Gibeona'bai kayi Yosua Odo
1 'Bädri'bai se cini aŋgoya Yaradene ro yasi, 'bädri luturo yasi, lutui pasi, vo rriro wari Gyi'desi Mediteraneana kalasi yasi le mä'dudriro Lebanona yasi kai eriyi ŋgaopeṛe Yisaraele ro tana te. Kwoi ni 'bädri'bai Ete'bai, Amora'bai, Kanana'bai, Pereza'bai, Iva'bai ndi Jebusa'bai be ro. 2 Ànya otoyikalate kpeye voaloya ukyine kyila oyene Yosua ndi Yisaraele'bai be be.
3 Ondro lidri Gibeona ro se ni Iva'bai kai keriyi tase Yosua koyebe Yeriko ndi Ai be ri ana tana te oko, 4 ànya usuyitate nda odone. Ànya kyi droyi ŋgaonya azaka te guniya se lewalewa ro ya, 'bayite doŋgyii ànyaro drisi tro kuru kyini ro vino ro se reṛote olose mina lose iyi be. 5 Ànya soyi boŋgo nyakacaro ndi mvoka nyakacaro se olose mina lose iyi be te. Ambata se ànya kuruyibe ugu onyane ana te awiro ago fofote. 6 'Dooko ànya oyiyite Yosua re gawa Gilegala ya ya, ago atayite ndäri ndi lidri Yisaraele robe ekye: “Mìkyi ni 'bädri lozo yasi. Màle ämiri tao'bane ama yibe.” 7 Oko lidri Yisaraele ro atayite Iva'bai ri ekye: “Mà tao'ba ami yibe etaya? Azaya nyà ori ṛo loto amare.”
8 Ànya atayite Yosua ri ekye: “Ama orivoya ruindu'bai miro.” Ago Yosua eji ànya te ekye: “Ami a'diyi owo ya? Ago nyìkyi ni eŋwaroya?”
9 'Dooko ànya zayi tadri ndaro te ekye: “Ama ruindu'bai miro mìkyi ni 'bädri lozo yasi, mà'debe ikyine tana mèri liku OPI Lu miro ro te. Meri tase cini nda koyebe Ezipeto ya ana te, 10 ndi tase cini nda koyebe 'bädri'bai ritu Amora'bai ro se 'buzele Yaradene ro yasi: Siona 'bädri'ba Esebona ro ndi Ogo 'bädri'ba Basana robe ri ana tana te, se koriyibe Asetarota ya ana. 11 Ta'doro dri'bai amaro ndi lidri cini se koribe wari amaro ya be atayite ämäri ekye mìru ŋgaonya azaka ta aba lozo amiro ono rota ago mìkyi ànyare. Ama ruindu'bai miro mi'ba tao'ba ama yibe. 12 Mindre, ambata amaro. Tuse màbe efo ni 'bäru ikyine mire ana si, 'dooko drigba orivoya emero. Oko mindre! Yauono wite ago fofote. 13 Tuse màbe vino oso kuru kyini ro vino ro kwoi ya si, Kuru kwoi dri orivoya to'diro, oko mindre! Yauono ànya reṛote. Boŋgo amaro ndi mvoka amaro be lewate ni aba lozo ri.”
14 Ago lidri Yisaraele ro nyayi ŋgaonya azaka se Gibeona'bai kozoyibe te, oko ànya ejiyi OPI kote tana ro. 15 Ago Yosua letadrite a'done bereazii ro lidri Gibeona robe ago 'ba tao'ba te ànya yibe ago 'ba ànya te orine. Ago dri'bai lowa Yisaraele ro ro 'bayi tao'ba lämu'duro te tadriole ana ätine.
16 Toto u'du nätu tadriole tao'ba ana ro vosi oko, Yisaraele'bai eriyi ta te ekye anjioko lidri kai kayi ori lototi ànyare. 17 Ago lidri Yisaraele ro etoyi oyi te ago u'du nina si oko ànya sayite 'bakici se lidri kwoi kayibe ori kigyesi ya: Gibeona, Kefira, Berota ndi Kiriyata Jarima be ana ya. 18 Oko Yisaraele'bai fuyi ànya kote, tana dri'bai ànyaro 'bayi tao'baro lämu'duro te ànya yibe, ävuru OPI Lu, Yisaraele ro rosi. 'Dooko lidri cini vidrite dri'bai be ta ono ta, 19 oko dri'bai zayitadrite ekye: “Mà'ba tao'baro lämu'duro te ànyari ävuru OPI Lu Yisaraele ro rosi ta'doro yauono mä̀ni kote ànya oyene koziro. 20 Ono ni tase aza ämäri oyene ànyari owo, be ämäri ànya e'bene orine ta tao'baro amaro ànyari rota; ukyi Lu eza ama 'da. 21 Mi'ba ànya kori, oko ànyari ice ogane ago gyi luwine ämäri. 'Doni tase dri'bai katayibe ta ànya rota owo.”
22 Yosua ozotate lidri Gibeona ro ezine ndare, ago nda eji ànya te ekye: “Tana e'di mì'de gwo ama odone, ago atane ämäri ekye nyàori lozo, oko se aza nyàori gi loto amare noŋwa niya? 23 Tana mìye tase ono bete inye 'do, Lu tri ami te. Lidri amiro a'dona te ondoalo iyeäṛii ro, ice ogane ago gyi luwine ta zo Lu maro rota.”
24 Ànya zayitadri Yosua rote ekye: “Mà'debe oyene inye, tana iti tate ama ruindu'bai miro ri ekye taŋgye ro OPI Lu amiro ozo ota te ruindu'ba ndaro Musa ri wari se ono ozone kpeye ämiri ago lidri se cini koribe kigye ono tufune kpeye ni ami milesi. Ta'doro mà'do te turiro ni ämiri mà'dote turiro ta adri amaro rota 'bani mà'de gwo tase ono oyene nonye. 25 Yauono ama te orivoya mbara amiro zele; mìye tase ŋgye nyùsube oyene ämäri 'do teri.” 26 Ta'dota tase Yosua koyebe ni no: nda gaga ànya te ago laga lidri Yisaraele ro tezo ni ànya tufuvoya. 27 Oko tugi ana si Yosua 'ba ànya te a'done iyeäṛii ro, ice ogane ago gyi luwine lidri Yisaraele ro ri ago ta vo tori oloro OPI ro rota. Ca le tu gi ono ya ànya uguyi losi ono oyete vose OPI kabe onjina nda mätuza kigye ana ya.
The Gibeonites Deceive Joshua
1 The victories of Israel became known to all the kings west of the Jordan—in the hills, in the foothills, and all along the coastal plain of the Mediterranean Sea as far north as Lebanon; these were the kings of the Hittites, the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites. 2 They all came together and joined forces to fight against Joshua and the Israelites.
3 But the people of Gibeon, who were Hivites, heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and Ai, 4 and they decided to deceive him. They went and got some food and loaded their donkeys with worn-out sacks and patched-up wineskins. 5 They put on ragged clothes and worn-out sandals that had been mended. The bread they took with them was dry and moldy. 6 Then they went to the camp at Gilgal and said to Joshua and the Israelites, “We have come from a distant land. We want you to make a treaty with us.”
7 But the Israelites said, “Why should we make a treaty with you? Maybe you live nearby.”
8 They said to Joshua, “We are at your service.”
Joshua asked them, “Who are you? Where do you come from?”
9 Then they told him this story: “We have come from a very distant land, sir, because we have heard of the Lord your God. We have heard about everything that he did in Egypt 10 and what he did to the two Amorite kings east of the Jordan: King Sihon of Heshbon and King Og of Bashan, who lived in Ashtaroth. 11 Our leaders and all the people that live in our land told us to get some food ready for a trip and to go and meet you. We were told to put ourselves at your service and ask you to make a treaty with us. 12 Look at our bread. When we left home with it and started out to meet you, it was still warm. But look! Now it is dry and moldy. 13 When we filled these wineskins, they were new, but look! They are torn. Our clothes and sandals are worn out from the long trip.”
14 The Israelites accepted some food from them, but did not consult the Lord about it. 15 Joshua made a treaty of friendship with the people of Gibeon and allowed them to live. The leaders of the community of Israel gave their solemn promise to keep the treaty.
16 Three days after the treaty had been made, the Israelites learned that these people did indeed live nearby. 17 So the people of Israel started out and three days later arrived at the cities where these people lived: Gibeon, Chephirah, Beeroth, and Kiriath Jearim. 18 But the Israelites could not kill them, because their leaders had made a solemn promise to them in the name of the Lord, Israel's God. All the people complained to the leaders about this, 19 but they answered, “We have made our solemn promise to them in the name of the Lord God of Israel. Now we cannot harm them. 20 We must let them live because of our promise; if we don't, God will punish us. 21 Let them live, but they will have to cut wood and carry water for us.” This was what the leaders suggested.
22 Joshua ordered the people of Gibeon to be brought to him, and he asked them, “Why did you deceive us and tell us that you were from far away, when you live right here? 23 Because you did this, God has condemned you. Your people will always be slaves, cutting wood and carrying water for the sanctuary of my God.”
24 They answered, “We did it, sir, because we learned that it was really true that the Lord your God had commanded his servant Moses to give you the whole land and to kill the people living in it as you advanced. We did it because we were terrified of you; we were in fear of our lives. 25 Now we are in your power; do with us what you think is right.” 26 So this is what Joshua did: he protected them and did not allow the people of Israel to kill them. 27 But at the same time he made them slaves, to cut wood and carry water for the people of Israel and for the Lord's altar. To this day they have continued to do this work in the place where the Lord has chosen to be worshiped.