1 Tu gi ana si Felesete'bai otoyikala kyila'bai ànyaro rote kyila oyene Yisaraele be. Ago Akisa atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Ma'ba unine miri mi ndi lidri miro be oyine mabe kyila ya.”
2 Dawidi atate Akisa ri ekye: “Kado yi, minina tase ma ruindu'ba miro moyebe oyene 'da.” Ago Akisa atate Dawidi ri ekye: “Kado yi, ma'bana mi a'done vo maro okwa'ba ro ṛo 'duro.”
Saulo ndi Ata'ba Lindri Avo robe aza be
3 Samuele drate ṛo kyeno ndi Yisaraele'bai cini liyite nda ta ago seyi nda te Rama ya, 'ba'desi 'ba modo ndaro roya. Ago Saulo nja taata'bai lindri avo robe ndi tetedri'bai be teni kpeye Yisaraele yasi.
4 Felesete'bai mbiyikalate, ikyiyite ago otoyi gawa te Sunema ya; ago Saulo otokala Yisaraele'bai cini rote, ago ànya otoyi gawa te 'bereŋwa Gileboa dri. 5 Ondro Saulo kondre kyila'bai Felesete'bai rote oko, nda a'dote turituri ro, ago ya ndaro a'dote loŋgaloŋgaro ndra. 6 Ago ondro Saulo keji OPI te oko, OPI zatadri ndaro kote, ca tori si, ca Urima si, ca nebii si. 7 'Dooko Saulo atate ruindu'bai ndaro ri ekye: “Miṛi toko aza se ata'ba ro lindri avo robe märi, tana moyi robe anyare, ago meji ta robe anya sisi.”
Ago ruindu'bai ndaro atate ndäri ekye: “Mindre, ta ata'ba lindri avo robe aza orivoya Enedoro ya.”
8 Ago Saulo toza andivo iro te to boŋgo aza oso si, ago nda oyite, mànoago ritu be. Ago ànya ikyiyite toko ana re ŋgäkyi si. Ndi nda atate ekye: “Nyeji tori märi ago nyolofo nda se aza mabe ävuruna uzina miri 'do märi.”
9 Toko ana atate ndäri ekye: “Endaro mini tase 'Bädri'ba Saulo loyebe te, tase nda 'degwo ata'bai lindri avo robe ndi tetedri'bai be onjane ni Yisaraele yasi ono. Tana e'di nya abari ädri märi tase locina ma ndi odra ya ono oyena si niya?”
10 Oko Saulo äṛurute anya ri OPI si ekye: “Ma ruäṛu OPI se lidriidriro ono si, takozi aza ikyine midri ta ta ono oyero si i'do.”
11 'Dooko toko ana atate Saulo ri ekye: “Molofona a'di ayani miri ya?” Saulo atate ekye: “Nyolofo Samuele ayani märi.”
12 Ondro toko ana kondre Samuele te oko, anya trete otre amba si ago atate Saulo ri ekye: “Nyodo ma te etaya? Mi orivoya 'Bädri'ba Saulo owo.”
13 Ago 'bädri'ba atate anyari ekye: “Nyuturi ko; mindre e'diyi ya?”
Ago toko ana atate Saulo ri ekye: “Mandre lindri avo ro te efovoya ni gyini yasi.”
14 Nda atate anyari ekye: “Beti anyaro laba eŋwanye ya?”
Ago toko ana atate ekye: “Laba oso agoambago ronye efovoya; vuyite boŋgo runduṛu rosi.”
Ago Saulo nite anjioko Samuele owo, ago nda ändite militi si gyini dri, ago ye taoro te.
15 'Dooko Samuele atate Saulo ri ekye: “Tana e'di mi'de gwo ya maro gburune ma lofosi niya?”
Saulo zatadrite ekye: “Ma orivoya rriti 'desi ya; tana Felesete'bai kayi te ikyi kyila oyene mabe, ago Lu anarute ni mare si ago zatadri maro kote tona, ca nebii si ca tori si. Tana ta'doro mäzi mi te miri tase oyene märi 'do tana itine.”
16 Ago Samuele atate ekye: “Tana e'di nya ma eji niya? Yau ondro ka'do mindrete OPI anarute ni mire si ago a'dote kyila'baazi ro miri niya? 17 OPI ye tate miri oso se nda kope ta be miri ma si ronye, tana OPI wa miri 'bädri'ba miro rote ni drì miro yasi, ago ozo anya te oriazi miro Dawidi ri. 18 Tana miro ata OPI ro kote, ago miye ozi ndaro kyila oyero Amaleka'bai be tana kote. Ta'dota ni OPI ka ta ono oyena miri tu ono si wo. 19 Ago OPI ozona mi ndi Yisaraele'bai se mibe ono be 'da drì Felesete'bai roya. Ondo mi ndi ŋgwàagoro miro be nyà'dona ndi mabe. OPI ozona kyila'bai Yisaraele ro kpa 'da drì Felesete'bai roya.”
20 'Dooko Saulo 'dete andriya vuru, ata Samuele ro, turina so nda tawi. Ago nda te orivoya mbaraako, tana nda nya ŋga aza kote kitu zwi ago ŋgäkyi raa. 21 Ndi toko ana ikyite Saulo re, ago ondro anya kondre nda te turituriro oko, anya atate ndäri ekye: “Mindre, ma ruindu'ba miro meri ta miro te; ago manjate adri maro lomvo, ago maye tase nyatabe märi oyene te. 22 Ka'do inye, miri kpa ta ruindu'ba miro ro erine, mi'ba mala'di ŋgaonya fereŋwa aza miri, tana minya robe ago kotomba mi robe oyivoya liti miro ya.”
23 Oko Saulo gatezo, ago atate ekye: “Märi ŋgaonyane i'do.” Oko ondro ruindu'bai ndaro ndi toko ana be, kigbiriyi nda te oko, nda eri ta ànyaro te. Ago nda ŋgate ni gyini drisi, ago rite kitapara dri. 24 Ago toko ana orivoya tiŋgwa oshweekye be, anya fute ndrindri, ago anya ru kyira te, ago ŋga yana te ago 'bete ambata ro teinye loŋgaako. 25 Ago anya 'ba ŋgaonya te Saulo kandra ndi ruindu'bai ndaro be, ago ànya nyayite. 'Dooko ànya ŋgayite ndi oyiyite ŋgäkyi gi ana si.
1 Some time later the Philistines gathered their troops to fight Israel, and Achish said to David, “Of course you understand that you and your men are to fight on my side.”
2 “Of course,” David answered. “I am your servant, and you will see for yourself what I can do.”
Achish said, “Good! I will make you my permanent bodyguard.”
Saul Consults a Medium
3 Now Samuel had died, and all the Israelites had mourned for him and had buried him in his hometown of Ramah. Saul had forced all the fortunetellers and mediums to leave Israel.
4 The Philistine troops assembled and camped near the town of Shunem; Saul gathered the Israelites and camped at Mount Gilboa. 5 When Saul saw the Philistine army, he was terrified, 6 and so he asked the Lord what to do. But the Lord did not answer him at all, either by dreams or by the use of Urim and Thummim or by prophets. 7 Then Saul ordered his officials, “Find me a woman who is a medium, and I will go and consult her.”
“There is one in Endor,” they answered.
8 So Saul disguised himself; he put on different clothes, and after dark he went with two of his men to see the woman. “Consult the spirits for me and tell me what is going to happen,” he said to her. “Call up the spirit of the man I name.”
9 The woman answered, “Surely you know what King Saul has done, how he forced the fortunetellers and mediums to leave Israel. Why, then, are you trying to trap me and get me killed?”
10 Then Saul made a sacred vow. “By the living Lord I promise that you will not be punished for doing this,” he told her.
11 “Whom shall I call up for you?” the woman asked.
“Samuel,” he answered.
12 When the woman saw Samuel, she screamed and said to Saul, “Why have you tricked me? You are King Saul!”
13 “Don't be afraid!” the king said to her. “What do you see?”
“I see a spirit coming up from the earth,” she answered.
14 “What does it look like?” he asked.
“It's an old man coming up,” she answered. “He is wearing a cloak.”
Then Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed to the ground in respect.
15 Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me? Why did you make me come back?”
Saul answered, “I am in great trouble! The Philistines are at war with me, and God has abandoned me. He doesn't answer me any more, either by prophets or by dreams. And so I have called you, for you to tell me what I must do.”
16 Samuel said, “Why do you call me when the Lord has abandoned you and become your enemy? 17 The Lord has done to you what he told you through me: he has taken the kingdom away from you and given it to David instead. 18 You disobeyed the Lord's command and did not completely destroy the Amalekites and all they had. That is why the Lord is doing this to you now. 19 He will give you and Israel over to the Philistines. Tomorrow you and your sons will join me, and the Lord will also give the army of Israel over to the Philistines.”
20 At once Saul fell down and lay stretched out on the ground, terrified by what Samuel had said. He was weak, because he had not eaten anything all day and all night. 21 The woman went over to him and saw that he was terrified, so she said to him, “Please, sir, I risked my life by doing what you asked. 22 Now please do what I ask. Let me fix you some food. You must eat so that you will be strong enough to travel.”
23 Saul refused and said he would not eat anything. But his officers also urged him to eat. He finally gave in, got up from the ground, and sat on the bed. 24 The woman quickly killed a calf which she had been fattening. Then she took some flour, prepared it, and baked some bread without yeast. 25 She set the food before Saul and his officers, and they ate it. And they left that same night.