Taezaro Lu ro Ogbo'bai ri
1 OPI atate ekye: “Ma orivoya nja tadri lidri maro se kämätuyi ma ca ko kwoi ro ozane. Ma orivoya nja usune ànya se kuṛiyi ma ca ko iyi ri. Matate tu'de gyi mätu ma kote ono ri makye, ‘Ma begi ono.’ 2 Ondoalo ma orivoya nja lidri se ogbo'bai ro kwoi opane, se kayi tase koziro oyena ago kayi oso taoye modo ànyaro ro voro. 3 Ànya kayi ugu ma o'ba kyilaro lädruro. Ànya kayi torii olo lui awi ri ämvui alokado yasi ago kayi ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro ozana vo tori oloro obe obe ro drisi. 4 Ànya kayi ori 'budrii lakosi ago kayi ori ŋgäkyi si tori avoi ro ejine. Ànya kayi iza kizwe ro onyana, ago lakaza ànyaro orivoya izagyi iza se ko wäṛiro ono robe. 5 'Dooko ànya kayi ata azii ri ekye: ‘Nyàna ami lozo nyèswe ko ti malomvo; tana adi ma te to ni ämiri.’ Lidri kwoi oso kätu ronye komvo maro ya, ago oso asi se uzweako 'do ronye.
6 “Mìndre tase kope vure ànyaro be ono egyite vuru makandra. Mänina ko a'done titiro, oko mologona votaro ndi. Mologona votaro ndi ànya modo ri, 7 ta takozi ànyaro rota ago ta takozi zutui ànyaro rota. Ànya lozayi ŋga ŋgutruro te lu awi ri 'bereŋwai drisi ago atayi tate koziro malomvo lutui drisi. Ta'doro mezana ànya 'da oso se sibe ànya ezane taoye kyeno ànyaro ana ta ronye.”
8 OPI ka ata ekye: “Ondro ka'do gyi ka'do drigba doŋgo kono roya lidri enji doŋgo kono ro kote tana ànya ekye ŋgakado orivoya kigye kpa inye ta ruindu'bai maro rosi mänina ko lidri maro tufune kpeye. 9 Märuna zelevoi Yakoba ro se 'bakala Yuda ro ono 'da, ago urunayi wari se 'bereŋwai be ono 'da. Lidri onjionji maro urunayi 'da ago ruindu'bai maro, orinayi 'da lau. 10 Lidri maro se kabe ma mätu iyi lepenayi timele ndi ti ànyaro be 'da ŋga onyane ago u'dune lowo luru se Vorriro Sarona roya ana ya ago Vodelero Rriti ro ana ya.
11 “Oko ami se nyàbe ma OPI e'be, ago mitita Zaiona lutu alokado maro ro ko, ago nyàbe Gada ndi Meni be, lu se kandrakado ndi kandrakozi robe mätuna ono; 12 mazona ami 'da kyila ya ago utufuna ami cini 'da tana mäzi ami be nyèpe ko ago matabe nyèri ko. Oko miye gwo tase undiro ma mile 'do ago mìnji gwo ŋgase maleko 'do ayani. 13 Tana ta'doro ma OPI Mbarapara ma taiti ämiri makye ruindu'bai maro onyanayi ŋga 'da oko nya'dona 'da täbiri ro; ànya umvunayi ŋga 'da oko nyà'dona 'da gyilu be. Ànya a'donayi 'da riyä si, oko nyà'dona 'da driupiro. 14 Ànya oŋgonayi loŋgo 'da riyä si, oko nyìliyina 'da tusu si ago mì'bena kuku 'da tusu amba si. 15 Lidri onjionji maro otrinayi latri 'da ävuru amiro si. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, mutufuna ami 'da. Oko mozona ävuru to'di 'da ruindu'bai maro ri. 16 'Dise kabe taeji ta äṛu rota wari ono ya ejina ta 'da Lu ta'diri'ba ri ni yi äṛune. 'Dise kabe ruäṛu wari ono ya äṛuruna 'da ävuru Lu ta'diri'ba rosi. Rriti cini se kyeno kai tana okyena 'da ago mijena tana 'da.”
Ŋgao'ba To'di
17 OPI ka ata ekye: “Mate 'bädri to'di ndi vo'buyakuru to'di be o'bana. Tase cini ka'dobe kyeno kai ijena tana 'da kpeye ago ayina tana ko tona. 18 Nyà'do yai'dwesi ago riyä si äduako ŋgase mabe o'bana ono tana ro. Yerusalema to'di se mabe o'bana ono a'dona 'da twi riyä be, ago lidri na a'donayi 'da riyä si. 19 Ma'dona 'da twi riyä be ta Yerusalema rota, ago yai'dwesi ta lidri maro rota. Liyi a'dona i'do lau, ndi liyi ruezaro be. 20 Ŋgwà luruŋwa ri odrane kyeno giṛiŋwà ro lau i'do, ca agoambago se konde ori ndaro äduna driko 'do. Ànya se kayibe ori le ndroa na kama alo (100) iyi landrenayi 'da osoago drigba kayi omba to'diro; ago ànya se kodrate teinye ndroa 'do ri osaako, anjioko 'do atri ànya te. 21 Lidri obenayi zoi 'da orinayi 'da kigyesi. Ànya kyi'dinayi ice konoro 'da ago onyanayi doŋgo nai 'da. 22 Lidri maro obenayi zo 'da ago lidri to unina koni orine kigye. Anya kyi'dinayi ŋga 'da ago lidri to unina koni ŋgana onyane, lidri maro orinayi 'da madaro, oso ice ronye. Ànya njäkyinayi 'da madaro ŋga cini se ànya koyeyi losina be iyi si. 23 Ànya uninayi ko losi oyene voawi ya, ago ŋgàga ànyaro unina ko drio'bene rriti be, tana mäṛuna ànya 'da ndi zelevoi ànyaro be. 24 Mazana tadri ànyaro 'da teinye dri ànyari mätu ako, merina mätu ànyari 'da 'dooko ànya dri ugu mätuvoya. 25 Ihwii ndi timele be onyanayi ŋga 'da voaloya; ibii onyanayi käyi moyo 'da oso tii kayibe onyana ronye, ago inii onyanayi te durufu ayani. Ànya uninayi kote ŋgaaza oyene koziro kode 'diaza oyene koziro lutu alokado maro dri.”
God's Punishment of the Rebellious
1 The Lord said, “I was ready to answer my people's prayers, but they did not pray. I was ready for them to find me, but they did not even try. The nation did not pray to me, even though I was always ready to answer, ‘Here I am; I will help you.’ 2 I have always been ready to welcome my people, who stubbornly do what is wrong and go their own way. 3 They shamelessly keep on making me angry. They offer pagan sacrifices at sacred gardens and burn incense on pagan altars. 4 At night they go to caves and tombs to consult the spirits of the dead. They eat pork and drink broth made from meat offered in pagan sacrifices. 5 And then they say to others, ‘Keep away from us; we are too holy for you to touch!’ I cannot stand people like that—my anger against them is like a fire that never goes out.
6 “I have already decided on their punishment, and their sentence is written down. I will not overlook what they have done, but will repay them 7 for their sins and the sins of their ancestors. They have burned incense at pagan hill shrines and spoken evil of me. So I will punish them as their past deeds deserve.”
8 The Lord says, “No one destroys good grapes; instead, they make wine with them. Neither will I destroy all my people—I will save those who serve me. 9 I will bless the Israelites who belong to the tribe of Judah, and their descendants will possess my land of mountains. My chosen people, who serve me, will live there. 10 They will worship me and will lead their sheep and cattle to pasture in the Plain of Sharon in the west and in Trouble Valley in the east.
11 “But it will be different for you that forsake me, who ignore Zion, my sacred hill, and worship Gad and Meni, the gods of luck and fate. 12 It will be your fate to die a violent death, because you did not answer when I called you or listen when I spoke. You chose to disobey me and do evil. 13 And so I tell you that those who worship and obey me will have plenty to eat and drink, but you will be hungry and thirsty. They will be happy, but you will be disgraced. 14 They will sing for joy, but you will cry with a broken heart. 15 My chosen people will use your name as a curse. I, the Sovereign Lord, will put you to death. But I will give a new name to those who obey me. 16 Anyone in the land who asks for a blessing will ask to be blessed by the faithful God. Whoever takes an oath will swear by the name of the faithful God. The troubles of the past will be gone and forgotten.”
The New Creation
17 The Lord says, “I am making a new earth and new heavens. The events of the past will be completely forgotten. 18 Be glad and rejoice forever in what I create. The new Jerusalem I make will be full of joy, and her people will be happy. 19 I myself will be filled with joy because of Jerusalem and her people. There will be no weeping there, no calling for help. 20 Babies will no longer die in infancy, and all people will live out their life span. Those who live to be a hundred will be considered young. To die before that would be a sign that I had punished them. 21-22 People will build houses and get to live in them—they will not be used by someone else. They will plant vineyards and enjoy the wine—it will not be drunk by others. Like trees, my people will live long lives. They will fully enjoy the things that they have worked for. 23 The work they do will be successful, and their children will not meet with disaster. I will bless them and their descendants for all time to come. 24 Even before they finish praying to me, I will answer their prayers. 25 Wolves and lambs will eat together; lions will eat straw, as cattle do, and snakes will no longer be dangerous. On Zion, my sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil.”