O'de 'Dimiri'bai Siombasi ro
1 Mipi käläsii miro, mi Lebanona
tana asi kuje ice wiri ro miro robe!
2 Nyìliyi, ami ice kyiyi ro,
tana ice wiri ro 'dete;
tana ice liŋgyiekye iyi lo'dete!
Nyìliyi ami ice vudi Basana ro,
tana vocoko kokye ro ono otogate rri vuru!
3 Nyèri liyi 'dimiri'bai ro;
tana liŋgyi ànyaro narute!
Nyèri liyi ibii ro,
tana kokye Yaradene kalasi otogate!
Lekye'bai Ritu
4 OPI Lu maro atate märi ekye: “Nya'do lekye'ba timele se abe oye tufune ro. 5 'Dise kabe ànya ogye ka ànya tufu, ago eza timele ogye'bai kote; ànya kayi izana logyena ago kayi ata ekye: ‘Räṛu ka'do OPI ri! Tana ama te ŋgaamba be;’ ca lekye'bai modo ànyaro teinye yauni ako ànyari.”
6 (OPI atate ekye: “Ma'dona ko tona yauni be lidri 'bädri ono ro ri, ma andivo ma'bana lidri cini 'da drikaca 'dimiri'bai ago 'bädri'bai ànyaro ro zele. 'Dimiri'bai kwoi perenayi 'bädri 'da tandro ro, ago märi ànya opane ni mbara 'dimiri'bai ànyaro ro yasi i'do.”)
7 Ka'do inye ma teni lekye'ba timele se a'ba tana be tufuna ono ro. Märu dofo ritu te; alona mäzite Yauni, azana mäzite Rudro'be. Ago mandre vo timele rote. 8 Ma'dote yaiŋgyi ako lekye'bai nätu azaka be, se ya ànyaro kosobe malomvo 'do, ago mepere ànya te toto imba alo ya. 9 Ndi matate timele ri makye: “Märi a'done lekye'ba amiro te i'do. Se odrane iyi kodra teri. Se tufune iyi utufu teri. Ànya se kotabe iyi tufunayi iyi 'da iyivoya.” 10 'Dooko märu dofo maro se äzibe “Yauni” 'do te, ago maŋgote, tao'baro se OPI ko'babe lidri cini be ana perezana. 11 Ta'dota epere tao'baro se ana te tu ana si. Ànya se kogyeyi timele ago kologyeyite kai uguyi ma ondre te ago niyite anjioko OPI kani ata tase mayebe ana si. 12 'Dooko matate ànyari makye: “Ondro ka'do nyà'do gindi olebe oko, nyòzo päläti maro märi. Oko ondro ko inye nyèta anya.” Ta'dota ànya ozoyi tonyo mo'di rote märi 'butenätu päläti ro.
13 'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: “Mi'ba ànya vo ŋga odroro Yekalu roya.” Ndi märu tonyo mo'di ro 'butenätu se ànya komayibe ekye lagye amba yi ma ogyero ana te ago ma'bate vo ŋga odroro Yekalu roya. 14 'Dooko maŋgo dofo ṛiri maro se äzibe “Rudro'be” ana te, ago ta a'doro ädrupi ro lakole Yuda ro Yisaraele be roya pererute.
15 'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: “Migo nya'do kpa to'di lekye'ba ro, oko tu ono ya nya'do takadoako. 16 Mindre ma'ba lekye'ba aza te gboko timele maro ro lekyene, oko nda pa timele se kabe rueza kai kote; ca ṛi se kujebe iyi kpa kote, ago ede se ŋga aza koyebe koziro iyi kpa kote, ago ozo ŋgaonya kote se lidriidriro iyi ri, oko nda go nya ṛo iza timele oshweoshwero ro ayani, ago tosi pakonyi ànyaro te. 17 Lekye'ba se takadoako ono te kandrakozi be! Nda e'be timele ndaro te. Kyila perena mbara ndaro 'da kpeye, kufu ndaro towina 'da, ago mi drigwo yasi ndaro uzwena 'da.”
The Fall of the Tyrants
1 Open your doors, Lebanon,
so that fire can burn down your cedar trees!
2 Weep and wail, cypress trees—
the cedars have fallen;
those glorious trees have been destroyed!
Weep and wail, oaks of Bashan—
the dense forest has been cut down!
3 The rulers cry out in grief;
their glory is gone!
Listen to the roaring of the lions;
their forest home along the Jordan is destroyed!
The Two Shepherds
4 The Lord my God said to me, “Act the part of the shepherd of a flock of sheep that are going to be butchered. 5 Their owners kill them and go unpunished. They sell the meat and say, ‘Praise the Lord! We are rich!’ Even their own shepherds have no pity on them.”
( 6 The Lord said, “I will no longer pity anyone on earth. I myself will put all the people in the power of their rulers. These rulers will devastate the earth, and I will not save it from their power.”)
7 Those who bought and sold the sheep hired me, and I became the shepherd of the sheep that were going to be butchered. I took two sticks: one I called “Favor” and the other “Unity.” And I took care of the flock. 8 I lost patience with three other shepherds, who hated me, and I got rid of them all in a single month. 9 Then I said to the flock, “I will not be your shepherd any longer. Let those die who are to die. Let those be destroyed who are to be destroyed. Those who are left will destroy one another.” 10 Then I took the stick called “Favor” and broke it, to cancel the covenant which the Lord had made with all the nations. 11 So the covenant was canceled on that day. Those who bought and sold the sheep were watching me, and they knew that the Lord was speaking through what I did. 12 I said to them, “If you are willing, give me my wages. But if not, keep them.” So they paid me thirty pieces of silver as my wages.
13 The Lord said to me, “Put them in the Temple treasury.” So I took the thirty pieces of silver—the magnificent sum they thought I was worth—and put them in the Temple treasury. 14 Then I broke the second stick, the one called “Unity,” and the unity of Judah and Israel was shattered.
15 Then the Lord said to me, “Once again act the part of a shepherd, this time a worthless one. 16 I have put a shepherd in charge of my flock, but he does not help the sheep that are threatened by destruction; nor does he look for the lost, or heal those that are hurt, or feed the healthy. Instead, he eats the meat of the fattest sheep and tears off their hoofs. 17 That worthless shepherd is doomed! He has abandoned his flock. War will totally destroy his power. His arm will wither, and his right eye will go blind.”