Yauni Dawidi ro Mefiboseta ri
1 Dawidi eji tate ekye: “Inye'do 'diaza katidri Saulo ro ro e'be gi'da, maka'da yauni robe rigye ta Jonatana rota ya?”
2 Ruindu'ba aza orivoya katidri Saulo roya si ävuruna Ziba, ago äzi nda te oyine Dawidi re. Ago 'Bädri'ba eji nda te ekye: “Inye'do mi ni Ziba owo ya?”
Ndi nda zatadrite ekye: “Ma ni ruindu'ba miro owo.”
3 Ndi 'bädri'ba atate ndäri ekye: “Inye'do ni katidri Saulo ro yasi 'di aza alona e'be ṛo ko, maka'da yauni robe rigye ya?”
Ziba atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Ŋgwa alo aza Jonatana ro drigba gi orivoya; nda orivoya ciṛiciṛi ro pa yasi.”
4 'Bädri'ba atate ndäri ekye: “Nda orivoya gaŋwaro ya?” Ago Ziba zatadri 'bädri'ba rote ekye: “Nda orivoya 'ba Makira ŋgwa Amiele ro roya, Lodebara ya.” 5 'Dooko Dawidi 'bädri'ba zo lazo te ago ezi nda teni 'ba Makira ŋgwa Amiele ro roya, ni Lodebara yasi.
6 Ondro Mefiboseta ŋgwa Jonatana, ŋgwa Saulo ro ro kikyite Dawidi re oko, nda 'dete vuru militi si ago ye taoro te. Ago Dawidi atate ndäri ekye: “Mefiboseta!” Ndi nda zatadrite ekye: “Ma ruindu'ba miro owo.”
7 'Dooko Dawidi atate ndäri ekye: “Nyuturi ko, tana maka'dana yauni ndi miri ta täpi miro Jonatana rota. Ago wari cini ti'bi miro Saulo ro mologona ndi miri; ago minyana ŋga ndi ondoalo tara'biza maro dri.”
8 Ndi Mefiboseta edi drî te kpa to'di ago atate ekye: “Ma ruindu'ba miro se kokye avo ronye ono mindrena vo ndi driigye ya?”
9 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba zi Ziba ruindu'ba Saulo rote, ago atate ndäri ekye: “Ŋga cini Saulo ro ndi ŋga cini katidri ndaro robe, mozote Mefiboseta kwozo 'desi miro ro ri. 10 Ago mi ndi ŋgwàagoro miro be ndi ruindu'bai miro be orine 'du ämvu osone katidri 'desi miro Saulo ro ri, ago ŋgase kabe owa, nyèzi ànya konya robe. Oko Mefiboseta kwozo 'desi miro ro ri ondoalo ŋgaonyane tara'biza maro dri.” (Mano gi Ziba ono ŋgwàagoro be 'butealo fonji ago ruindu'bai be 'buteritu.)
11 'Dooko Ziba atate 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Tase cini 'desi 'bädri'ba katabe ma ruindu'ba ndaro ri ono, mayena ndi.”
Ago Mefiboseta nya ŋgaonya te tara'biza Dawidi ro dri, oso ŋgwa alo aza ŋgwàagoro 'bädri'ba ro ronye. 12 Mefiboseta orivoya ŋgwa agoanji robe, ävuruna Mika. Ago 'dise cini katidri Ziba roya a'doyite ruindu'bai ro Mefiboseta ri. 13 Mefiboseta rite Yerusalema ya; ago ondoalo nda nya ŋgaonya te tara'biza 'bädri'ba ro dri. Pa ndaro riti orivoya ciṛiciṛi ro.
David and Mephibosheth
1 One day David asked, “Is there anyone left of Saul's family? If there is, I would like to show him kindness for Jonathan's sake.”
2 There was a servant of Saul's family named Ziba, and he was told to go to David. “Are you Ziba?” the king asked.
“At your service, sir,” he answered.
3 The king asked him, “Is there anyone left of Saul's family to whom I can show loyalty and kindness, as I promised God I would?”
Ziba answered, “There is still one of Jonathan's sons. He is crippled.”
4 “Where is he?” the king asked.
“At the home of Machir son of Ammiel in Lodebar,” Ziba answered. 5 So King David sent for him.
6 When Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan and grandson of Saul, arrived, he bowed down before David in respect. David said, “Mephibosheth,” and he answered, “At your service, sir.”
7 “Don't be afraid,” David replied. “I will be kind to you for the sake of your father Jonathan. I will give you back all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul, and you will always be welcome at my table.”
8 Mephibosheth bowed again and said, “I am no better than a dead dog, sir! Why should you be so good to me?”
9 Then the king called Ziba, Saul's servant, and said, “I am giving Mephibosheth, your master's grandson, everything that belonged to Saul and his family. 10 You, your sons, and your servants will farm the land for your master Saul's family and bring in the harvest, to provide food for them. But Mephibosheth himself will always be a guest at my table.” (Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.)
11 Ziba answered, “I will do everything Your Majesty commands.”
So Mephibosheth ate at the king's table, just like one of the king's sons. 12 Mephibosheth had a young son named Mica. All the members of Ziba's family became servants of Mephibosheth. 13 So Mephibosheth, who was crippled in both feet, lived in Jerusalem, eating all his meals at the king's table.