1 Nyiliŋgyi tawi mi se mulube ono mi orivoya liŋgyiekye!
Mi miro laba oso tu'bu ronye boŋgo mi takoro miro kundusi.
Drikyiri miro laba oso gboko indrii ro kabe idi
lutui Gilada ro drisi ronye.
2 Si miro orivoya onjero oso gboko timele ro se
alo 'bi na be ago ajate 'do ronye.
A'ba ànya cini te kadoro;
ago alona aza lepi kote.
3 Biṛi miro laba oso kodo cariro walawalaro ronye;
ago kala miro liŋgyi tawi.
Biṛii miro orivoya oso gäṛä'bu ronye boŋgo mi takoro miro kundusi.
4 Kyembe miro laba oso tiṛiwiṛa Dawidi ro ronye,
se abete biliro,
ago ayi ŋga 'digagaro kutu ro te ŋgulu kigyesi.
5 Ba ritu miro orivoya oso yaŋgai ritu to'diro ronye,
oso kaliŋga lezo ro kayibe ŋgaonya kolele lako ronye.
6 Marina 'da 'bereŋwa mure ro dri,
ago lutu ŋgutruro ro dri,
madale vo iwina gwo
ago vouni okyena gwo.
7 Nyiliŋgyi tawi mi se mulube ono;
ŋgakozi aza i'do mibe!

8 Nyikyi moyi mibe ni Lebanona yasi toko maro ogyero;
nyikyi moyi mibe ni Lebanona yasi.
Mòyi ni dridopi 'bereŋwa Amana ro yasi,
ni dridopi 'bereŋwa Senira ro ndi 'bereŋwa Eremona robe yasi,
ni kugyi ibii ndi kaa yibe kayibe ori kigye 'do yasi.
9 Nyeza kala ŋgalu maro rote mi se ya maro kulube
ago toko maro ogyero ono,
nyeza kala ŋgalu miro rote
voondre mi miro ro ndi 'bela miro se nyabe o'bana ono si.
10 Ŋgalu miro 'ba ma te riyä ro,
mi se ya maro kulube ago toko maro ogyero ono!
Ŋgalu miro orivoya kadopara ndrani vino drisi;
tägyi ido miro ro ŋgutru ndrani ido tägyi tagyiri cini drisi!
11 Ndeṛi epe ro orivoya kala miro ya, toko maro ogyero!
ladra miro orivoya leyi yi ago epe yi.
Boŋgo osoro miro orivoya tägyi
ndeṛindeṛiro foce Lebanona ro ronye.

12 Mi se ya maro kulube ago toko ogyero maro ono,
mi orivoya ämvu da'doda'doro yi,
ämvu se a'be lomvona te gbikyi,
gyi legwalegwaro se abe lomvo na te yi;
13 ŋga kyi'dikyi'diro miro,
ka omba oso ice gäṛä'bu ro ronye
ago kayi doŋgo liŋgyiekye owa.
Ice hena ndi nareda robe leri ko,
14 nareda ndi saferona be, kalamusa ndi kinamona be leri ko,
ndi ice cini tägyi ŋgutruro be.
Mure ndi aloe be ka omba lau
ndi ice cini tägyi ŋgutruro azaka be.
15 Mi orivoya oso gyi legwalegwa ämvu ro ronye,
golo udiudiro ronye;
se gyi na ka ezi idi vuru ni 'bereŋwa Lebanona ro drisi.
16 Misi, oli mä'dudriro.
Oli ŋgäṛiŋwadriro mili ämvu maro dri;
mi'ba oli ka'do twi tägyi ndeṛiekye be.
Mi'ba nda se mulu tawi ono kikyi ämvu ndaro ya
ago konya doŋgo kadopara ndrana.
The Man
1 How beautiful you are, my love!
How your eyes shine with love behind your veil.
Your hair dances like a flock of goats
bounding down the hills of Gilead.
2 Your teeth are as white as sheep
that have just been shorn and washed.
Not one of them is missing;
they are all perfectly matched.
3 Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon;
how lovely they are when you speak.
Your cheeks glow behind your veil.
4 Your neck is like the tower of David,
round and smooth,
with a necklace like a thousand shields hung around it.
5 Your breasts are like gazelles,
twin deer feeding among lilies.
6 I will stay on the hill of myrrh,
the hill of incense,
until the morning breezes blow
and the darkness disappears.
7 How beautiful you are, my love;
how perfect you are!

8 Come with me from the Lebanon Mountains, my bride;
come with me from Lebanon.
Come down from the top of Mount Amana,
from Mount Senir and Mount Hermon,
where the lions and leopards live.
9 The look in your eyes, my sweetheart and bride,
and the necklace you are wearing
have stolen my heart.
10 Your love delights me,
my sweetheart and bride.
Your love is better than wine;
your perfume more fragrant than any spice.
11 The taste of honey is on your lips, my darling;
your tongue is milk and honey for me.
Your clothing has all the fragrance of Lebanon.

12 My sweetheart, my bride, is a secret garden,
a walled garden, a private spring;
13 there the plants flourish.
They grow like an orchard of pomegranate trees
and bear the finest fruits.
There is no lack of henna and nard,
14 of saffron, calamus, and cinnamon,
or incense of every kind.
Myrrh and aloes grow there
with all the most fragrant perfumes.
15 Fountains water the garden,
streams of flowing water,
brooks gushing down from the Lebanon Mountains.
The Woman
16 Wake up, North Wind.
South Wind, blow on my garden;
fill the air with fragrance.
Let my lover come to his garden
and eat the best of its fruits.