1 Aba drî maro a'do gwo koro gyi ro
ago mi maro a'do gwo miendre be amba,
tana miliyi robe kitu ndi ŋgäkyi cini be si.
Ta lidri maro se utufube kwoi rota.
2 Aba ma'do gwo vo aza be oriza vo rriri se siŋwa ro ya,
'dooko me'bena lidri maro go
ago ma'dona gwo pere ni ànya resi.
Tana ànya cini orivoya ta'diriako,
ago gboko driozo'bai ro.
3 Ànya kayi ladra ànyaro ede nja oso kusu ronye kowe ogaza;
ta'diriako teni ndra taŋgye risi wari ono ya.

OPI ka ata ekye:
“Lidri maro kayi takozi oye azivo azivo,
ago niyi ma kote Lu ànyaro ro.”

4 Beṛo 'dicini ri a'done miomba be ni bereazi ndaro ri,
ago ko taoyine ädrupi ndaro ya;
tana vo ädrupii cini ro orivoya 'diodo'bai ro.
Ago 'dicini ka bereazi ndaro kyerena.
5 Vo ànya cini ro kayi bereazii ànyaro odona,
ago 'diaza iti taŋgye kote;
Ànya embayi ladra ànyaro te kowe ogane
ànya kayi takozi oye
ago niyi kote drietane.
6 Ànya kayi siomba oye azivo azivo,
ago kayi ŋgaodo oye azivo azivo.
OPI ka ata ekye lidri ndaro gayi nda zo.

7 Tana ta'doro OPI Mbaraekye ka ata ekye:
“Mäwäṛina lidri maro 'da ago mojona ta ànyaro 'da.
Tana mayena e'di, ta ànyaro ta ya?
8 Ladra ànyaro orivoya oso ätu se äṛi be iyi ronye;
kayi alo koweoga ayani.
'Dicini ka takado ata ayani oriazi ndaro ri kala si,
oko ya ndaro nda ka abari o'be ayani anyari.
9 Inye'do ma OPI märi ànya ezane ta ŋgase kwoi rota te i'do ya?
Inye'do märi votaro logone tu'de anya oso nonye ono rri i'do ya?
Ma, OPI, matani.”

10 Matate makye: “Ma'bena kuku 'da ta 'bereŋwai rota
ago miliyina 'da ta lowoi rota,
tana ànya te awi,
ago 'diaza aba kote ànya yasi.
Eri kporo ti ro kote tona;
arii ndi koronyai cowa robe muyite ago oyiyite.”
11 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ma'bana Yerusalema 'da a'done tandro ro ago turu'du ro,
orivo ro kobai ri;
ago ma'bana 'bakicii Yuda ro a'dona 'da tandroro
'diaza ri orine kigye i'do.”

12 Mejitate makye: “OPI, a'di ni tavouni be ndra ta ono tazevona unine ya? Nyedre tazevona a'di ri tana nda kiti tana robe azii riya? Tana e'di wari ono a'do gwo awi ago rriro oso vocowa ronye, se 'ba 'diaza aba kote kigyesi niya?”
13 OPI zatadrite ekye: “Tase ono ko'debe a'done tana lidri maro e'beyi ŋgaemba se mozobe ànyari ono te. Ànya royi ma kote ago yeyi tase matabe ànyari ono kote. 14 Ànya go a'doyi ro taeriako, ago mätuyi lui awi Bala ro te oso täpii ànyaro kembayi ànya be ronye. 15 Ka'do inye, nyeri ta tase Ma, OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro ma oye be oyene ono: Mozona ŋgaluru osoekye 'da lidri maro ri onyane ndi gyi äṛi ro be umvune. 16 Meperena ànya 'da tu'dei se ca ànya ca zutui ànyaro keriyi tana ko iyi lakosi, ago mazona kyila'bai 'da ànya dri madale mutufuna ànya lutu kpeye.”
Lidri Yerusalema ro ka Driayo ta Ŋgaopa rota
17 OPI Mbaraekye ka atani nonye ekye:
“Nyùsuta, ago mìzi ruṛuo'be'bai ikyine!
mìzo lazo 'ditoko se kayibe ṛoni ruṛuo'be iyi vo.”

18 Lidri atate ekye:
“Mi'ba ànyari ikyine ndrindri ago ruṛu avo ro o'bane ämäri,
tana miendre koga robe twi mi amaro yasi,
ago mikyiri amaro kudu robe ni liyi ri.”

19 Eri kporo liyi ro te Zaiona ya se ekye:
“Epere vo amaro te tandro ro!
Ama te cu driupiro! Me'be wari amaro te;
tana epere 'ba amaro te riya.”

20 Matate makye:
“Nyèri ta OPI ro, ami 'ditoko,
ago mìga bi ata ndaro erine.
Nyèmba ndiriŋwa amiro ruṛu o'bene,
ago nyèmba bereazii amiro cirionya si.
21 Tana odra kate eci piṛi zo amaro ro yasi
ago ecite zo'desi amaro miri roya;
kate ŋgàga toga litiŋwai drisi
ago kate agoànji toga vo ŋgalogyero yasi.
22 Avo lidri ro lo'dete vo cini yasi
oso tamo se avobe ämvu yasi 'do ronye,
oso inya olo'bai kolo inya te oko kayibe e'bena kovole 'do ronye,
se 'diaza ni kote kotone 'do.
Ono ni tase OPI katabe märi itine owo.”

23 OPI ka atani nonye ekye:
“Ko lidri se tavouni be iyi ri driuŋgyine ta tavouni ànyaro rota,
ca lidri se mbara be iyi ko driuŋgyine ta mbara ànyaro rota,
ca lidri se ŋgadriamba be iyi ko driuŋgyine ta ŋgaamba ànyaro rota.
24 Oko 'diaza kolete driuŋgyine,
ndäri driuŋgyine ondro ka'do nda ni tazevo maro te ago ni ma te,
anjioko ma ni OPI se ŋgalu 'duro,
ta'diri ndi taŋgye be oyena 'bädri ya owo.
Kwoi ni ŋgase tana kabe ma usi owo.
Ma, OPI, matani.”

25 OPI ka ata ekye: “Tu ka oye esane se mezana lidri se cini alote ŋbiṛiro oko oso aloko ŋbiṛiro iyi, 26 Ezipeto, Yuda, Edoma, Amona, Moaba ndi lidri se koribe vorriro siŋgwa ro ya iyi be 'da, se otolo drikyiri ànyaro drina te iyi. Tana tu'dei se cini kwoi alo kote ŋgiṛiro, ago lidri cini Yisaraele ro ätiyi tao'ba maro kote.”
1 I wish my head were a well of water,
and my eyes a fountain of tears,
so that I could cry day and night
for my people who have been killed.
2 I wish I had a place to stay in the desert
where I could get away from my people.
They are all unfaithful,
a mob of traitors.
3 They are always ready to tell lies;
dishonesty instead of truth rules the land.

The Lord says,
“My people do one evil thing after another
and do not acknowledge me as their God.”

4 Everyone must be on guard against their friends,
and no one can trust their relatives;
for all relatives are as deceitful as Jacob,
and everyone slanders their friends.
5-6 They all mislead their friends,
and no one tells the truth;
they have taught their tongues to lie
and will not give up their sinning.
They do one violent thing after another,
and one deceitful act follows another.

The Lord says that his people reject him.
7 Because of this the Lord Almighty says,
“I will refine my people like metal
and put them to the test.
My people have done evil—
what else can I do with them?
8 Their tongues are like deadly arrows;
they always tell lies.
Everyone speaks friendly words to their neighbors,
but they are really setting a trap for them.
9 Will I not punish them for these things?
Will I not take revenge on a nation like this?
I, the Lord, have spoken.”

10 I said, “I will mourn for the mountains
and weep for the pastures,
because they have dried up,
and no one travels through them.
The sound of livestock is no longer heard;
birds and wild animals have fled and gone.”

11 The Lord says, “I will make Jerusalem a pile of ruins,
a place where jackals live;
the cities of Judah will become a desert,
a place where no one lives.”

12 I asked, “Lord, why is the land devastated and dry as a desert, so that no one travels through it? Who is wise enough to understand this? To whom have you explained it so that they can tell others?”
13 The Lord answered, “This has happened because my people have abandoned the teaching that I gave them. They have not obeyed me or done what I told them. 14 Instead, they have been stubborn and have worshiped the idols of Baal as their ancestors taught them to do. 15 So then, listen to what I, the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, will do: I will give my people bitter plants to eat and poison to drink. 16 I will scatter them among nations that neither they nor their ancestors have heard about, and I will send armies against them until I have completely destroyed them.”
The People of Jerusalem Cry Out for Help
17 The Lord Almighty said,
“Think about what is happening!
Call for the mourners to come,
for the women who sing funeral songs.”

18 The people said,
“Tell them to hurry and sing a funeral song for us,
until our eyes fill with tears,
and our eyelids are wet from crying.”

19 Listen to the sound of crying in Zion:
“We are ruined!
We are completely disgraced!
We must leave our land;
our homes have been torn down.”

20 I said,
“Listen to the Lord, you women,
and pay attention to his words.
Teach your daughters how to mourn,
and your friends how to sing a funeral song.
21 Death has come in through our windows
and entered our palaces;
it has cut down the children in the streets
and the young men in the marketplaces.
22 Dead bodies are scattered everywhere,
like piles of manure on the fields,
like grain cut and left behind by the reapers,
grain that no one gathers.
This is what the Lord has told me to say.”

23 The Lord says,
“The wise should not boast of their wisdom,
nor the strong of their strength,
nor the rich of their wealth.
24 If any want to boast,
they should boast that they know and understand me,
because my love is constant,
and I do what is just and right.
These are the things that please me.
I, the Lord, have spoken.”

25-26 The Lord says, “The time is coming when I will punish the people of Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab, and the desert people, who have their hair cut short. All these people are circumcised, but have not kept the covenant it symbolizes. None of these people and none of the people of Israel have kept my covenant.”