Eliya ago U'diako 'Bu ro
1 Nebi Eliya Tisebe'ba ni Tisebe Gilada ya yasi, atate Aba ri ekye: “Ävuru OPI Lu lidriidriro Yisaraele ro se mabe ruindu rigye ono rosi, mitita miri nduruṛi ri osone i'do ago 'bu ri u'dine i'do ndroa mileya iyi ya, madale mago matana tana ni.” 2 'Dooko OPI atate Eliya ri ekye: 3 “Nye'be vo ono, ago nyoyi 'buzelero, ago nyada'do andivo miro goloŋwa Kerita kala 'buzele Golo Yaradene roya. 4 Miri gyi umvune ni goloŋwa ana ya, ago matate korowà ri ni mi ecane lau.”
5 Ndi Eliya yete oso atabe ronye; nda oyite ago rite goloŋwa Kerita kala 'buzele Golo Yaradene roya. 6 Ago korowà eziyi ambata ndi iza be te ndäri kyenoŋbo si ago tandrole si; ago nda mvu gyi teni goloŋwa ana yasi. 7 Ago fere ono vosi oko goloŋwa sete gbe, tana 'bu 'di kote wari ana ya.
Eliya ndi Ävuzi be Zarefata ya
8 'Dooko OPI atate Eliya ri ekye: 9 “Miŋga nyoyi Zarefata se orivoya Sidona ya ana ya ago miri lau. Matate ävuzi aza ri mi ecane.” 10 Ndi Eliya ŋgate ago oyite Zarefata ya; ago ondro nda kesate dereŋwa 'bakici ro kala oko, nda ndre ävuzi ana te tiza toŋgovoya; ago nda zi anya te ago atate ekye: “Nyezi gyi fereŋwa märi duugyi si mämvu robe.” 11 Ago ondro anya kate oyi gyi ezine oko, nda zi anya te ago atate ekye: “Rägu nyezi ambataŋwa aza kpa.”
12 Ago anya zatadrite ekye: “Mäṛuru ävuru OPI Lu lidriidriro miro rosi, ma'be ambata ko e'be toto dritwialo kyira ro lakaza ya, ndi ido fereŋwa be kuru ya, ago yau ono ma ono tizaŋwà azaka toŋgona mago robe se giṛiŋwa ono la'dine sina andivo maro ri ndi ŋgwaagoro maro be, mànya robe 'dooko mà'dena gwo odrane.”
13 Ago Eliya atate anyari ekye: “Nyuturi ko; nyoyi ago miye oso nyatabe 'do ronye; oko mi'be kulugbu giṛiŋwa käti ni kigye ago nyezi märi, 'dooko mi'de gwo ogo o'bene andivo miro ri ndi ŋgwaagoro miro be. 14 Tana ono ni ata OPI Lu Yisaraele ro ro owo ekye: ‘Kyira okyena ko ni lakaza yasi ago ido okyena ko ni kuru yasi, madale tuse ma OPI mezina 'bu gwo u'dine 'bädri ya si.’ ”
15 Ndi anya oyite ago yete oso se Eliya katabe anyari ronye; ago anya, Eliya ndi ŋgwaagoro anyaro be, ànya nyayite u'duna amba. 16 Lakaza kyira ro yana a'do kote awi ca kuruŋwa ido ro yana a'do kote awi, a'do ndi oso ata OPI ro se Eliya kope tana be ana ronye.
17 Ono vosi oko ŋgwaagoro toko se zo kuzupi ana ro 'dete adravoro, ago adravona a'dote koziro ndra, ago äduro oko nda drate. 18 Ago anya atate Eliya ri ekye: “Miye ono ta e'diro märi ya, mi mano Lu ro ono? Mi'debe ikyine mare noŋwa ono takozi maro tana opene Lu ri ago ŋgwa maro o'bane odrane ya?”
19 Ago Eliya atate anyari ekye: “Nyozo ŋgwa 'do märigye.” Ago Eliya ŋgyi ŋgwa te ni gbo anyaro yasi, ago ugu nda te zoya kurusi ya, vo se Eliya modo nda ka oribe kigye 'do, ago lala nda te kitapara modo ndaro ro dri. 20 Ago nda mätute OPI ri ekye: “Äye OPI Lu maro, inye'do nyezi rriti ni ävuzi se mabe ori sina ono dri, ŋgwaagoro anyaro ufusi ya?” 21 'Dooko Eliya ozo andivo ndaro te a'dwi ŋgwa dri perena nätu, ago mätute OPI ri ekye: “Äye OPI Lu maro, nyologo adri ŋgwa ono ro kpa to'di!” 22 Ago OPI eri mätu Eliya rote; ago adriŋgwa ro egote kpa to'dina, ago nda adrite.
23 Ago Eliya ru ŋgwa te logote zoya vurusi ya, ago ozo nda te endre ndaro ri; ago atate anyari ekye: “Mindre ŋgwa miro te orivoya lidriidriro.”
24 Ndi toko se ana atate Eliya ri ekye: “Yauono mänite anjioko mi orivoya mano Lu ro, ago anjioko ata OPI ro se orivoya kala miro ya ono orivoya taŋgye yi!”
Elijah and the Drought
1 A prophet named Elijah, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to King Ahab, “In the name of the Lord, the living God of Israel, whom I serve, I tell you that there will be no dew or rain for the next two or three years until I say so.”
2 Then the Lord said to Elijah, 3 “Leave this place and go east and hide yourself near Cherith Brook, east of the Jordan. 4 The brook will supply you with water to drink, and I have commanded ravens to bring you food there.”
5 Elijah obeyed the Lord's command, and went and stayed by Cherith Brook. 6 He drank water from the brook, and ravens brought him bread and meat every morning and every evening. 7 After a while the brook dried up because of the lack of rain.
Elijah and the Widow in Zarephath
8 Then the Lord said to Elijah, 9 “Now go to the town of Zarephath, near Sidon, and stay there. I have commanded a widow who lives there to feed you.” 10 So Elijah went to Zarephath, and as he came to the town gate, he saw a widow gathering firewood. “Please bring me a drink of water,” he said to her. 11 And as she was going to get it, he called out, “And please bring me some bread, too.”
12 She answered, “By the living Lord your God I swear that I don't have any bread. All I have is a handful of flour in a bowl and a bit of olive oil in a jar. I came here to gather some firewood to take back home and prepare what little I have for my son and me. That will be our last meal, and then we will starve to death.”
13 “Don't worry,” Elijah said to her. “Go on and prepare your meal. But first make a small loaf from what you have and bring it to me, and then prepare the rest for you and your son. 14 For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The bowl will not run out of flour or the jar run out of oil before the day that I, the Lord, send rain.’”
15 The widow went and did as Elijah had told her, and all of them had enough food for many days. 16 As the Lord had promised through Elijah, the bowl did not run out of flour nor did the jar run out of oil.
17 Some time later the widow's son got sick; he got worse and worse, and finally he died. 18 She said to Elijah, “Man of God, why did you do this to me? Did you come here to remind God of my sins and so cause my son's death?”
19 “Give the boy to me,” Elijah said. He took the boy from her arms, carried him upstairs to the room where he was staying, and laid him on the bed. 20 Then he prayed aloud, “O Lord my God, why have you done such a terrible thing to this widow? She has been kind enough to take care of me, and now you kill her son!” 21 Then Elijah stretched himself out on the boy three times and prayed, “O Lord my God, restore this child to life!” 22 The Lord answered Elijah's prayer; the child started breathing again and revived.
23 Elijah took the boy back downstairs to his mother and said to her, “Look, your son is alive!”
24 She answered, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the Lord really speaks through you!”