1 Lidri Yisaraele ro, nyèri tase OPI katabe ami lomvo ono, tu'de gi cini se nda kolofobe ni Ezipeto yasi ono: 2 “Ni tu'dei cini 'bädri ya lakosi, ami toto ni lidri se mänibe ago mati tana be owo. Ta'doro mezana ami 'da ta takozi cini amiro rota.”
Losi Nebi ro
3 Inye'do 'di ritu abanayi gindi voaloyasi teinye ànyari tavona ora ako ya?
4 Ibi ka'dote ŋgaonya ako oko inye'do liyi gindi vocowa ya ya? Ibi ŋgwaŋwa ka'dote ŋgaonya ako oko inye'do liyi gindi ni kugyi iro yasi ya?
5 Ayi iba be ko ari ri inye'do ari leyi gindi kigye ya? Inye'do iba letro gindi teinye ŋga aza ri odoako ya?
6 Inye'do avo cekuṛe kyila rote 'bakici ya oko lidri ri gindi turiako ya?
Inye'do rriti 'de gindi 'bakici aza dri teinye OPI ri eziakona ya?
7 Endaro OPI Mbarapara ye ŋga aza ko teinye ndäri tandrwi ndaro ka'da ako ruindu'bai ndaro, nebii ri.
8 Ibi kate liyi oko a'di unina ni orine turiako ya?
Ondro OPI Mbarapara kate ata oko, a'di unina ni orine lazo ndaro opeako ya?
Pere Samaria ro
9 Nyayota lidri se kabe ori zo'desi miri ro Asedodo ya ndi Ezipeto ya be ri mikye: “Mìmbikala voaloya lutui se gbikyi Samaria lomvosi ana ya ago mìndre taoye koziro ago drikyiri se ayebe lau 'do.”
10 OPI ekye: “Lidri kwoi niyi ta a'doro 'diri kote. Ànya droyi vo oriro ànyaro te twitwi ŋgase ärube mbarasi ago otopabe 'do si. 11 Ta'doro kyila'baazii umuna drî wari ànyaro ro 'da, perenayi vo ànya gagaro 'da, ago topanayi orivo ànyaro 'da.”
12 OPI ekye: “Oso lekye'ba kabe ŋbiṛi ritu kode bi alodi timele se ibi konyabe ro opana ronye, kpa oso inye lidri Yisaraele ro se kabe ori Samaria ya 'do opanavo 'da, se yauono kayibe u'du kitapara liŋgyiekye drisi iyi.” 13 OPI Mbarapara Mbaraekye kani ata ekye: “Nyeri, ago nyozo miomba zelevoi Yakoba ro ri. 14 Tuse mabe Yisaraele eza sina ta taenji ànyaro rota si, meperena voi tori oloro Betele ro 'da. Otogana cukudrii cini voi tori oloro ro 'da kyiti ago lo'dena 'da gyini drisi. 15 Meperena zoi se ànya kayibe ori kigye meṛi si 'do 'da ndi zoi se ànya kayibe ori kigye duru si be. Ago zoi se abebe tiratiraro liwasi si lo'dena 'da vuru tandro ro, ago zo se cini 'desiro eperena 'da.”
1 People of Israel, listen to this message which the Lord has spoken about you, the entire nation that he brought out of Egypt: 2 “Of all the nations on earth, you are the only one I have known and cared for. That is what makes your sins so terrible, and that is why I must punish you for them.”
The Prophet's Task
3 Do two people start traveling together without arranging to meet?
4 Does a lion roar in the forest unless he has found a victim?
Does a young lion growl in his den unless he has caught something?
5 Does a bird get caught in a trap if the trap has not been baited?
Does a trap spring unless something sets it off?
6 Does the war trumpet sound in a city without making the people afraid?
Does disaster strike a city unless the Lord sends it?
7 The Sovereign Lord never does anything without revealing his plan to his servants, the prophets.
8 When a lion roars, who can keep from being afraid?
When the Sovereign Lord speaks, who can keep from proclaiming his message?
The Doom of Samaria
9 Announce to those who live in the palaces of Egypt and Ashdod: “Gather together in the hills around Samaria and see the great disorder and the crimes being committed there.”
10 The Lord says, “These people fill their mansions with things taken by crime and violence. They don't even know how to be honest. 11 And so an enemy will surround their land, destroy their defenses, and plunder their mansions.”
12 The Lord says, “As a shepherd recovers only two legs or an ear of a sheep that a lion has eaten, so only a few will survive of Samaria's people, who now recline on luxurious couches. 13 Listen now, and warn the descendants of Jacob,” says the Sovereign Lord Almighty. 14 “On the day when I punish the people of Israel for their sins, I will destroy the altars of Bethel. The corners of every altar will be broken off and will fall to the ground. 15 I will destroy winter houses and summer houses. The houses decorated with ivory will fall in ruins; every large house will be destroyed.”