Malaika ndi Buku Roṛoroṛo Giṛiŋwa be
1 'Dooko mandre malaika aza mbaraekye te ikyivoya vuru ni vo'buyakuru yasi. 'Dikolo te nda te 'biṛi ago mberu be ŋgulu dríi ndaro ya; militi ndaro orivoya oso kitu ronye, ago pai ndaro oso läŋgyiri asi ro ronye. 2 Nda orivoya buku giṛiŋwa upiupiro be drí ndaro ya. Nda to pa drígwo ro ndaro te gyi'desi dri ago pa gaṛi ro ndaro gyini dri, 3 ago zi läzi te kporo amba si uwina oso liyi ibii ro ronye. Nda kuzi läzi te oko, uhwe 'bu ro se njidrieri ana zatadrite totre amba si. 4 Ago dori ondro ànya katate, aba ma oyete egyine oko, meri ata te ata ana ni vo'buyakuru yasi ekye: “Tase uhwe 'bu ro njidrieri katabe 'do mi'ba ka'do ta da'doda'doro, nyegyi tana ko vuru!”
5 'Dooko malaika se mandrebe ugu edrevoya gyi'desi dri ago gyini dri ana eŋga drí drígwo yasi ndaro te vo'buyakuru ya 6 ago ye ta ruäṛu rote ävuru Lu, se kabe ori 'duro äduako, se ko'ba vo'buyakuru, 'bädri, gyi'desi ndi ŋgacini ànya yasi be ni ono rosi. Malaikai atate ekye: “Leye a'dona i'do tona! 7 Oko ondro malaika njidrierina kate cekuṛe ndaro ovona oko, 'dooko Lu ondena taoro da'doda'do ndaro 'da, oso nda kayotabe ruindu'bai ndaro nebii ri ronye.”
8 'Dooko ata se meribe ugu atana be ni vo'buyakuru yasi ana atate märi kpa to'di ekye: “Nyoyi ago miru buku roṛoroṛo upiupiro se orivoya drí malaika se kedrebe gyi'desi dri ndi gyini dri ana roya ana.”
9 Moyite malaika re ago meji nda te buku giṛiŋwa roṛoroṛo ozone märi. Nda atate märi ekye: “Miru ago minya; anya tozaruna 'da äträ ro ya miro ya, oko a'dona 'da ndiṛi ro oso epe ronye kala miro ya.”
10 Märu buku giṛiŋwa roṛoroṛo teni drí ndaro yasi ago manya te, ago ndeṛite ndiṛi ro oso epe ronye kala maro ya. Oko ondro mate te oko, anya tozarute äträ ro ya maro ya. 11 'Dooko ititate märi ekye: “Kpa to'dina beṛo miri lazo Lu ro opene tu'dei, lidri beti toto, kalatoto ndi 'bädri'bai be ri.”
The Angel and the Little Scroll
1 Then I saw another mighty angel coming down out of heaven. He was wrapped in a cloud and had a rainbow around his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like columns of fire. 2 He had a small scroll open in his hand. He put his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 and called out in a loud voice that sounded like the roar of lions. After he had called out, the seven thunders answered with a roar. 4 As soon as they spoke, I was about to write. But I heard a voice speak from heaven, “Keep secret what the seven thunders have said; do not write it down!”
5 Then the angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven 6 and took a vow in the name of God, who lives forever and ever, who created heaven, earth, and the sea, and everything in them. The angel said, “There will be no more delay! 7 But when the seventh angel blows his trumpet, then God will accomplish his secret plan, as he announced to his servants, the prophets.”
8 Then the voice that I had heard speaking from heaven spoke to me again, saying, “Go and take the open scroll which is in the hand of the angel standing on the sea and on the land.”
9 I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it; it will turn sour in your stomach, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey.”
10 I took the little scroll from his hand and ate it, and it tasted sweet as honey in my mouth. But after I swallowed it, it turned sour in my stomach. 11 Then I was told, “Once again you must proclaim God's message about many nations, races, languages, and kings.”