1 OPI atate Maika, se ni 'ba 'desi Moreseta yasi ono ri tu 'dimiri. Yotama, Aza, ago Ezekia 'bädri'bai Yuda ro rosi. Nda ka'da tase cini kwoi te Maika ri ta Samaria ndi Yerusalema be rota.
Liyi ta Samaria ndi Yerusalema be rota
2 Nyèri ta ono, ami tu'dei cini ono;
nyèri ta ono, ami se cini nyàbe ori 'bädri ya ono!
OPI Mbarapara edrena ta 'da ami lomvo.
Nyèri! Nda ka ata ni Yekalu alokado ndaro yasi.
3 OPI ka eziikyi ni vo alokado ndaro yasi;
nda efona 'da vuru ago abana 'da votoŋgo drisi.
4 'Dooko 'bereŋwai alana 'da nda zele
oso epekyiri asi ya ronye;
ànya udina 'da vodelero yasi
oso gyi kabe udi vuru ni lutui drisi 'do ronye.

5 Tase cini ono a'dona ndi inye ta takozi zelevoi Yakoba ro rota ago ta takozi lidri Yisaraele ro rota. Takozi zelevoi Yakoba ro roni e'di ya? Inye'do ṛo ko Samaria ya? Ago inye'do takozi zelevoi Yuda ro roni e'diya? Ṛo ko Yerusalema ya? 6 Ta'dota OPI ekye: “Ka'do inye ma'bana Samaria 'da turu'du ro 'bädri leewero ya, ago vo doŋgo kono ro kyi'diro. Madana 'boloto kuniŋwà 'bakici ro ro 'da vodelero ya, ago mutupina kotopa 'bakici ro 'da. 7 Utufuna lui edeedero cini anyaro 'da jinyijinyi, ŋgase cini ozobe takozi oyeza yekalu anyaro ya 'do azana 'da asi si, ago lui edeedero cini anyaro ro eperena 'da. Tana Samaria ezi ŋgase cini kwoi te lui awi mätuzana, ka'do inye kyila'baazii anyaro uŋgyina anya 'da lozo mätune vo aza ya.”
8 'Dooko Maika atate ekye: “Ta ono ta, miliyina 'da ago ma'bena kuku 'da. Mabana 'da pa awi ro ago bägyuluro. Mogbona 'da oso koba ronye ago miliyina 'da oso aricoroi ronye. 9 Tana laza Samaria ro unina ko ozwane, pereruna 'da le Yuda ya ago ŋgapere osana kpa 'da le dereŋwai lidri maro ro Yerusalema ya ya?”
Kyila'baazi Kate Esa Yerusalema ya
10 Nyìti ta ama opero ṛe ko Gata ya, nyìliyi ko cu alona. Lidri Bete Leafera ro, nyoŋgoṛi andivo amiro durufu ya Beti Leafera ya tausu ka'daza! 11 Ami lidri Safira ro, nyugu oyi driupiro ago bägyuluro. Ami se nyàbe ori Zanana ya, se nyojo ko efone ni 'bakici yasi 'do. Ondro nyèri liyi lidri Betezele ro rote oko, mìnina ndi anjioko ruda'dovo i'do ämiri lau. 12 Tana lidri Marota ro ka ŋgaopa kote turi amba si, tana OPI ezi rriti te lototi Yerusalema lomvo. 13 Nyèmbe ko'di farasii ro arabiai kyila ro lomvo, ami lidri Lakisa ro. Tana mìsote takozi Yisaraele ro voro ago mi'ba Yerusalema te takozi oyene. 14 Ka'do inye, lidri Yuda ro, mìye mede lidri Moreseta Gata ro ri. 'Ba 'desi Akeziba ro odona 'bädri'bai Yisaraele ro 'da.
15 Ami lidri Maresa ro; OPI ezina kyila'baazi 'da kyila oyene ami be. 'Bädri'bai 'desi Yisaraele ro oyina 'da Adulama ya. 16 Lidri Yuda ro, mìvu drî amiro kuṛä nyòtola 'bi amiro ta ŋgwai se nyùlube iyi rota. Mìvu drî amiro kuṛä oso koyi ro ronye, tana äruna ŋgwà amiro 'da midiro ni ami resi.
1 During the time that Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah, the Lord gave this message to Micah, who was from the town of Moresheth. The Lord revealed to Micah all these things about Samaria and Jerusalem.
A Lament for Samaria and Jerusalem
2 Hear this, all you nations;
listen to this, all who live on earth!
The Sovereign Lord will testify against you.
Listen! He speaks from his heavenly temple.
3 The Lord is coming from his holy place;
he will come down and walk on the tops of the mountains.
4 Then the mountains will melt under him
like wax in a fire;
they will pour down into the valleys
like water pouring down a hill.

5 All this will happen because the people of Israel have sinned and rebelled against God. Who is to blame for Israel's rebellion? Samaria, the capital city itself! Who is guilty of idolatry in Judah? Jerusalem itself! 6 So the Lord says, “I will make Samaria a pile of ruins in the open country, a place for planting grapevines. I will pour the rubble of the city down into the valley, and will lay bare the city's foundations. 7 All its precious idols will be smashed to pieces, everything given to its temple prostitutes will be destroyed by fire, and all its images will become a desolate heap. Samaria acquired these things for its fertility rites, and now her enemies will carry them off for temple prostitutes elsewhere.”
8 Then Micah said, “Because of this I will mourn and lament. To show my sorrow, I will walk around barefoot and naked. I will howl like a jackal and wail like an ostrich. 9 Samaria's wounds cannot be healed, and Judah is about to suffer in the same way; destruction has reached the gates of Jerusalem itself, where my people live.”
The Enemy Approaches Jerusalem
10 Don't tell our enemies in Gath about our defeat; don't let them see you weeping. People of Beth Leaphrah, show your despair by rolling in the dust! 11 You people of Shaphir, go into exile, naked and ashamed. Those who live in Zaanan do not dare to come out of their city. When you hear the people of Bethezel mourn, you will know that there is no refuge there. 12 The people of Maroth anxiously wait for relief, because the Lord has brought disaster close to Jerusalem. 13 You that live in Lachish, hitch the horses to the chariots. You imitated the sins of Israel and so caused Jerusalem to sin. 14 And now, people of Judah, say good-bye to the town of Moresheth Gath. The kings of Israel will get no help from the town of Achzib.
15 People of Mareshah, the Lord will hand you over to an enemy, who is going to capture your town. The leaders of Israel will go and hide in the cave at Adullam. 16 People of Judah, cut off your hair in mourning for the children you love. Make yourselves as bald as vultures, because your children will be taken away from you into exile.