Lu ozo Mana ndi Gbuṛukyere be te Lidri Yisaraele ro ri
1 Yisaraele'bai cini oyiyite ni Elima yasi ago ikyiyite vocowa Sina roya, se orivoya lakole Elima ro ndi Sinai be ya; ànya esayite lau u'du 'butealo fonji imba ṛiri ro 'bädri Ezipeto ro e'bena ànyari vosi. 2 Ago lowa cini Yisaraele'bai ro viyidrite Musa ndi Arona be dri vocowa ya, 3 ago atayite ànyari ekye: “Aba ṛo kado ämäri OPI kufu ama go ṛo 'bädri Ezipeto roya owo, lau màrite vuru ago mànya iza te ago mànya ŋgaonya azaka te oso se màlebe ronye. Oko nyòlofo ama te tesi vocowa ono ya ama tufune kpeye täbiri si.”
4 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Yauono moye ambata edane ni vo'buyakuru yasi ami cini ri. Beṛo lidri ri ofone tesi tu cini si ŋgaonya se ojona anya be tu 'do ro otone. Tana liti ono yasi mojona ta ànyaro ndi: kode ànya osonayi gi'da ota maro vo kode ko. 5 U'du njidrialo si ondro ànya kayite ezina, ànyari ezine amba 'bäru, a'done u'du ritu ro.”
6 Ago Musa ndi Arona be atayite lidri cini Yisaraele ro ri ekye: “Tandrole ono si mìnina ndi anjioko OPI ni se kolofo ami be tesi ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi owo. 7 Kyenoŋbo si mìndrena lägu ŋgaeyi OPI ro ro 'da. Tana nda eri driovi amiro nda lomvo ono te. Ago ama a'di yi owo ämiri driovine ama lomvo niya?” 8 Ago Musa atate ekye: “OPI ozona iza 'da ämiri onyane tandrolesi ago kyenoŋbosi ozona ambata 'da amba ämiri onyane, oso mìlebe ronye; tana nda eri driovi amiro se nyàbe ovina nda lomvo ono tana te. Ama a'diyi owo ya? Driovi amiro ko ama lomvo oko OPI lomvo ayani.”
9 Musa atate Arona ri ekye: “Nyata lowa cini Yisaraele ro ri ikyine edrene OPI kandra, tana nda eri driovi ànyaro te.” 10 Ondro Arona ka ugu ata lowa cini ri oko, ànya zayimite vocowa driro, ago dori lägu ŋgaeyi OPI ro ro ka'darute 'dikolo ya. 11 Ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 12 “Meri driovi lidri Yisaraele rote. Nyata ànyari mikye, kitu ocivoya oko ànya a'donayi 'da iza be onyàne ago kyenoŋbo si ànya a'donayi 'da ambata se cini ànya koleyibe be. 'Dooko ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma OPI, ma ni orivoya Lu ànyaro.”
13 Tandrolesi oko lowa gbuṛukyere ro elite ago nde lomvo gawa rote gbikyi; ago kyenoŋbosi nduruṛi sote gbikyi gawa lomvosi. 14 Ondro nduruṛi kalayate oko, ŋga azaka kye'begyeŋwà ro onjero ŋga okooko ronye vocowa yasi lo'dete gyini vocowa ro dri. 15 Ondro lidri Yisaraele ro kondreyite oko, ànya ejiyi azi te ekye: “'Do e'diyi ya?” Tana ànya niyi kote kode e'diyi.
Musa atate ànyari ekye: “'Do orivoya ni ambata se OPI kozobe ämiri onyane owo. 16 Ono ni tase OPI kata be owo ekye, vo amiro cini nyòto ri amba, oso se 'dina 'do ni ndi onyane ronye. Mìru koma alo 'di alo ri oso oti lidri ro se 'dina 'do be sina zo boŋgo ro ndaro ya 'do voro.”
17 Ago lidri Yisaraele ro yeyite oso inye; rukäna otote amba ago rukäna ro fere. 18 Oko ondro ànya kojoyite koma si oko, nda se kotobe amba drina aza fo kote ndra, ago nda se kotobe fereŋwa 'do le kinjana aza kote; 'di alo otote oso se nda kolebe onyane ronye. 19 Ago Musa atate ànyari ekye: “Mì'ba 'diaza ke'be azana ko orine le kyenoŋbo si.” 20 Caoko azaka ànyaro eriyi ta Musa ro kote; rukäna e'be anjokona te orine le kyenoŋbo si, ago ti kyiri te ago eto uŋgu te, ago Musa a'dote kyilaro ànya be. 21 Ànya ugu otona te kyenoŋbo cini si, 'di alo otote amba oso nda kunibe onyane ronye, tana ondro kitu kemete oko ŋgase ke'bebe gyini dri iyi alate.
22 U'du njidrialo si ànya otoyi ŋgaonya te tana u'du ritu, koma ritu 'di alo ri, ago ondro dri'bai cini lowa ro kikyite tana itine Musa ri oko, 23 nda atate ànyari ekye: “Ono ni tase OPI kozo otana be owo. Ondo 'do orivoya tu alokado yi ma OPI ri. Mì'be ŋgase mìlebe o'bene ri, ago nyàla'di ŋgase mìlebe la'dine ri. Ago ŋgase aza anjokona kabe e'be 'do nyèta ri ta ondo rota.” 24 Ago ànya etayi ŋga anjoko se kota be te le kyenoŋbo si, oso Musa kota ànya be ronye, ago tasa kote ago kyiri a'do kote kigye. 25 Musa atate ekye: “Mìnya ànya ri ondro, tana ondro ono orivoya Sabata yi, tu Opi ro loliro ondro ono ämiri ànya usune gawa lomvosi te i'do. 26 Beṛo ämiri ŋgaonya otone u'du njidrialo; oko u'du njidrieri orivoya Sabata yi, unina ko a'done kigye alona.”
27 Caoko lidri azaka oyite ŋgaonya kotone u'du njidrieri si, oko ànya usuyi ŋga aza kote. 28 Ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Ami lidri ono, nyàoye ota maro ogane zo ndi ŋgaemba maro be tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya? 29 Mìndre, ma OPI, ma'ba Sabata te ämiri tu loliro ro. Ta'dota u'du njidrialo ya mozo ŋgaonya u'du ritu rote. 'Di alo ri orine vo iro yasi, ko 'diaza alo ri ofone tesi ni vo ndaro yasi u'du njidrieri si.” 30 Ta'dota lidri ye losi kote u'du njidrieri si.
31 Lidri Yisaraele ro ziyi ävuru ŋgaonya se ana rote mana. Laba orivoya oso keci kwari ro ronye, onjero, ago ndeṛina oso ambata se a'bebe epe si ronye. 32 Musa atate ekye: “OPI ta ama te mana etane kama alo zelevoi amaro ri, tana ànya kondreyi ambata se nda kozobe ämäri onyane vocowa ya robe, tuse nda kolofo ama be ni 'bädri Ezipeto roya si.” 33 Musa atate Arona ri ekye: “Miru lakaza aza, ago mi'ba koma alo mana ro kigye ago mi'ba OPI kandra o'bane orine inye zelevoi amaro ri ondrene.” 34 Oso OPI kota Musa be ronye, Arona 'bate Sänduku Tao'baro mile tana amba robe driigye. 35 Yisaraele'bai nyayi mana te ndroa na 'butesu, madale ànya esayite 'bädri Kanana roya; Vo se ànya ikyi riyite kigye ana. 36 (Ya koma ro 'butealo orivoya lu'di alo.)
The Manna and the Quails
1 The whole Israelite community set out from Elim, and on the fifteenth day of the second month after they had left Egypt, they came to the desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai. 2 There in the desert they all complained to Moses and Aaron 3 and said to them, “We wish that the Lord had killed us in Egypt. There we could at least sit down and eat meat and as much other food as we wanted. But you have brought us out into this desert to starve us all to death.”
4 The Lord said to Moses, “Now I am going to cause food to rain down from the sky for all of you. The people must go out every day and gather enough for that day. In this way I can test them to find out if they will follow my instructions. 5 On the sixth day they are to bring in twice as much as usual and prepare it.”
6 So Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites, “This evening you will know that it was the Lord who brought you out of Egypt. 7 In the morning you will see the dazzling light of the Lord's presence. He has heard your complaints against him—yes, against him, because we are only carrying out his instructions.” 8 Then Moses said, “It is the Lord who will give you meat to eat in the evening and as much bread as you want in the morning, because he has heard how much you have complained against him. When you complain against us, you are really complaining against the Lord.”
9 Moses said to Aaron, “Tell the whole community to come and stand before the Lord, because he has heard their complaints.” 10 As Aaron spoke to the whole community, they turned toward the desert, and suddenly the dazzling light of the Lord appeared in a cloud. 11 The Lord said to Moses, 12 “I have heard the complaints of the Israelites. Tell them that at twilight they will have meat to eat, and in the morning they will have all the bread they want. Then they will know that I, the Lord, am their God.”
13 In the evening a large flock of quails flew in, enough to cover the camp, and in the morning there was dew all around the camp. 14 When the dew evaporated, there was something thin and flaky on the surface of the desert. It was as delicate as frost. 15 When the Israelites saw it, they didn't know what it was and asked each other, “What is it?”
Moses said to them, “This is the food that the Lord has given you to eat. 16 The Lord has commanded that each of you is to gather as much of it as he needs, two quarts for each member of his household.”
17 The Israelites did this, some gathering more, others less. 18 When they measured it, those who gathered much did not have too much, and those who gathered less did not have too little. Each had gathered just what he needed. 19 Moses said to them, “No one is to keep any of it for tomorrow.” 20 But some of them did not listen to Moses and saved part of it. The next morning it was full of worms and smelled rotten, and Moses was angry with them. 21 Every morning each one gathered as much as he needed; and when the sun grew hot, what was left on the ground melted.
22 On the sixth day they gathered twice as much food, four quarts for each person. All the leaders of the community came and told Moses about it, 23 and he said to them, “The Lord has commanded that tomorrow is a holy day of rest, dedicated to him. Bake today what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Whatever is left should be put aside and kept for tomorrow.” 24 As Moses had commanded, they kept what was left until the next day; it did not spoil or get worms in it. 25 Moses said, “Eat this today, because today is the Sabbath, a day of rest dedicated to the Lord, and you will not find any food outside the camp. 26 You must gather food for six days, but on the seventh day, the day of rest, there will be none.”
27 On the seventh day some of the people went out to gather food, but they did not find any. 28 Then the Lord said to Moses, “How much longer will you people refuse to obey my commands? 29 Remember that I, the Lord, have given you a day of rest, and that is why on the sixth day I will always give you enough food for two days. Everyone is to stay where he is on the seventh day and not leave his home.” 30 So the people did no work on the seventh day.
31 The people of Israel called the food manna. It was like a small white seed, and tasted like thin cakes made with honey. 32 Moses said, “The Lord has commanded us to save some manna, to be kept for our descendants, so that they can see the food which he gave us to eat in the desert when he brought us out of Egypt.” 33 Moses said to Aaron, “Take a jar, put two quarts of manna in it, and place it in the Lord's presence to be kept for our descendants.” 34 As the Lord had commanded Moses, Aaron put it in front of the Covenant Box, so that it could be kept. 35 The Israelites ate manna for the next forty years, until they reached the land of Canaan, where they settled. ( 36 The standard dry measure then in use equaled twenty quarts.)