Takado Lu ro Räṛuna
ŋgalu ndaro orivoya äduako.”
2 Mi'ba ànya se OPI kopabe iyi
kedeleyi ata OPI räṛu ro.
Ànya se nda kopabe ni rriti yasi iyi,
3 ago logo ànya te kovole ni 'bakicii atraro yasi,
ni 'buzelesi ago aŋgoyasi ni mä'dudrisi ndi ŋgäṛiŋwadrisi be iyi.

4 Rukäna abayite vocowa yasi
ago niyi kote liti ociro 'bakici ori roya usune.
5 Ànya a'doyite täbiri ro ago gyilu be
ago a'doyite mio'ba ako.
6 Ndi rriti ànyaro ya ànya ziyi OPI te,
ago nda pa ànya te ni rriti ànyaro yasi.
7 Nda lepe ànya te liti ŋgyero yasi
madale ànya sate 'bakici se ànya niyi ndi orine kigye ya.
8 Beṛo ànyari aro'boya oyene OPI ri ta ŋgalu 'duro ndaro rota,
ta tase liŋgyiekye se nda koyebe ànyari rota.
9 Nda kani gyi ozo 'dise gyilu be ri
ago kani ya 'dise täbiri be ro o'ba ogane ŋga kado si.

10 Rukäna ka ugu ori ŋgätini ya ndi vouni be,
kamba'bai ka ugu rueza nyori ya,
11 tana ànya ogboyite ata Lu robe
ago gayi ŋgaemba Ndase Fopara Ndra ono ro tezo.
12 Ologo ànya te vuru losi rritiekye si;
ànya lo'deyite ago 'diaza i'do ànya opane.
13 'Dooko rriti ànyaro ya ànya ziyi OPI te,
ago nda pa ànya te ni rriti ànyaro yasi.
14 Nda lofo ànya te tesi ni ŋgätini ndi vouni be yasi
ago tokye nyori ànyaro te jinyijinyi.
15 Mi'ba ànya koye aro'boya OPI ri ta ŋgalu 'duro ndaro rota,
ta tase liŋgyiekye nda koyebe ànyari rota.
16 Nda kani käläsi atala ro toŋgo
ago kani lori logo ro moci.
17 Rukäna a'dote amamai ro, ta takozi ànyaro rota
ago ta taundiro ànyaro rota ànya ezarute;
18 tokanji ànyaro ŋgaonya za kyete
ago ànya te ti odrane.
19 'Dooko rriti ànyaro ya ànya ziyi OPI te,
ago nda pa ànya te ni rriti ànyaro yasi.
20 Nda ede ànya te ata ndaro si
ago pa ànya te ni odravo yasi.
21 Mi'ba ànya koye aro'boya OPI ri ta ŋgalu 'duro ndaro rota
ta tase liŋgyiekye nda koyebe ànyari rota.
22 Beṛo ànyari aro'boya oyene ndäri torii olosi
ago beṛo tase cini nda koyebe 'do tana itine loŋgo riyä ro oŋgo si.

23 Rukäna dite gyibebelebe ro drisi toŋboi si,
kayi ugu ŋgalogye gyi'desi drisi.
24 Ànya ndreyi tase OPI koyebe te,
taoye liŋgyiekye ndaro orivoya gyi'desi dri.
25 Nda atate, ago oli mbaraekye eto oli te
ago kanda gyi te gbulägbulä,
26 eŋga toŋboi te le kuru,
ago locite vuru voociekye ya.
Rriti oso nonye ono si agoago ànyaro kyete;
27 ànya päliyite ago parayite
oso 'dise fuyibe wa si ronye,
tauni cini ànyaro a'dote orivoya taawiro.
28 'Dooko rriti ànyaro ya ànya ziyi OPI te,
ago nda pa ànya te ni rriti ànyaro yasi.
29 Nda edre oli oligbiriṛi ro te,
ago gbulä gyi ro a'dote ti.
30 Ndi ànya a'doyite yai'dwesi ta edrena rota,
ago nda ezi ànya te londro ro vo edrero se ànya koleyibe ya.
31 Mi'ba ànya koye aro'boya OPI ri ta ŋgalu 'duro ndaro rota,
ta tase liŋgyiekye nda koyebe ànyari rota.
32 Mi'ba ànya käräṛu 'desipara ndaro kalaombivo lidri roya
ago ànya käräṛuyi nda taäyi dri'bai roya.

33 OPI 'ba goloi ni osene gbe
ago 'ba gyi legwalegwaro te gyiniawi ro.
34 Nda 'ba gyini kado te ruenjine täyi ro
ta taenji ànya se koribe kigye kai rota.
35 Nda toza vorriro te cece gyi ro ro
ago toza gyini ṛatara rote gyi udiudi ro.
36 Nda 'ba lidri täbiri ro te orine lau,
ago ànya beyi 'bakici te oriza kigye.
37 Ànya soyi ämvu te ago kyi'diyi doŋgoi kono rote
ago otoyi ŋga jalia ro te amba.
38 OPI äṛu lidri ndaro te, ago ànya litite amba;
nda 'ba äṛigboko ti ànyaro ro kote egone vuru ro.

39 Ondro ape lidri lu ro te ṛe ago ologo te vuru
'dieza si, siomba si ndi ugu rueza be si oko,
40 nda 'ba ànya eza'bai te mawone,
ago 'ba ànya te abane wairo vocowa litiako yasi.
41 Oko nda pa lemeri'bai te ni rueza ànyaro yasi
ago 'ba katidrii ànyaro te litine oso äṛigbokoi koronya 'ba ro ronye.
42 Taŋgye'bai ndreyi tase ono te ago a'doyite yai'dwesi,
oko a'ba takozi'bai cini te a'done titiitiro.

43 Ka'do inye ànya se tavouni be kusuyi ŋga kwoi tana;
ago kuniyi ŋgalu 'duro OPI ro tana.
(Psalms 107–150)
In Praise of God's Goodness
1 “Give thanks to the Lord, because he is good;
his love is eternal!”
2 Repeat these words in praise to the Lord,
all you whom he has saved.
He has rescued you from your enemies
3 and has brought you back from foreign countries,
from east and west, from north and south.

4 Some wandered in the trackless desert
and could not find their way to a city to live in.
5 They were hungry and thirsty
and had given up all hope.
6 Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress.
7 He led them by a straight road
to a city where they could live.
8 They must thank the Lord for his constant love,
for the wonderful things he did for them.
9 He satisfies those who are thirsty
and fills the hungry with good things.

10 Some were living in gloom and darkness,
prisoners suffering in chains,
11 because they had rebelled against the commands of Almighty God
and had rejected his instructions.
12 They were worn out from hard work;
they would fall down, and no one would help.
13 Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress.
14 He brought them out of their gloom and darkness
and broke their chains in pieces.
15 They must thank the Lord for his constant love,
for the wonderful things he did for them.
16 He breaks down doors of bronze
and smashes iron bars.

17 Some were fools, suffering because of their sins
and because of their evil;
18 they couldn't stand the sight of food
and were close to death.
19 Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress.
20 He healed them with his command
and saved them from the grave.
21 They must thank the Lord for his constant love,
for the wonderful things he did for them.
22 They must thank him with sacrifices,
and with songs of joy must tell all that he has done.

23 Some sailed over the ocean in ships,
earning their living on the seas.
24 They saw what the Lord can do,
his wonderful acts on the seas.
25 He commanded, and a mighty wind began to blow
and stirred up the waves.
26 The ships were lifted high in the air
and plunged down into the depths.
In such danger the sailors lost their courage;
27 they stumbled and staggered like drunks—
all their skill was useless.
28 Then in their trouble they called to the Lord,
and he saved them from their distress.
29 He calmed the raging storm,
and the waves became quiet.
30 They were glad because of the calm,
and he brought them safe to the port they wanted.
31 They must thank the Lord for his constant love,
for the wonderful things he did for them.
32 They must proclaim his greatness in the assembly of the people
and praise him before the council of the leaders.

33 The Lord made rivers dry up completely
and stopped springs from flowing.
34 He made rich soil become a salty wasteland
because of the wickedness of those who lived there.
35 He changed deserts into pools of water
and dry land into flowing springs.
36 He let hungry people settle there,
and they built a city to live in.
37 They sowed the fields and planted grapevines
and reaped an abundant harvest.
38 He blessed his people, and they had many children;
he kept their herds of cattle from decreasing.

39 When God's people were defeated and humiliated
by cruel oppression and suffering,
40 he showed contempt for their oppressors
and made them wander in trackless deserts.
41 But he rescued the needy from their misery
and made their families increase like flocks.
42 The righteous see this and are glad,
but all the wicked are put to silence.

43 May those who are wise think about these things;
may they consider the Lord's constant love.