Wäṛi 'Ditoko ro Ŋgwa Uti vosi
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye; 2 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri. Mikye ondro ka'do toko aza kuti ŋgwa te agoro, anya a'dona ndi undiro u'duna njidrieri; oso tu anyaro la'bi ro ronye. 3 Ago u'du njidriena si oko, ŋgwa na agoro 'do olone ŋbiṛiro. 4 'Dooko anyari ogo orine u'duna 'butenätu fonätu a'doza wäṛiro ta kari anyaro se korobe 'do rota; beṛo ko anyari ŋgase alokado odone kode ocine Mutuguṛi alokado ya, madale tuse anya wäṛiro okyena lutu.
5 Oko ondro ka'do toko aza kuti ŋgwa te tokoro anya a'dona ndi undiro u'duna 'butealo fosu, oso tu anyaro la'bi ro ronye. 'Dooko anyari a'done undiro u'duna 'butenjidrialo fonjidrialo ta kari anyaro se korobe ana rota.
6 Ondro u'du anya wäṛiro kokyete, kode ta ŋgwa agoro rota, kode ta ŋgwa tokoro rota, 'dooko be anyari timelegogo se ndroa na be alodi 'do ezine kohani ri ecivo Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro roya ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro, ago amoamo kode ä'bu'bu alodi ezine ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota. 7 Ago kohani ri anya ezine OPI kandra, ago oyena ta 'di wäṛiro gwo a'do anyaro undiro 'do onaza; 'dooko anya a'dona ndi wäṛiro ni kari se korobe ana risi. 'Do ota se toko se aza kuti ŋgwaagoro kode ŋgwa tokoro be ri owo.
8 Ondro ka'do toko na 'do kuni kote timelegogo usune, 'dooko be anyari ä'bu'bu ritu kode amoamo ritu ezine, alodi a'done ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro ago alodi a'done ŋgapäṛi ro ta takozi rota; ago kohani ri ta 'diwäṛiro oyene ta anyaro ta, ago anya a'dona ndi wäṛiro.
The Purification of Women after Childbirth
1 The Lord gave Moses the following regulations 2 for the people of Israel. For seven days after a woman gives birth to a son, she is ritually unclean, as she is during her monthly period. 3 On the eighth day, the child shall be circumcised. 4 Then it will be thirty-three more days until she is ritually clean from her loss of blood; she must not touch anything that is holy or enter the sacred Tent until the time of her purification is completed.
5 For fourteen days after a woman gives birth to a daughter, she is ritually unclean, as she is during her monthly period. Then it will be sixty-six more days until she is ritually clean from her loss of blood.
6 When the time of her purification is completed, whether for a son or daughter, she shall bring to the priest at the entrance of the Tent of the Lord's presence a one-year-old lamb for a burnt offering and a pigeon or a dove for a sin offering. 7 The priest shall present her offering to the Lord and perform the ritual to take away her impurity, and she will be ritually clean. This, then, is what a woman must do after giving birth.
8 If the woman cannot afford a lamb, she shall bring two doves or two pigeons, one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering, and the priest shall perform the ritual to take away her impurity, and she will be ritually clean.