1 Ma orivoya foce vocowa Sarona ya ro yi
kolele yi vodele roya.
2 Anya se mulu tawi ono laba oso kolele kukyi lako ronye
ndiriŋwa azi lako.
3 Nda se mulu tawi ono ojobe manoàgo azi be
laba oso ice ŋgutru ro ice kucu azi lako ronye.
Mulu orine lindri na ya,
ago metembe doŋgo na be ndeṛi tawi märi.
4 Nda ezi mate zo karama ro ndaro ya
ago eŋga bere ŋgalu rote mädri.
5 Nyotomba ma doŋgo si; nyeca ma doŋgo ŋgutru rosi
tana mbara ŋgalu ro pe ma te ṛe.
6 Drigaṛi ndaro orivoya drî maro zele,
ago drigwo ndaro omvo ma te.
7 Ndiriŋwa Yerusalema ro, molo'baru ämiri;
nyäṛuru kaliŋgai ndi yaŋgai be si
ko ŋgalu amaro gburune.
Loŋgo ṛiri
8 Meri dri nda se mulu tawi ono rote.
Nda kate ezi ikyi;
kate ezi imu 'bereŋwai drisi,
kate ezi odo lutuŋwai drisi mare.
9 Nda se mulu be ono laba oso yaŋga ronye,
ago oso kaliŋga magara ombato'diro ronye.
Nda edre begi tiṛi lomvo ana.
Nda ka voäwu vouŋbo zo ro yasi
ago ka voondre vogbetegbetero yasi.
10 Nda se mulu be ono ka ata märi.
Miŋga ri mi se mulu tawi ono;
nyikyi moyi mibe.
11 Meṛi kyete, 'bu te i'do;
12 foce kate o'do 'bädri ya.
Tu loŋgo oŋgoro asate;
eri liyi tu'bui rote wari amaro ya.
13 Doŋgo kyi'dui ro kate eto owa;
konoi kate o'do
oli kate aba tägyi fo na robe.
Miŋga ri, mise mulu be ono;
nyikyi moyi mibe.
14 Nyalaba oso tu'bu se kabe yi da'do
kärägu luutu roya ronye.
Mi'ba mandre militi miro,
mi'ba meri gboro miro,
tana gboro miro orivoya ŋgila
ago mi miro orivoya liŋgyiekye.

15 Miru kobai, kobai giṛiŋwà se kayibe,
ämvu kono ro enji 'do,
tana ämvu kono ro amaro 'do te.
16 Nda se mulube ono orivoya maro,
ago ma orivoya ndaro.
Nda ka gboko koronyai 'ba ro ndaro o'ba ŋgaonyane kolele lakosi,
17 madale vo iwina gwo
ago vouni okyena gwo.
Mi se mulu tawi ono, nyego, nya'do oso yaŋga ronye
ago oso kaliŋga magara 'bereŋwai vocoko ro drisi ronye.
1 I am only a wild flower in Sharon,
a lily in a mountain valley.
The Man
2 Like a lily among thorns
is my darling among women.
The Woman
3 Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
so is my dearest compared to other men.
I love to sit in its shadow,
and its fruit is sweet to my taste.
4 He brought me to his banquet hall
and raised the banner of love over me.
5 Restore my strength with raisins
and refresh me with apples!
I am weak from passion.
6 His left hand is under my head,
and his right hand caresses me.
7 Promise me, women of Jerusalem;
swear by the swift deer and the gazelles
that you will not interrupt our love.
The Second Song
The Woman
8 I hear my lover's voice.
He comes running over the mountains,
racing across the hills to me.
9 My lover is like a gazelle,
like a young stag.
There he stands beside the wall.
He looks in through the window
and glances through the lattice.
10 My lover speaks to me.
The Man
Come then, my love;
my darling, come with me.
11 The winter is over; the rains have stopped;
12 in the countryside the flowers are in bloom.
This is the time for singing;
the song of doves is heard in the fields.
13 Figs are beginning to ripen;
the air is fragrant with blossoming vines.
Come then, my love;
my darling, come with me.
14 You are like a dove that hides
in the crevice of a rock.
Let me see your lovely face
and hear your enchanting voice.

15 Catch the foxes, the little foxes,
before they ruin our vineyard in bloom.
The Woman
16 My lover is mine, and I am his.
He feeds his flock among the lilies
17 until the morning breezes blow
and the darkness disappears.
Return, my darling, like a gazelle,
like a stag on the mountains of Bether.