Asi ni OPI resi
1 Lidri vidrite bi OPI roya ta rriti ànyaro rota; ago ondro OPI keri tana te oko, OPI ŋgate kyilaro. 'Dooko asi OPI ro lekote ànya lako ago za lama telesi gawa rote. 2 Ndi lidri ayodrite Musa ri ago, Musa ye mätu te OPI ri, ndi asi zwete. 3 Ta'dota äzi ävuru vo ana rote Tabore , tana asi OPI ro lekote ànya lako.
Musa ka Dri'bai 'Butenjidrieri Onji
4 Lowa se atrai ro ànya lako ana a'doyite orivoya luu iza robe amba, ago lidri Yisaraele ro vidri kpate to'dina ekye: “Aba gi toto ämäri iza onyane ayani! 5 Musu tate ta ti'bi se mànyabe teinye awi Ezipeto ya ana rota, ndi kurunju, inju gyiro, agba, basala, ndi basala tumu be. 6 Oko yauono màte orwe, tana ŋga aza tona onyaro te i'do oko gialo mana se màbe ondrena ono ayani.”
7 Mana laba orivoya oso keci ŋga kyi'dikyi'diro ronye, ago betina landre oso kishwe doŋgoṛo ro bediuma ro ronye. 8 Lidri fote ago ku'dute, yiyite kuni si kode siyite pi'di si, la'diyite lakazà si, ago 'beyite kulugbu ro; ndeṛi kulugbu na ro a'dote oso kulugbu se a'bete ido ice ido ro rosi ronye. 9 Ondro nduruṛi kosote gawa dri ŋgäkyi si oko, mana layi kpate tro sina.
10 Musa eri lidri te liyivoya katidri ànyaro yasi, 'dicini rite käläsi zo boŋgo ro ànyaro ro kalasi, OPI a'dote kyilaro ndra, ago Musa a'dote orivoya tusuro. 11 Musa eji OPI te ekye: “Nya taoye gwo ruindu'ba miro ri nonye etaya? Maye e'diyi koziro miri 'bani mi'de gwo läŋgyi lidri cini ono ro o'bane mädri nonye ya? 12 Inye'do makwo lidri cini ono niya? Inye'do mäti ànya ni, mi'dego atane märi mikye: ‘Miŋgyi ànya gbo miro ya oso ŋguni kabe ŋgwa se kabe ba ondro uŋgyina ronye,’ uŋgyine le 'bädri se ma'ba tana be ozone zutui ànyaro ri ana ya niya? 13 Musuna iza ni eŋwaro ozone lidri cini ono riya? Tana ànya kayi ugu liyi makandra ugu ata be ekye: ‘Nyozo iza ämäri mànya robe.’ 14 Ma mbaraako rriti lidri cini ono ro uŋgyina iṛe, ŋga läŋgyina läŋgyi tawi märi. 15 Ondro milete taoyene märi nonye, mifu ma ṛo dori, mi'ba musu takado ni miresi, ukyi mandre rueza maro 'da.”
16 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyotokala 'di'desii Yisaraele ro ro 'butenjidrieri, se minibe ni 'di'desii lidri ro ago dri'bai ro ànya dri iyi; nyezi ànya Mutuguṛi a'do lototi maro roya; ago mi'ba ànya kedreyi mibe lau. 17 Mikyina 'da atane miri lau; ago märuna Tori se midri ono azakana 'da ago ma'bana 'da ànya dri; ànya kuŋgyiyi ŋgaläŋgyi lidri ro robe mibe, ukyi miŋgyi 'da iṛe. 18 Nyata tase ono lidri ri mikye: ‘Ondo 'do mì'ba andivo amiro a'done wäṛiro, tana mìnyana iza 'da.’ Tana nyiliyite OPI ri se mikye: ‘A'di ozona iza ni ämäri onyane ya? Ezipeto ya ama orivoya kado!’ Ka'do inye OPI ozona iza 'da onyane ämiri. 19 Mìnyana ko toto u'du alo si, kode u'du ritu si, kode u'du nji si, kode 'butealo kode 'buteritu si, 20 oko ṛo cu imba alodi, madale tägyina efona gwo toṛi konvo amiro ro yasi ago a'dona gwo koziro ämiri, tana miga OPI se ami lako ono tezo, ago nyiliyite nda kandra mikye: ‘Tana e'di mefo teni Ezipeto yasi niya?’ ” 21 Oko Musa atate OPI ri ekye: “Lidri se mabe lakoigye ono matibe orivoya kutu kama njidrialo (600,000) se kabe aba pa si owo; oko nyatate mikye: Yozona iza 'da ànyari, ànyari onyane cu imba alodi! 22 Aba ondro ka'do utufu äṛigboko tii ro ndi timelei robe gwo ànyari, ojona ànya ndi ya? Kode oto ti'bi gyi'desi ya ca kpeye ànyari, inye'do ojona ànya ndi ya?” 23 OPI zatadri Musa rote ekye: “Inye'do drì OPI ro ca ko ya? Mindrena 'da kode ata maro a'dona ndi endaro kode ko inye.”
24 Ta'dota Musa oyite iti ata OPI rote lidri ri; ago nda otokala 'desii 'butenjidrieri lidri rote, ago ezi ànya te edrene gbikyi Mutuguṛi lomvosi. 25 'Dooko OPI ikyite vuru 'dikolo si ago atate nda be, ago ru tori azaka se nda dri 'do te ago 'bate 'di'desii 'butenjidrieri kai dri; ondro tori kikyite ànya dri oko, ànya äŋguyi tate, oko ànya go yeyi kote tona oso nanye.
26 Oko 'desii lidri ro ritu ni se 'buteritu kai lakosi riyite gawa ya, oyiyi kote Mutuguṛi ya, alona äzite Elidada, ago azana äzite Medada, tori 'dete ànya dri gawa ya lau; ago ànya etoyi taäŋgu kpate gawa ya lau. 27 Ago agoanji aza mute iti tana te Musa ri ekye Elidada ndi Medada be kayite ugu taäŋgu gawa ya. 28 Ago Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro, ruindu'ba Musa ro, alo aza lidri onjionji ndaro ro, atate ekye: “'Desi Musa, mita drî ànyaro.” 29 Oko Musa atate ndäri ekye: “Inye'do mi mawi be ta maro taya? Aba male ṛo kado lidri cini OPI ro ri a'done nebii ro, ago aba OPI kozo tori ndaro ro ànya cini ri.” 30 'Dooko Musa ndi 'di'desii Yisaraele robe goyite gawa ya.
Opi Ezi Gbuṛukyere te
31 OPI ezi oli te, ago enja gbuṛukyere teni gyi'desi yasi, ago 'ba ànya 'dete gbikyi gawa lomvosi, ozona lamadri cini yasi oso aba u'du alo ro ronye, a'dote gawa lomvosi gbikyi, oŋgana kurusi ni gyini drisi orivoya kpikpina nätu. 32 Ago lidri ŋgate gbuṛukyere otone, tuse ana si ànya otoyite kitu zwi ago ŋgäkyi raa, ago kpa inye kyenoŋbo kinja si, nda se kotobe tipari otote koma na orivoya 'butealo, ago ànya larayite gbikyi gawa lomvosi. 33 Ondro iza drigba orivoya njäkyi ànyari onyane oko, OPI a'dote kyilaro lidri be, ago OPI 'bi ànya te taezaro 'desi si. 34 Tana ta'doro äzi ävuru vo ana rote Kiberotatava tana ase lidri se kälä'bibe iza ta kai te lau. 35 'Dooko lidri oyite ni Kiberotatava yasi ago oyi riyite le Azerota ya.
The Place Named Taberah
1 The people began to complain to the Lord about their troubles. When the Lord heard them, he became angry and sent fire on the people. It burned among them and destroyed one end of the camp. 2 The people cried out to Moses for help; he prayed to the Lord, and the fire died down. 3 So the place was named Taberah, because there the fire of the Lord burned among them.
Moses Chooses Seventy Leaders
4 There were foreigners traveling with the Israelites. They had a strong craving for meat, and even the Israelites themselves began to complain: “If only we could have some meat! 5 In Egypt we used to eat all the fish we wanted, and it cost us nothing. Remember the cucumbers, the watermelons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic we had? 6 But now our strength is gone. There is nothing at all to eat—nothing but this manna day after day!”
( 7 Manna was like small seeds, whitish yellow in color. 8-9 It fell on the camp at night along with the dew. The next morning the people would go around and gather it, grind it or pound it into flour, and then boil it and make it into flat cakes. It tasted like bread baked with olive oil.)
10 Moses heard all the people complaining as they stood around in groups at the entrances of their tents. He was distressed because the Lord had become angry with them, 11 and he said to the Lord, “Why have you treated me so badly? Why are you displeased with me? Why have you given me the responsibility for all these people? 12 I didn't create them or bring them to birth! Why should you ask me to act like a nurse and carry them in my arms like babies all the way to the land you promised to their ancestors? 13 Where could I get enough meat for all these people? They keep whining and asking for meat. 14 I can't be responsible for all these people by myself; it's too much for me! 15 If you are going to treat me like this, have pity on me and kill me, so that I won't have to endure your cruelty any longer.”
16 The Lord said to Moses, “Assemble seventy respected men who are recognized as leaders of the people, bring them to me at the Tent of my presence, and tell them to stand there beside you. 17 I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take some of the spirit I have given you and give it to them. Then they can help you bear the responsibility for these people, and you will not have to bear it alone. 18 Now tell the people, ‘Purify yourselves for tomorrow; you will have meat to eat. The Lord has heard you whining and saying that you wished you had some meat and that you were better off in Egypt. Now the Lord will give you meat, and you will have to eat it. 19 You will have to eat it not just for one or two days, or five, or ten, or even twenty days, 20 but for a whole month, until it comes out of your ears, until you are sick of it. This will happen because you have rejected the Lord who is here among you and have complained to him that you should never have left Egypt.’”
21 Moses said to the Lord, “Here I am leading 600,000 people, and you say that you will give them enough meat for a month? 22 Could enough cattle and sheep be killed to satisfy them? Are all the fish in the sea enough for them?”
23 “Is there a limit to my power?” the Lord answered. “You will soon see whether what I have said will happen or not!”
24 So Moses went out and told the people what the Lord had said. He assembled seventy of the leaders and placed them around the Tent. 25 Then the Lord came down in the cloud and spoke to him. He took some of the spirit he had given to Moses and gave it to the seventy leaders. When the spirit came on them, they began to shout like prophets, but not for long.
26 Two of the seventy leaders, Eldad and Medad, had stayed in the camp and had not gone out to the Tent. There in the camp the spirit came on them, and they too began to shout like prophets. 27 A young man ran out to tell Moses what Eldad and Medad were doing.
28 Then Joshua son of Nun, who had been Moses' helper since he was a young man, spoke up and said to Moses, “Stop them, sir!”
29 Moses answered, “Are you concerned about my interests? I wish that the Lord would give his spirit to all his people and make all of them shout like prophets!” 30 Then Moses and the seventy leaders of Israel went back to camp.
The Lord Sends Quails
31 Suddenly the Lord sent a wind that brought quails from the sea, flying three feet above the ground. They settled on the camp and all around it for miles and miles in every direction. 32 So all that day, all night, and all the next day, the people worked catching quails; no one gathered less than fifty bushels. They spread them out to dry all around the camp. 33 While there was still plenty of meat for them to eat, the Lord became angry with the people and caused an epidemic to break out among them. 34 That place was named Kibroth Hattaavah (which means “Graves of Craving”), because there they buried the people who had craved meat.
35 From there the people moved to Hazeroth, where they made camp.