Odra Saulo ndi Ŋgwàagoro Ndaro be ro
(1 Samuele 31:1-13)
1 Felesete'bai yeyi kyila te Yisaraele'bai be 'Bereŋwa Gileboa dri, äfu amba Yisaraele'bai rote lau, ago anjoko ànyaro muyite ni Felesete'bai risi tro Saulo ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be yibe. 2 Ago Felesete'bai tayivo Saulo rote ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro yibe ago fuyi ŋgwàagoro nätu ndaro Jonatana, Abinadaba ndi Malekisua be te. 3 Kyila a'dote rritiro Saulo dri, ago ŋgau'bo'bai kusu si usuyi nda te ago 'boyi nda te koziro ätu si. 4 'Dooko Saulo atate lakazà kyila ro ndaro uŋgyi'bana ri ekye: Nyeŋgye bando miro ago mifu ma, ukyi 'di oloako ŋbiṛiro kwoi ikyi'da ojine masi. Oko lakazà kyila ro ndaro uŋgyi'bana gatezo, tana nda turi tawi. Ta'doro Saulo ru bando modo iro rote ago oto yite driigye. 5 Ago ondro lakazà kyila ro ndaro uŋgyi'bana kondrete Saulo drate oko, nda oto yi kpate bando iro dri, ago drate. 6 Ta'dota Saulo ndi ŋgwàagoro nätu ndaro yibe drayite; ndi katidri cini ndaro be tu alo si. 7 Ondro lidri cini Yisaraele ro se koriyibe Vodelero Jezerela roya kai keriyitate kyila'bai ànyaro mute ago Saulo ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be drayite oko, ànya e'beyi 'bakicii ànyaro te, ago muyite; ago Felesete'bai ikyiyite ago riyite kigyesi.
8 Ago kyenonosi, ondro Felesete'bai kikyiyite boŋgo totrine ni avo lomvosi oko, ànya usuyi Saulo ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be te avo ro 'Bereŋwa Gileboa dri. 9 Ànya totriyi boŋgo Saulo rote täṛiyi drî ndaro te ruyi lakazà kyila ro ndaro te, ago zoyi lazo'bai te wari cini Felesete'bai ro yasi, lazokado ugune lui edeedero ànyaro ndi lidri be ri. 10 Ànya 'bayi lakazà kyila ro ndaro te yekalu aza lui ànyaro roya, ago otoyi drî ndaro te yekalu lu ànyaro Dagona roya. 11 Oko ondro lidri Jabesa Gilada ya ro keriyi tase cini Felesete'bai koyebe Saulo ri ana tana te oko, 12 lidri cini se turiako ŋgayite, ago ruyi avo Saulo rote ndi avoi ŋgwàagoro ndaro robe, ago ànya eziyite Jabesa ya. Ago seyi ànya te ce Vudi ro zele lau, ago akpayite u'duna njidrieri.
13 Saulo drate tana nda a'do kote 'diri Opi ri. Nda ro otà Opi ro kote; nda ojote ŋgalepe uṛine ata si tori avo robe. 14 Nda ṛi ta ŋgalepe ro kote ni Opi resi. Tana ta'doro Opi fu nda te ago ozo miri 'bädri'ba rote Dawidi ŋgwa Yisai ro ri.
The Death of King Saul
(1 Samuel 31.1-13)
1 The Philistines fought a battle against the Israelites on Mount Gilboa. Many Israelites were killed there, and the rest of them, including King Saul and his sons, fled. 2 But the Philistines caught up with them and killed three of Saul's sons, Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua. 3 The fighting was heavy around Saul, and he was hit by enemy arrows and badly wounded. 4 He said to the young man carrying his weapons, “Draw your sword and kill me, to keep these godless Philistines from gloating over me.” But the young man was too terrified to do it. So Saul took his own sword and threw himself on it. 5 The young man saw that Saul was dead, so he too threw himself on his sword and died. 6 So Saul and his three sons all died together, and none of his descendants ever ruled. 7 When the Israelites who lived in Jezreel Valley heard that the army had fled and that Saul and his sons had died, they abandoned their towns and ran off. Then the Philistines came and occupied them.
8 The day after the battle the Philistines went to plunder the corpses, and they found the bodies of Saul and his sons lying on Mount Gilboa. 9 They cut off Saul's head, stripped off his armor, and sent messengers with them throughout Philistia to tell the good news to their idols and to their people. 10 They put his weapons in one of their temples and hung his head in the temple of their god Dagon. 11 When the people of Jabesh in Gilead heard what the Philistines had done to Saul, 12 the bravest men went and got the bodies of Saul and his sons and took them to Jabesh. They buried them there under an oak and fasted for seven days.
13 Saul died because he was unfaithful to the Lord. He disobeyed the Lord's commands; he tried to find guidance by consulting the spirits of the dead 14 instead of consulting the Lord. So the Lord killed him and gave control of the kingdom to David son of Jesse.