiro, ago 'diaza unina kote ta oyene taoroako si tona.
Ŋgaemba ta 'Bädri'ba rota
14 “Ondro mikyi miru wari se OPI Lu amiro kabe ozona ämiri 'do te ago mirite kigye lau oko, 'dooko mi'dena gwo tausune mikye: ‘Màle 'bädri'ba ämäri oso tu'dei se cini gbikyi ama lomvosi iyi ronye.’ 15 Ämiri 'dise Opi Lu amiro kabe onjina o'bane ayani 'bädri'ba ro ämidri. Beṛo ndäri a'done ni lidri modo amiro lakosi; mì'ba 'diatra ko 'bädri'ba ro ämidri. 16 Ko 'bädri'ba ri a'done farasii be amba kyila'bai ndaro ri, ago ko ndäri lidri ozone Ezipeto ya farasii ogyene, tana OPI ata ṛote ämiri ekye: ‘Ko ämiri ogone lau alona.’ 17 Ko 'bädri'ba ri a'done 'ditoko be amba, tana 'do o'bana nda ndi ruodine ni OPI resi; ago ko ndäri a'done mo'di ndi logo läguläguro be amba andivo ndaro ri. 18 Ondro nda ka'dote 'bädri'ba ro oko, ndäri gyere buku ota ro OPI ro egyine iri, buku se ṛo kyeno kohanii Lewe'ba ro kombabe drigye 'do. 19 Ndäri buku 'do o'bane lototi ndare ago uzine tu cini ori ndaro rosi, 'dooko nda unina ta OPI Lu ndaro ro turi ro ndi ago orona ota se cini kigye 'do ndi 'diriro. 20 'Do lagana nda zo ni tausuvoya ekye yi ni kadopara ndrani Yisaraele'bai azi ndaro ri ago ni ota OPI ro oroakona yasi liti cini yasi. 'Dooko nda mirina 'di ndi ndroa na amba, ago zelevoi ndaro mirina 'da ndroa na amba Yisaraele ya.
1 “Do not sacrifice to the Lord your God cattle or sheep that have any defects; the Lord hates this.
2 “Suppose you hear that in one of your towns some men or women have sinned against the Lord and broken his covenant 3 by worshiping and serving other gods or the sun or the moon or the stars, contrary to the Lord's command. 4 If you hear such a report, then investigate it thoroughly. If it is true that this evil thing has happened in Israel, 5 then take them outside the town and stone them to death. 6 However, they may be put to death only if two or more witnesses testify against them; they are not to be put to death if there is only one witness. 7 The witnesses are to throw the first stones, and then the rest of the people are to stone them; in this way you will get rid of this evil.
8 “It may be that some cases will be too difficult for the local judges to decide, such as certain cases of property rights or of bodily injury or those cases that involve a distinction between murder and manslaughter. When this happens, go to the one place of worship chosen by the Lord your God, 9 and present your case to the levitical priests and to the judge who is in office at that time, and let them decide the case. 10 They will give their decision, and you are to do exactly as they tell you. 11 Accept their verdict and follow their instructions in every detail. 12 Anyone who dares to disobey either the judge or the priest on duty is to be put to death; in this way you will remove this evil from Israel. 13 Then everyone will hear of it and be afraid, and no one else will dare to act in such a way.
Instructions concerning a King
14 “After you have taken possession of the land that the Lord your God is going to give you and have settled there, then you will decide you need a king like all the nations around you. 15 Be sure that the man you choose to be king is the one whom the Lord has chosen. He must be one of your own people; do not make a foreigner your king. 16 The king is not to have a large number of horses for his army, and he is not to send people to Egypt to buy horses, because the Lord has said that his people are never to return there. 17 The king is not to have many wives, because this would make him turn away from the Lord; and he is not to make himself rich with silver and gold. 18 When he becomes king, he is to have a copy of the book of God's laws and teachings made from the original copy kept by the levitical priests. 19 He is to keep this book near him and read from it all his life, so that he will learn to honor the Lord and to obey faithfully everything that is commanded in it. 20 This will keep him from thinking that he is better than other Israelites and from disobeying the Lord's commands in any way. Then he will reign for many years, and his descendants will rule Israel for many generations.