'Diusi ni Lidri OPI ro Lakosi
1 “Ko 'dise eŋgye kumukacina te kode alo agovo na te 'do ri ocine lidri OPI ro lako mätune. 2 Ko ŋgwa se ätibe märi ro 'do ri ocine lidri OPI ro lako mätune, ca zelevoi ndaro, le kovole'bai ndaro 'butealo na ya.
3 “Ko Amona'bai kode Moaba'bai ri ocine lidri OPI ro lako mätune, ca zelevoi ànyaro le kovole'bai ànyaro 'butealo na ya. 4 Tana nyàbe ikyi ni Ezipeto yasi ànya gayitezo ŋgaonya ndi gyi be ozone ämiri, ago ànya gyeyi Balama ŋgwa Beora rote, ni 'bakici Petora Mesopotamia ro yasi ami otrine. 5 Caoko OPI Lu amiro gazo ta Balama ro erine; oko nda go toza latri ro äṛu ro ämiri, tana nda lu ami tawi. 6 Mìye ŋga aza ko cu tu'dei kwoi opaza kode ànya o'baza ŋgaamba be tu ori amiro rosi.
7 “Ko ya amiro ri osone Edoma'bai lomvo, tana ànya orivoya 'didiri amiro. Ago ya amiro koso ko Ezipeto'bai lomvo; tana kyenona mirite wari ànyaro ya. 8 Etoni kovole'bai ànyaro ninana ya oyigwo mileyaro zelevoi ànyaro ocina ndi lidri OPI ro lako mätune.
Ota Gawa Kyila'bai ro O'baro Wäṛiro
9 “Ondro nyà'dote gawa ya tu kyila rosi oko, be ämiri ami lagane ni ŋgase cini undiro 'do yasi. 10 Ondro ka'do manoaza ka'dote undiro tana tori kozi aza ezitate nda dri ŋgäkyi 'do si, 'dooko be ndäri ofone ni gawa yasi ago orine tesi lau. 11 Ondro kosate tandrolero oko ndäri andivo ndaro lasane, ago ondro kitu ocivoya oko ko'de gwo egone gawa ya.
12 “Be ämiri vo aza ka'dane tesi gawa kundusi ofoza ämiri kigye ondro milete ze ozene kode kudrä ufune owo. 13 Ämiri guli urune tro làkaza amiro kyila robe, tana ondro ze kosi ami te oko, mì'di 'bu robe sina, ago mìku drî ze ro robe sina. 14 Tana OPI Lu amiro orivoya ami yibe gawa amiro ya ami gagane ago ŋgaopeṛe ozone ämiri kyila'baazii amiro dri. Ta'dota, mì'ba gawa amiro a'done wäṛiro, ukyi nda ondre ŋgase undiro 'da ami lako ago usi kundu 'da ämiri.
Ota Azaka
15 “Ondro ka'do iyeäṛi aza kumute ni kuzupi ndaro resi kikyite yi opane mire oko, nyologo nda ko kovole. 16 Oko nda unina ndi orine ami lako alo aza 'ba'desii amiro ro se nda konjibe 'do ya, ago ko ämiri nda oyene siomba si.
17 “Beṛo ko Yisaraele'ba aza, manoago ro kode toko ro ri a'done ronyi'ba ro yekalu ya. 18 Beṛo ko ämiri parata se abe ronyi oye sina, kode päläti u'duro manoàgo azi be ro ezine zo OPI Lu amiro roya ozone ta tao'ba rota; tana ŋga riti kwoi orivoya ta undiro yi OPI Lu amiro ri.
19 “Nyozo parata kode ŋgaonya kode ŋga aza tiko ro ko Yisaraele'ba azi miro ri, logone miri drinju'du be. 20 Ŋgase nyozobe tiko ro 'diatra ro ri 'do migo miruna ndi drinju'duna be, oko ko miri ŋga ozone tiko ro Yisaraele'ba azi miro ri ta drinju'du rota, 'dooko OPI Lu amiro äṛuna ŋgase cini nyàbe oyena wari se nyàbe ukyi urune ana ya ndi.
21 “Ondro mi'batate ŋga aza oyene OPI Lu miro ri, ko miri orine tase mi'babe 'do oyeako. Tana endaro Opi Lu miro enjina tana ndi ni misi, ago atina takozi ro miri. 22 Ko orivoya takozi yi ondro ka'do mi'ba tao'baro kote owo. 23 Be miri tao'ba se mi'ba be OPI Lu miro ri ole miro si 'do oyene.
24 “Ondro nyate lävu ämvu kono ro manoaza ro yasi, minina ndi doŋgo na se milebe 'do onyane, oko beṛo ko miri azana uŋgyine koṛiga miro ya. 25 Ondro nyate lävu ämvu inya ro manoaza ro yasi, minina ndi inya na se nyabe okyena drì si 'do onyane, oko beṛo ko miri inya na olone iṛi si.
Exclusion from the Lord's People
1 “No man who has been castrated or whose penis has been cut off may be included among the Lord's people.
2 “No one born out of wedlock or any descendant of such a person, even in the tenth generation, may be included among the Lord's people.
3 “No Ammonite or Moabite—or any of their descendants, even in the tenth generation—may be included among the Lord's people. 4 They refused to provide you with food and water when you were on your way out of Egypt, and they hired Balaam son of Beor, from the city of Pethor in Mesopotamia, to curse you. 5 But the Lord your God would not listen to Balaam; instead he turned the curse into a blessing, because he loved you. 6 As long as you are a nation, never do anything to help these nations or to make them prosperous.
7 “Do not despise the Edomites; they are your relatives. And do not despise the Egyptians; you once lived in their land. 8 From the third generation onward their descendants may be included among the Lord's people.
Keeping the Military Camp Clean
9 “When you are in camp in time of war, you are to avoid anything that would make you ritually unclean. 10 If a man becomes unclean because he has had a wet dream during the night, he is to go outside the camp and stay there. 11 Toward evening he is to wash himself, and at sunset he may come back into camp.
12 “You are to have a place outside the camp where you can go when you need to relieve yourselves. 13 Carry a stick as part of your equipment, so that when you have a bowel movement you can dig a hole and cover it up. 14 Keep your camp ritually clean, because the Lord your God is with you in your camp to protect you and to give you victory over your enemies. Do not do anything indecent that would cause the Lord to turn his back on you.
Various Laws
15 “If slaves run away from their owners and come to you for protection, do not send them back. 16 They may live in any of your towns that they choose, and you are not to treat them harshly.
17 “No Israelite, man or woman, is to become a temple prostitute. 18 Also, no money earned in this way may be brought into the house of the Lord your God in fulfillment of a vow. The Lord hates temple prostitutes.
19 “When you lend money or food or anything else to Israelites, do not charge them interest. 20 You may charge interest on what you lend to foreigners, but not on what you lend to Israelites. Obey this rule, and the Lord your God will bless everything you do in the land that you are going to occupy.
21 “When you make a vow to the Lord your God, do not put off doing what you promised; the Lord will hold you to your vow, and it is a sin not to keep it. 22 It is no sin not to make a vow to the Lord, 23 but if you make one voluntarily, be sure that you keep it.
24 “When you walk along a path in someone else's vineyard, you may eat all the grapes you want, but you must not carry any away in a container. 25 When you walk along a path in someone else's grainfield, you may eat all the grain you can pull off with your hands, but you must not cut any grain with a sickle.