Sairasi Ta Yudai Te Ogone Kovole
1 Ndroa käti Sairasi 'bädri'ba Peresia ro rosi oko, ata OPI ro se nda katabe Yeremaya si ana sate mina ya, OPI eŋga ya Sairasi 'bädri'ba Peresia ro rote ago nda ayotate 'bädri cini se nda kabe mirina yasi ago egyi kpate taegyi si ekye:
2 “Ono ni tase Sairasi 'bädri'ba Peresia ro katabe owo: OPI Lu Vo'buyakuru ro, ozo miri 'bädri cini ro te märi ago nda ta ma te yekalu obene ndäri Yerusalema ya, Yuda ya. 3 'Dise cini ndaro ami lako Lu ka'do tro nda yibe. Mi'ba nda kogo Yerusalema ya, Yuda ya, ago kogo kobe Yekalu OPI Lu Yisaraele ro, Lu se orivoya Yerusalema ya 'do. 4 Ago Yudai se cini kotabe vose ànya kayibe ori kigyesi yasi, 'dise cini kayibe ori Yudai be iyi kopayi Yudai mo'di si, logo läguläguro si, ŋga azaka si ndi ti be, ago kozoyi ŋgapäṛi dritai ro ta Yekalu OPI ro se Yerusalema ya ana rota.”
5 'Dooko dri'bai käläsikalai Yuda ro ro ndi Benjamina ro robe, kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be, ndi 'dicini se Lu kodo ya na be iyi a'doyite nja oyine Yekalu OPI ro ogo obene Yerusalema ya. 6 'Dise cini oriazii ànyaro kai payi ànya te lakazà mo'di ro, logo läguläguro ro, lakazà azaka ndi koronyai 'ba robe ndi ŋgapäṛi lagyeamba azaka be ozona si dritai ro.
7 'Bädri'ba Sairasi lofo lakazà yekalu ro se 'Bädri'ba Nebukadenezara kurube ni Yekalu yasi Yerusalema ya, ago ko'babe zo lui ndaro ro ya kai te. 8 Nda ozo ŋgase kwoi te Miteredata dri'ba lakazà miriro vona ondre ro rigye, se ti ànya te Sesebazara wari'ba Yuda ro ri. 9 Ago ono ni oti ànyaro: Saani logo läguläguro ro orivoya 'butenätu, saani mo'di ro orivoya kutu alo (1,000), saani beti toto azaka orivoya 'buteritu fonjidriesu, 10 saani giṛiŋwà logo läguläguro ro orivoya 'butenätu, saani giṛiŋwà mo'di ro orivoya kama su 'butealo (410) ago lakazà azaka orivoya kutu alo (1,000); 11 saani se cini logo läguläguro ro ndi mo'di ro be cini orivoya kutu nji kama su (5,400), Sesebazara ezi ànya cini te Yerusalema ya tuse nda ndi 'dise azaka ärube midiro kai be kayibe ego ni Babelona yasi ana si.
Cyrus Commands the Jews to Return
1 In the first year that Cyrus of Persia was emperor, the Lord made what he had said through the prophet Jeremiah come true. He prompted Cyrus to issue the following command and send it out in writing to be read aloud everywhere in his empire:
2 “This is the command of Cyrus, Emperor of Persia. The Lord, the God of Heaven, has made me ruler over the whole world and has given me the responsibility of building a temple for him in Jerusalem in Judah. 3 May God be with all of you who are his people. You are to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple of the Lord, the God of Israel, the God who is worshiped in Jerusalem. 4 If any of his people in exile need help to return, their neighbors are to give them this help. They are to provide them with silver and gold, supplies and pack animals, as well as offerings to present in the Temple of God in Jerusalem.”
5 Then the heads of the clans of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, the priests and Levites, and everyone else whose heart God had moved got ready to go and rebuild the Lord's Temple in Jerusalem. 6 All their neighbors helped them by giving them many things: silver utensils, gold, supplies, pack animals, other valuables, and offerings for the Temple.
7 Emperor Cyrus gave them back the bowls and cups that King Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the Temple in Jerusalem and had put in the temple of his gods. 8 He handed them over to Mithredath, chief of the royal treasury, who made an inventory of them for Sheshbazzar, the governor of Judah, 9-10 as follows:

gold bowls for offerings 30silver bowls for offerings 1,000other bowls 29small gold bowls 30small silver bowls 410other utensils 1,000
11 In all there were 5,400 gold and silver bowls and other articles which Sheshbazzar took with him when he and the other exiles went from Babylon to Jerusalem.