Ruta ye Losi te Ämvu Boaza roya
1 Naomi orivoya 'didiri aza be ävuru ndaro Boaza, nda mano ŋgaamba'ba yi, nda ni katidri ago Noami ro Elemeleki ro yasi. 2 Ago tu alo si oko Ruta atate Naomi ri ekye: “Mi'ba ma oyine ämvu 'dise olena ma ndi inya vole uṛine ni ämvu ndaro yasi roya.” Ago Naomi atate ekye: “Nyoyi, toko maro.” 3 Ndi Ruta fote ago oyite ago ṛi inya vole te ososi inya olo'bai vo; ago kandrakado ro anjioko ana orivoya ämvu Boaza ro, nda se ni katidri Elemeleki ro yasi ana.
4 Fere oko, Boaza esate ni Beteleme yasi; ago nda ye mede te inya olo'bai ri ekye: “OPI ka'do tro ami yibe.” Ago ànya zatadrite ekye: “OPI käṛu mi kpa.”
5 'Dooko Boaza eji mano se ni dri'ba inya olo'bai ro ana te ekye: “Toko 'do a'di ro ya?”
6 Ago mano se ni dri'ba inya olo'bai ro ana zatadrite ekye: “Anya orivoya Moaba'ba yi se ikyite Naomi be ni 'bädri Moaba ro yasi owo. 7 Anya eji ma te ekye mi'ba ma inya vole uṛine ososi inya olo'bai vo. Ago anya eto losi oyete ṛoni kyenoŋbo si le saa ono ya, ago edre leni yau 'do loline lindri zele.”
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8 'Dooko Boaza atate Ruta ri ekye: “Nyeri ta maro ŋguti maro, nyoyi ko inya vole uṛine ämvu to aza ya nye'be ämvu ono ko. Mi'de ndi kpo 'de ruindu'bai 'ditokoro maro iyi vo. 9 Mi'ba mi miro ka'do ndi ämvu se ànya kayibe ugu inya oloni kigyesi ya, ago nyugu oso ndi ànya vo. Mata ṛote agoanjii maro ri ko mi oyene koziro. Ondro nya'dote gyilu be, nyoyi mimvu gyi ni lakaza gyi ro se agoanjii kondi gyi be kigye yasi.”
10 'Dooko Ruta 'dete vuru Boaza pa, ago ata te ndäri ekye: “Ma'do gica atra ro oko tana e'di mi'de gwo a'done yauni be ta maro oti si niya?”
11 Oko Boaza zatadri Ruta ro te ekye: “Tana tase cini miyebe adraŋwa miro ri odra ago miro ro vosi ana iti tana te märi ti'deti'de, tase nye'be täpi miro te ndi endre miro be ndi vose äti mibe kigye be ago nyikyi te orine lidri se mini kätina ko ono lako. 12 Opi käṛu mi ta tase miyebe ono rota. OPI käṛu mi äṛu amba si, Lu Yisaraele ro se nyikyibe ruopane mbara ndaro zele ono!”
13 'Dooko Ruta atate ekye: “Mi orivoya yauni parandra be märi, opi maro, tana nyi'dwe ya maro te ago nyata ta te kado ma ruindu'ba miro ri, ma ca ko alo aza ruindu'bai miro ro owo.”
14 Ago saa ŋgaonya rosi oko Boaza atate Ruta ri ekye: “Nyikyi noŋwa ŋgaonya onya, ago mi'be ambata miro vino ya.” Ago anya rite inya olo'bai resi, ago Boaza cope diri lusilusiro te anyari, ago anya nyate madale ojo anya te, ago anya e'be anjokona te. 15 Ago ondro anya koŋgate inya vole olo oko, Boaza ata te losioye'bai ndaro ri ekye: “Mi'ba anya kolo inya ni se embeembe ro iyi lomvosi, nyalaga anya ko. 16 Ago nyèŋgye inya azaka kpa ni se embe drina be iyi yasi anyari ago nye'be anya otone, ago nyuluku anya ko.”
17 Ago Ruta lo inya vole teni ämvu yasi sagwo le tandrolero. Ago anya 'bi se anya kolobe ana te leci ro sa ndi oso lu'di alo ronye. 18 Anya ŋgyite ago oyite sina 'bakici ya, ago anya ka'date adraŋwa anyaro Naomi ri, se gi anya kolobe ana. Ago Ruta ozo ŋgaonya anjoko se anya konyabe ana kpate Naomi ri. 19 Adraŋwa anyaro atate anyari ekye: “Ondro ono nya'do inya olovoya eŋwaroya? Ago miye losi te eŋwaroya? Lu käṛu mano se koti ta miro be ono.” 'Dooko Ruta iti ta 'dise anya koye losi be sina ana rote adraŋwa anyaro ri, ekye: “Mano se maye losi be ämvuna ya ono ävuruna orivoya Boaza.”
20 Ndi Naomi atate toko anyaro ri ekye: “OPI se e'be ta yauni ka'daro kote 'dise lidriidriro kode avo ro ri ono käṛu Boaza.” Naomi ata kpate anyari ekye: “Mano ana orivoya 'didiri amaro, 'didiri paca amaro.”
21 Ago Ruta atate ekye: “Boaza ata kpate märi ekye: ‘Be miri osone kpo 'de losioye'bai maro vo, madale ànya kondeyi inya cini maro olona lutu.’ ” 22 Ndi Naomi atate Ruta toko anyaro ri ekye: “'Do orivoya kado toko maro, miri losi oyene ruindu'bai 'ditokoro Boaza ro be. Ka'dobe ämvu to aza ya ayena mi koziro.” 23 Ago anya sote kpo 'de ruindu'bai 'ditokoro Boaza ro vo, ugu inya vole olovoya madale kaaza olo ndi kyifo be kyegwo. Ago Ruta ugu orite 'du adraŋwa anyaro be.
Ruth Works in the Field of Boaz
1 Naomi had a relative named Boaz, a rich and influential man who belonged to the family of her husband Elimelech. 2 One day Ruth said to Naomi, “Let me go to the fields to gather the grain that the harvest workers leave. I am sure to find someone who will let me work with him.”
Naomi answered, “Go ahead, daughter.”
3 So Ruth went out to the fields and walked behind the workers, picking up the heads of grain which they left. It so happened that she was in a field that belonged to Boaz.
4 Some time later Boaz himself arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the workers. “The Lord be with you!” he said.
“The Lord bless you!” they answered.
5 Boaz asked the man in charge, “Who is that young woman?”
6 The man answered, “She is the foreigner who came back from Moab with Naomi. 7 She asked me to let her follow the workers and gather grain. She has been working since early morning and has just now stopped to rest for a while under the shelter.”
8 Then Boaz said to Ruth, “Let me give you some advice. Don't gather grain anywhere except in this field. Work with the women here; 9 watch them to see where they are reaping and stay with them. I have ordered my men not to molest you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and drink from the water jars that they have filled.”
10 Ruth bowed down with her face touching the ground, and said to Boaz, “Why should you be so concerned about me? Why should you be so kind to a foreigner?”
11 Boaz answered, “I have heard about everything that you have done for your mother-in-law since your husband died. I know how you left your father and mother and your own country and how you came to live among a people you had never known before. 12 May the Lord reward you for what you have done. May you have a full reward from the Lord God of Israel, to whom you have come for protection!”
13 Ruth answered, “You are very kind to me, sir. You have made me feel better by speaking gently to me, even though I am not the equal of one of your servants.”
14 At mealtime Boaz said to Ruth, “Come and have a piece of bread, and dip it in the sauce.” So she sat with the workers, and Boaz passed some roasted grain to her. She ate until she was satisfied, and she still had some food left over. 15-16 After she had left to go and gather grain, Boaz ordered the workers, “Let her gather grain even where the bundles are lying, and don't say anything to stop her. Besides that, pull out some heads of grain from the bundles and leave them for her to pick up.”
17 So Ruth gathered grain in the field until evening, and when she had beaten it out, she found she had nearly twenty-five pounds. 18 She took the grain back into town and showed her mother-in-law how much she had gathered. She also gave her the food left over from the meal. 19 Naomi asked her, “Where did you gather all this grain today? Whose field have you been working in? May God bless the man who took an interest in you!”
So Ruth told Naomi that she had been working in a field belonging to a man named Boaz.
20 “May the Lord bless Boaz!” Naomi exclaimed. “The Lord always keeps his promises to the living and the dead.” And she went on, “That man is a close relative of ours, one of those responsible for taking care of us.”
21 Then Ruth said, “Best of all, he told me to keep gathering grain with his workers until they finish the harvest.”
22 Naomi said to Ruth, “Yes, daughter, it will be better for you to work with the women in Boaz' field. You might be molested if you went to someone else's field.” 23 So Ruth worked with them and gathered grain until all the barley and wheat had been harvested. And she continued to live with her mother-in-law.