Aka'da Yosua te vo Musa roya
1 Musa ugu ta kwoi atate madaro lidri cini Yisaraele ro ri, 2 ago atate ànyari ekye: “Yauono ndroa maro te orivoya kama alo 'buteritu (120) ago mojo kote a'done dri'ba amiro. Ago para ndrana, OPI atate märi ekye: ‘Miri drî Golo Yaradene ro ozane i'do.’ 3 OPI Lu amiro andivona oyina 'da käti ami mile ago tufuna tu'dei se kayi ori lau kai 'da, tana mìru wari ànyaro robe; ago Yosua a'dona 'da dri'ba ro ämiri, oso OPI katabe ronye. 4 OPI oyena lidri se kai ri oso nda koyebe Siona ndi Ogo, 'bädri'bai Amora'bai ro ri, ago kepere 'bädri ànyaro be ana ronye. 5 OPI o'bana ami 'da ànya opene ṛe, 'dooko ämiri tase mata amibe sina 'do modona oyene ayani ànyari. 6 Nyà'do mbararo ago agoagoro. Nyùturi ko ni ànyari. Tana Lu amiro, OPI andivona a'dona ndi tro amibe. Nda unina ko ta amiro ijene kode ami e'bene.”
7 'Dooko Musa zi Yosua te ago atate ndäri lidri cini Yisaraele ro milesi ekye: “Nya'do mbararo ago agoagoro; tana nya oye ni lidri kwoi lepene ukyine wari se OPI ko'ba tana be zutui ànyaro ri ana urune. 8 OPI andivona lepena mi 'da ago a'dona ndi tro mi be. Nda unina ko ta miro ijene ago mi e'bene; ka'do inye nya'do ko lä'bilä'biro ago turiro.”
Ota Uzine Ndroa Njidrieri cini si
9 Ta'dota Musa egyi ota OPI rote ago ozote kohanii se Lewe'bai ro se ni vo ondre'bai Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro ro kai rigye, ndi dri'bai cini Yisaraele robe rigye. 10 Ago nda ozo ota se ono te ànyari ekye: “Ädu ndroa njidrieri cini roya, ondro ndroa se a'ba tana be yuŋgu e'beza 'do kosate oko, mizi ota ono ṛeṛe tu Karama Kpakpa rosi. 11 Ondro lidri Yisaraele ro cini kikyiyite OPI Lu amiro mätune vose mätu ro ana ya oko, miri ota ono uzine eṛine ànyari. 12 Mimbikala lidri ro, manoàgo, 'ditoko, ndi ŋgàga giṛiŋwà be, ndi 'diatra ro se kabe ori 'ba'desii amiro yasi iyi be, tana ànya keriyi robe ago kuniyi ta OPI Lu amiro oro ro robe ago koroyi ŋgaemba ndaro ono robe 'diriro. 13 Ago tana zelevoi amiro se kuniyi ta ota OPI Lu amiro ro ko iyi keriyi robe. Ta'dota ànya uninayi ta nda oro ro ndi tu cini ori ànyaro ro wari se nyà oyebe ukyi urune Golo Yaradene tasi ana ya ana si.”
Ŋgaemba Ädu OPI ro Musa ri
14 'Dooko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Yauono tu odra miro ro te orivoya ti. Mizi Yosua ago nyezi nda Mutuguṛi ya, tana mozo drikaca robe ndäri.” 'Dooko Musa ndi Yosua be oyiyite Mutuguṛi ya, 15 ago OPI efote ànyare lau 'dikolo cariro ya ago 'dikolo cariro edrete käläsi Mutuguṛi ro lomvo.
16 Ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Nyata oye odrane yauro, ago odra miro vosi lidri ono mätunayi lui awi wari se ànya kayi oyebe ocine kigye ono ro 'da. Perenayi tao'baro maro se ma'babe anya yibe ono 'da. 17 Ondro koyeyite oso inye, 'dooko ma'dona ndi kyilaro ànya yibe; me'bena ànya ndi, ago utufuna ànya 'da. Rriti amba koziro para ikyina 'da ànya dri, 'dooko ànya o'dena gwo atane tu ana si ekye: ‘Rriti kwoi kabe a'do ämädri ono tana Lu amaro te i'do ama lako.’ 18 'Dooko magana tezo ànya opane, tana ànya yeyi tate undiro ago mätuyi lui azaka te.
19 “Ka'do inye, nyegyi loŋgo ono vuru, ago nyemba lidri Yisaraele ro sina; mi'ba anya koŋgo tana ka'do robe tazevoedreza märi ànya lomvo. 20 Ondro mugu ànya tele wari se kado ŋgaamba be ana ya, oso ma'ba tana be zutui ànyaro ri ronye ago ondro ànya ka'do te ŋgaonya se cini ànya kolebe iyi be, oko ànya onaruna 'da ago mätunayi lui azaka 'da. Ànya oganayi ma 'da zo ago perenayi tao'baro maro 'da. 21 Ago ondro rriti amba ko'dete ànya dri oko loŋgo gi ono edrena tazevo ni ànya lomvo, tana zelevoi ànyaro ijena oŋgona ko ca yau, teinye märi ànya ugu ako wari se ma'ba tana be ozone ànyari ana ya ono, mäni tase ànya kayibe usuna ono ṛote.”
22 Musa egyi loŋgo se ana te 'bu'dä tu gi ana si, ago embate lidri Yisaraele ro ri.
23 'Dooko OPI zi Yosua ŋgwa Nuna rote ago atate ndäri ekye: “Nya'do mbararo ago agoagobe. Miri ni lidri Yisaraele ro lepene le wari se ma'ba tana be ozone ànyari ana ya, ago ma'dona ndi tro mibe.”
24 Ondro Musa konde ota ono egyinate cini buku ya oko, 25 nda atate kohanii se Lewe'bai ro, se ni voondre'bai Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro ro kai ri ekye: 26 “Mìru buku ota OPI ro ro ono, ago mì'ba lama telesi Sänduku Tao'baro OPI Lu amiro roya, tana kori robe lau tazevoedreza ami lomvo. 27 Tana mäni a'do amiro taeriako ago ogbo'bai ro ono tana te. Ondro ka'do nya'dote ogbovoya OPI be 'dooko madri lidriidriro ami lako, ka'do inye odra maro vosi a'dona ndra mu'du eŋwanye. 28 Mimbikala dri'bai cini 'bakalai amiro ro ndi dri'bai losiro be, makandra, tana miti ta kwoi robe ànyari; ago mäzi vo'buyakuru ndi 'bädri be robe tazevoedrene ànya lomvo. 29 Tana mäni ndi odra maro vosi nyàoye a'done koziro ago nyàoye tase membabe ämiri ono ogane zo. Ago ànya kayi oye dri o'bene rriti be tuse kabe ikyi mileya kai si, tana nyaoye tase undiro Opi mile 'do oyene ago nda o'bane kyilaro tase nda kole ko iyi loyena si.”
Loŋgo Musa ro
30 'Dooko Musa go ayo loŋgo se ana te ndi ädu ya lidri cini Yisaraele ro se kombikalabe ana ri erine.
Joshua Becomes Moses' Successor
1 Moses continued speaking to the people of Israel, 2 and said, “I am now a hundred and twenty years old and am no longer able to be your leader. And besides this, the Lord has told me that I will not cross the Jordan. 3 The Lord your God himself will go before you and destroy the nations living there, so that you can occupy their land; and Joshua will be your leader, as the Lord has said. 4 The Lord will destroy those people, just as he defeated Sihon and Og, kings of the Amorites, and destroyed their country. 5 The Lord will give you victory over them, and you are to treat them exactly as I have told you. 6 Be determined and confident. Do not be afraid of them. Your God, the Lord himself, will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.”
7 Then Moses called Joshua and said to him in the presence of all the people of Israel, “Be determined and confident; you are the one who will lead these people to occupy the land that the Lord promised to their ancestors. 8 The Lord himself will lead you and be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you, so do not lose courage or be afraid.”
The Law Is to Be Read Every Seven Years
9 So Moses wrote down God's Law and gave it to the levitical priests, who were in charge of the Lord's Covenant Box, and to the leaders of Israel. 10 He commanded them, “At the end of every seven years, when the year that debts are canceled comes around, read this aloud at the Festival of Shelters. 11 Read it to the people of Israel when they come to worship the Lord your God at the one place of worship. 12 Call together all the men, women, and children, and the foreigners who live in your towns, so that everyone may hear it and learn to honor the Lord your God and to obey his teachings faithfully. 13 In this way your descendants who have never heard the Law of the Lord your God will hear it. And so they will learn to obey him as long as they live in the land that you are about to occupy across the Jordan.”
The Lord's Last Instructions to Moses
14 Then the Lord said to Moses, “You do not have much longer to live. Call Joshua and bring him to the Tent, so that I may give him his instructions.” Moses and Joshua went to the Tent, 15 and the Lord appeared to them there in a pillar of cloud that stood by the door of the Tent.
16 The Lord said to Moses, “You will soon die, and after your death the people will become unfaithful to me and break the covenant that I made with them. They will abandon me and worship the pagan gods of the land they are about to enter. 17 When that happens, I will become angry with them; I will abandon them, and they will be destroyed. Many terrible disasters will come upon them, and then they will realize that these things are happening to them because I, their God, am no longer with them. 18 And I will refuse to help them then, because they have done evil and worshiped other gods.
19 “Now, write down this song. Teach it to the people of Israel, so that it will stand as evidence against them. 20 I will take them into this rich and fertile land, as I promised their ancestors. There they will have all the food they want, and they will live comfortably. But they will turn away and worship other gods. They will reject me and break my covenant, 21 and many terrible disasters will come on them. But this song will still be sung, and it will stand as evidence against them. Even now, before I take them into the land that I promised to give them, I know what they are thinking.”
22 That same day Moses wrote down the song and taught it to the people of Israel.
23 Then the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun and told him, “Be confident and determined. You will lead the people of Israel into the land that I promised them, and I will be with you.”
24 Moses wrote God's Law in a book, taking care not to leave out anything. 25 When he finished, he said to the levitical priests, who were in charge of the Lord's Covenant Box, 26 “Take this book of God's Law and place it beside the Covenant Box of the Lord your God, so that it will remain there as a witness against his people. 27 I know how stubborn and rebellious they are. They have rebelled against the Lord during my lifetime, and they will rebel even more after I am dead. 28 Assemble all your tribal leaders and officials before me, so that I can tell them these things; I will call heaven and earth to be my witnesses against them. 29 I know that after my death the people will become wicked and reject what I have taught them. And in time to come they will meet with disaster, because they will have made the Lord angry by doing what he has forbidden.”
The Song of Moses
30 Then Moses recited the entire song while all the people of Israel listened.