Dawidi ndi Siba be
1 Ondro Dawidi kälävute fere dridopi lutu ro kundusi oko, Ziba ruindu'ba Mefiboseta ro 'bedrite nda be, doŋgyii ritu be se ŋgyi duŋguṛu ambata ro kama ritu (200), ago dricoṛo doŋgo ro kama alo (100), doŋgo tayi ro kama alo (100), ago kuru kyiniro vino ro alo be. 2 Ago 'Bädri'ba Dawidi atate Ziba ri ekye: “Nyezi ŋga kwoi te tana e'di ya?”
Ziba zatadrite ekye: “Doŋgyii kwoi tana katidri 'bädri'ba ro ri lämuzana sina, ambata ndi doŋgo tayi robe agoanjii ri onyane, vino tana ànya se orivoya rritiro vocowa ya ri umvune.”
3 Ago 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Kwozo 'desi miro Saulo ro gaŋwaroya?”
Ziba zatadrite ekye: “Nda kaori Yerusalema ya; tana nda atate ekye: ‘Yisaraele'bai ogo logona miri 'bädri'ba ti'bi maro ro 'da kovole märi.’ ”
4 'Dooko 'bädri'ba atate Ziba ri ekye: “Mindre, ŋgase cini Mefiboseta be sina yauono te miro.”
Ago Ziba atate ekye: “Ma ruindu'ba miro; mi'ba ma takado usune mimile, opi 'bädri'ba maro.”
Dawidi ndi Simei be
5 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Dawidi kate oci Baurima ya oko, mano aza katidri Saulo ro ro, ävuruna Simei ŋgwa Gera ro; efote tesi ni lau, ikyivoya latri otri be. 6 Simei lovo kuniŋwà te Dawidi dri, ago ruindu'bai cini ndaro dri ago kyila'bai Dawidi ro edrevoya cini drigwo ago gaṛi Dawidi ro yasi. 7 Ono ni tase Simei katabe ago nda kugu latri otri be sina owo ekye: “Mifo tesi, mifo tesi mi mano konjiekye, mi mano 'di ufu'ba ono! 8 OPI kate votaro logona midri ta kari katidri Saulo ro rota, se miribe vona ya ono. Yauono OPI ozo miri 'bädri'ba rote ŋgwa miro Abisolomo ri. Mi 'diufu'ba ono, mindre, taezaro miro tavo miro te wo.”
9 'Dooko Abisai ŋgwa Zeruya ro atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Mi'ba kokye avo ono ka mi opi 'bädri'ba maro o'da etaya? Mi'ba ma oyine nasi mätäṛi drî ndaro robe.”
10 Oko 'bädri'ba atate Abisai ndi ädrupi ndaro Yoaba be ri ekye: “Ono ko losi amiro, ami ŋgwàagoro Zeruya ro. Ondro ka'do nda ka ma otri 'dooko Opi ata ni ndäri ekye: ‘Mitri Dawidi’; 'dooko a'di ejina tana ni ekye: ‘Miyete inye etaya?’ ” 11 Ago Dawidi atate Abisai ndi ruindu'bai cini ndaro be ri ekye: “Mìndre, ŋgwa modo maro kani adri maro uṛina ufune; a'di uruna ta Benjamina'ba 'do ro 'boni! Nye'be nda gi inye, ago mi'ba nda ko'da la'da; tana OPI atani ndäri oyene inye. 12 Kode azaya OPI ondrena vo 'da rueza maro dri, ago ezina äṛu 'da mädri vo la'da se abe ma o'da ondro ono ro ro.” 13 'Dooko Dawidi ndi lidri ndaro be uguyi oyite oyivo ànyaro ya. Ago Simei pirute telesi ugu oyite ànya vo lama lutu ro yasi nda ugu Dawidi lo'da te ago ugu kuniŋwà ovo te nda dri ndi durufu odabe. 14 Ago 'bädri'ba ndi lidri se cini nda be be, esayite Golo Yaradene ya ago ànya te rritiro ndi ànya loliyite lau.
Abisolomo Yerusalema ya
15 Abisolomo ndi Yisaraele'bai se cini nda be ana be ikyiyite Yerusalema ya, ago Aitofele orivoya tro ànya be. 16 Ago ondro Usai Akite'ba, bereazi Dawidi ro, kikyite Abisolomo re oko, nda atate Abisolomo ri ekye: “Miri madaro 'bädri'ba! Miri madaro 'bädri'ba.” 17 Oko Abisolomo atate Usai ri ekye: “Inye'do ono ndi taoro miro bereazi miro Dawidi ri owo ya? Tana e'di nyoyi kote bereazi miro be niya?”
18 Ago Usai atate Abisolomo ri ekye: “Hwa, tana nda se OPI konjibe lidri ono si, ago lidri cini Yisaraele rosi, marina maro nda be ayani. 19 Minduruna a'di ri to'di niya? Minduruna ṛo ko ŋgwa Dawidi ro riya? Oso mindurute täpi miro ri ronye minduruna kpa inye miri.”
20 'Dooko Abisolomo atate Aitofele ri ekye: “Tase nyusube ämäri; oyene ni e'di ya?”
21 Aitofele atate Abisolomo ri ekye: “Nyoyi ago nyu'du 'ditoko ogyeako täpi miro ro se nda ke'bebe vo zo 'desi miri ro ro ondrene kai be. Ago vo Yisaraele'bai cini ro erina tana gwo anjioko mi orivoya kyila'baazi täpi miro ro, ago ta 'do tombana drì ànya se cini mibe ro ndi.” 22 Ago ànya otoyi zo boŋgo rote Abisolomo ri drî zo 'desi miri ro kurusi ya; ago nda cite Yisaraele'bai cini mile si ago u'dute 'ditoko ogyeako täpi ndaro robe.
23 Tuse kai si tavousu se Aitofele kozote ärute oso mikye orivoya ata Lu ro; ta'do ta ata cini Aitofele ro aro tana te ndra; Dawidi ndi riti Abisolomo be soyite ata ndaro vo.
David and Ziba
1 When David had gone a little beyond the top of the hill, he was suddenly met by Ziba, the servant of Mephibosheth, who had with him a couple of donkeys loaded with two hundred loaves of bread, a hundred bunches of raisins, a hundred bunches of fresh fruit, and a leather bag full of wine. 2 King David asked him, “What are you going to do with all that?”
Ziba answered, “The donkeys are for Your Majesty's family to ride, the bread and the fruit are for the men to eat, and the wine is for them to drink when they get tired in the wilderness.”
3 “Where is Mephibosheth, the grandson of your master Saul?” the king asked him.
“He is staying in Jerusalem,” Ziba answered, “because he is convinced that the Israelites will now restore to him the kingdom of his grandfather Saul.”
4 The king said to Ziba, “Everything that belonged to Mephibosheth is yours.”
“I am your servant,” Ziba replied. “May I always please Your Majesty!”
David and Shimei
5 When King David arrived at Bahurim, one of Saul's relatives, Shimei son of Gera, came out to meet him, cursing him as he came. 6 Shimei started throwing stones at David and his officials, even though David was surrounded by his men and his bodyguards. 7 Shimei cursed him and said, “Get out! Get out! Murderer! Criminal! 8 You took Saul's kingdom, and now the Lord is punishing you for murdering so many of Saul's family. The Lord has given the kingdom to your son Absalom, and you are ruined, you murderer!”
9 Abishai, whose mother was Zeruiah, said to the king, “Your Majesty, why do you let this dog curse you? Let me go over there and cut off his head!”
10 “This is none of your business,” the king said to Abishai and his brother Joab. “If he curses me because the Lord told him to, who has the right to ask why he does it?” 11 And David said to Abishai and to all his officials, “My own son is trying to kill me; so why should you be surprised at this Benjaminite? The Lord told him to curse; so leave him alone and let him do it. 12 Perhaps the Lord will notice my misery and give me some blessings to take the place of his curse.” 13 So David and his men continued along the road. Shimei kept up with them, walking on the hillside; he was cursing and throwing stones and dirt at them as he went. 14 The king and all his men were worn out when they reached the Jordan, and there they rested.
Absalom in Jerusalem
15 Absalom and all the Israelites with him entered Jerusalem, and Ahithophel was with them. 16 When Hushai, David's trusted friend, met Absalom, he shouted, “Long live the king! Long live the king!”
17 “What has happened to your loyalty to your friend David?” Absalom asked him. “Why didn't you go with him?”
18 Hushai answered, “How could I? I am for the one chosen by the Lord, by these people, and by all the Israelites. I will stay with you. 19 After all, whom should I serve, if not my master's son? As I served your father, so now I will serve you.”
20 Then Absalom turned to Ahithophel and said, “Now that we are here, what do you advise us to do?”
21 Ahithophel answered, “Go and have intercourse with your father's concubines whom he left behind to take care of the palace. Then everyone in Israel will know that your father regards you as his enemy, and your followers will be greatly encouraged.” 22 So they set up a tent for Absalom on the palace roof, and in the sight of everyone Absalom went in and had intercourse with his father's concubines.
23 Any advice that Ahithophel gave in those days was accepted as though it were the very word of God; both David and Absalom followed it.