Rulofo Oŋga Buku Roṛoroṛo ro
1 Ago meŋga mi maro te kpa to'dina, ago mandrevote oko, mandre buku roṛoroṛoro te oŋgavoya oli yasi. 2 Ndi malaika eji mate ekye: “Mindre e'diyi ya?” Mazatadrite makye: “Mandre buku roṛoroṛo ro yi oŋgavoya oli yasi, ocana orivoya kpikpina 'butenätu ago käkpuna orivoya kpikpina 'butealo fonji.”
3 'Dooko nda atate märi ekye: “Egyi latri se kabe oyi 'bädri cini dri ono te kigye. Telesi alo buku roṛoroṛoro roya egyite ekye, utufuna kugu cini 'da ni wari ono yasi; telesina aza ya egyite ekye 'dise cini kayibe ruäṛu kowe si iyi utufuna kpa 'da ni nosi. 4 OPI Mbaraekye atani nonye ekye; yizona latri ono 'da, ago ocina 'da zo kugu cini roya, ago zo 'dise cini kabe ruäṛu kowe si ävuru maro si roya, ago orina 'da zoi ànyaro ya ago perena zoi ànyaro 'da tro cei ndi kuniŋwana yibe.”
Rulofo Toko se Koṛiga ya ro
5 'Dooko malaika se katabe mabe ana efo kpate mileya ago atate märi ekye: “Mindre! Ŋga aza ka begi kpa ikyi 'do!”
6 Mejitate makye: “Ŋgana 'do e'diyi ya?” Nda logotate ekye: “'Do orivoya koṛiga yi, ago 'do orivoya takozi wari cini yasi ro.”
7 Ondro äpi ŋga drina takoro te oko, mandre toko aza rite orivoya koṛiga ya lau!
8 Malaika atate ekye: “Toko 'do orivoya takozi yi.” 'Dooko nda go ipi anya te koṛiga ya, ago go tako drina ti'doro 'do te vona ya. 9 'Dooko meŋga mi maro te kuru oko, mandre 'ditoko ritu te ka ezi eli mädriro kufui mbaraekye rosi. Kufui ànyaro laba oso kufui wala ro ronye. Anya ŋgyiyi koṛiga te kuru ago muyite sina.
10 'Dooko meji malaika se ana te makye: “Ànya kayi koṛiga ana uguna gaŋwaroya?”
11 Nda zatadri maro te ekye: “Le Babelona ya, zo obene anyari lau. Ondro ande zo ana obena te oko, ànya edrenayi koṛiga ana gwo kigye lau mätune.”
The Vision of the Flying Scroll
1 I looked again, and this time I saw a scroll flying through the air. 2 The angel asked me what I saw. I answered, “A scroll flying through the air; it is thirty feet long and fifteen feet wide.”
3 Then he said to me, “On it is written the curse that is to go out over the whole land. On one side of the scroll it says that every thief will be removed from the land; and on the other side it says that everyone who tells lies under oath will also be taken away. 4 The Lord Almighty says that he will send this curse out, and it will enter the house of every thief and the house of everyone who tells lies under oath. It will remain in their houses and leave them in ruins.”
The Vision of the Woman in the Basket
5 The angel appeared again and said, “Look! Something else is coming!”
6 “What is it?” I asked.
He replied, “It is a basket, and it stands for the sin of the whole land.”
7 The basket had a lid made of lead. As I watched, the lid was raised, and there in the basket sat a woman!
8 The angel said, “This represents wickedness.” Then he pushed her down into the basket and put the lid back down. 9 I looked up and saw two women flying toward me with powerful wings like those of a stork. They picked up the basket and flew off with it.
10 I asked the angel, “Where are they taking it?”
11 He answered, “To Babylonia, where they will build a temple for it. When the temple is finished, the basket will be placed there to be worshiped.”