1 OPI Mbaraekye ekye: “Ondro tu gi ana si oko, äpina gyi lo'boro 'da zelevoi Dawidi ro ndi lidri Yerusalema robe wäṛiza ni takozi ànyaro ri ndi a'do undiro be ri. 2 Tu gi ana si manana ävuru lui edeedero ro 'da ni wari yasi, 'dooko ogone ta ànyaro oyine te i'do tona. Ago mäfuna 'dise ekye yi nebi yi 'do 'da ago manana tori lui awi mäturo 'da. 3 'Dooko ondro ka'do 'diaza kaka'da yi te kpa to'dina ekye yi nebii yi, täpi ndaro ndi endre ndaro se kuti nda be 'do atana 'da ndäri ekye: ‘Beṛo mi ufune, tana nya koweoga ävuru OPI rosi.’ Ondro ka'do nda käŋgu ta aza te, täpi ndaro ndi endre ndaro se kuti nda be 'do u'dinayi ndi ṛi. 4 Tu gi ana si nebii cini unina ko a'done driuŋgyi be ta rulofo ànyaro rota, ànya uninayi ko a'done nebii ro, ànya osonayi boŋgo 'bi be nebii ro kote lidri odozana sina, 5 oko nda ogo atana 'da ekye: ‘Ma ko nebi yi, ma orivoya ämvuoso'ba yi, tana ma'do tero ämvuoso'ba ro ṛo ni omba to'di maro si.’ 6 'Dooko ondro ka'do 'diaza keji nda te ekye: ‘Laza amba lomvo miro ya kwoi e'di yeni ya?’ Nda ozana tadri 'da ekye: ‘Laza amba ono musute ni zo bereazii maro ro yasi.’ ”
Ota Lekye'ba Lu ro Ufuro
7 OPI Mbaraekye ekye: “Bando, mipi mi, nyatakuro lekye'ba se kabe losi oye märi ono dri! Mifu nda, 'dooko timele pereruna 'da, ago matakoruna 'da giṛiŋwàna iyi dri. 8 Ni wari ono yasi cini telesi ritu nina lidri ro todrana ndi kpeye, ago telesi alo nina na ro e'bena 'da lidriidriro. 9 Mojona ta alo ninana se ke'bebe ono ro 'da asi si, ago mäwäṛina ànya 'da oso abe mo'di wäṛi asi si 'do ronye. Mojona ànya 'da oso abe logo läguläguro ojo ronye. 'Dooko ànya mätunayi ma 'da, ago mazana tadri ànyaro 'da. Matana 'da ànyari makye; ànya orivoya lidri maro; ago ànya atanayi 'da ekye ma orivoya OPI Lu ànyaro.”
1 “When that time comes,” says the Lord Almighty, “a fountain will be opened to purify the descendants of David and the people of Jerusalem from their sin and idolatry. 2 At that time I will remove the names of the idols from the land, and no one will remember them any more. I will get rid of anyone who claims to be a prophet and will take away the desire to worship idols. 3 Then if anyone still insists on prophesying, his own father and mother will tell him that he must be put to death, because he claimed to speak the Lord's word, but spoke lies instead. When he prophesies, his own father and mother will stab him to death. 4 When that time comes, no prophet will be proud of his visions or act like a prophet or wear a prophet's coarse garment in order to deceive people. 5 Instead, he will say, ‘I am not a prophet. I am a farmer—I have farmed the land all my life.’ 6 Then if someone asks him, ‘What are those wounds on your chest?’ he will answer, ‘I got them at a friend's house.’”
The Command to Kill God's Shepherd
7 The Lord Almighty says, “Wake up, sword, and attack the shepherd who works for me! Kill him, and the sheep will be scattered. I will attack my people 8 and throughout the land two-thirds of the people will die. 9 And I will test the third that survives and will purify them as silver is purified by fire. I will test them as gold is tested. Then they will pray to me, and I will answer them. I will tell them that they are my people, and they will confess that I am their God.”