Yauni Lu ro Yisaraele dri
1 Ma taeji makye: Inye'do Lu ga lidri modo ndaro ro tezo ya? Endaro i'do inye! Ma andivo orivoya Yisaraele'ba yi, zelevo Abarayama ro, 'di 'bakala Benjamina ro ro. 2 Lu ga lidri ndaro ko tezo, se nda konjibe ṛoni etosi ono, mini tase taegyi kabe atana ni vose Eliya eji Lu be Yisaraele lomvo rota se ekye: 3 “Opi, ànya tufuyi nebii miro te ago togayi voi tori oloro miro te riya; e'bete toto alodi ma, ago ànya kayi ugu ruutri ma ufune.” 4 Lu zatadri ndaro te eŋwanye ya? “Meta lidri kutu njidrieri (7,000) te andivo maro ri se mätuyi lu awi Bala kote.” 5 Kpa oso inye yauono; oti giṛiŋwa ànya se Lu konjibe tai'dwero ndaro si ro orivoya. 6 Ŋgaonji ndaro änjute tai'dwero ndaro dri, ko tase ànya koyebe dri. Tana ondro ka'do tai'dwero Lu ro änju gwo tase lidri kabe oyena dri, 'dooko yauni ndaro a'dona ko tai'dwero endaro yi.
7 'Do eŋwanye ya? Lidri Yisaraele ro usuyi ŋgase kayibe ugu uṛina kote. Toto gboko giṛiŋwa se Lu konjibe usute ni; ago anjokona a'dote tuṛu ro läzi Lu ro eriako. 8 Oso taegyi kabe ata ronye ekye: “Lu 'ba tauni drî ndi ya ànyaro robe te a'done tauniako, gile tu ono si ono ànya niyi ko voondrene kode ta erine.” 9 Ago Dawidi ekye:
“Mi'ba karamai ànyaro kuru ànya ago ka'do abari ro ànyari;
mi'ba ànya kolo'deyi ago eza ànya.
10 Mi'ba mi ànyaro kuni tana ànya ka'doyi robe voondreako;
ago mi'ba ànya keŋgoru rriti ànyaro zele tu cini si”.
11 'Dooko ma taeji makye: Ondro Yudai käpäliyite oko, inye'do utufu ànya gindi ya? Ko inye! Tana ànya yeyi takozi te, ŋgaoparo ikyite Atrai ri, ko'ba Yudai robe a'done yaoko be ànya be. 12 Takozi Yudai ro ezi äṛu 'desi te 'bädri ri, ago o'de ànyaro ezi äṛu 'desi te Atrai ri. Ka'do inye, äṛu a'dona te ndra ondro oti Yudai ro olocite kpeye kigye owo.
Ŋgaoparo Atrai ro
13 Ma ugu ata yauono ämiri Atrai: oso mabe orivoya ni lazo'ba Atrai ro ono ronye, ma'dona ndi driuŋgyi be losi maro ya. 14 Kode azaya ma'ba lidri beti modo maro ro robe yaoko be, ago ma'do robe mbara be rukä ànyaro opane. 15 Tana ondro Lu koga ànya tezo oko, otoza lidri teni kyila'baazii Lu ro ro a'done bereazii ndaro ro. Äru ànya te oko, 'dooko te e'di a'dona gwo ya? Adri a'dona gwo avo ri!
16 Ondro kye'begye käti ambata ro ozote Lu ri, 'dooko duŋguṛuna kpate orivoya cu ndaro; ago ondro pajii ce ro ozote Lu ri; gwoṛii kpate orivoya ndaro. 17 Rukä gwoṛii ice ido ro ro se ikyi'dibe kyi'di ro aŋgote vuru, ago gwoṛi ice ido ro vocowa ro ro ikicute lomvoigye. Ami Atrai nyàlaba oso ice ido ro ro se vocowaro ono ronye, ago yauono nyà ŋgadriamba ice ido ro ro se ikyi'dibe kyi'di ro la'dona. 18 Ka'do inye, beṛo ko ämiri ànya se aŋgote oso gwoṛii ronye mawone. Minina a'dona driuŋgyi be eŋwanye ya? Ami orivoya gwoṛi yi, nyà ko ni pajii äti, pajii kayi ni ami äti.
19 Oko nyàtana 'da mikye: “Owo, oko gwoṛii aŋgote vuru, vo ozoza märi.” 20 'Do orivoya endaro. Aŋgo ànya te vuru tana ànya mayi kote, nyà ori tana mima ta yi. Oko nyà'do ko driuŋgyi be tana ro, nya'do turi be. 21 Lu e'be Yudai kote ezaako, se ṛo orivoya gwoṛi modo yi vo dri, inye'do nyusube nda e'bena ami ndi ya? 22 Noŋwa màndre takado ndi siomba Lu robe orivoya. Nda orivoya siomba be ànya se lo'deyite ri, oko takado be ämiri, ondro mìri ndi 'du takado ndaro ya owo. Oko ondro mìri kote, aŋgona ami kpa vuru. 23 Ago ondro Yudai ke'beyi taomaako ànyaro te, ago ologona ànya 'da vose ànya ka'do be kigye ya, tana Lu orivoya mbara be 'do oyene. 24 Ami Atrai nyàlaba oso gwoṛi ice ido ro ro vocowaro ronye aŋgote vuru, ago toni gwoṛi modo risi, änjute ice ido ro ikyi'dibe kyi'di dri; Yudai laba oso ice se ikyi'di be kyi'di ono ronye, ago a'dona ndi pari rritiako Lu ri gwoṛii se aŋgobe vuru ogo kicune ice modo ànyaro ro drisi.
Yauni Lu ro 'Dicini dri
25 Taŋgye ndrwi orivoya, ädrupii maro, se male ämiri unine, se lagana ami ni tavousu ya mikye iyi orivoya tavouni'bai. Anjioko ni taeriako lidri Yisaraele ro ro se ko orivoya 'duro, oko okyena'da gialo andena oti Atrai se kabe ikyi Lu re ro kpeye lutu. 26 Ago apana vo Yisaraele cini ro 'da. Oso taegyi kabe ata ronye ekye:
“Opa'ba ikyina 'da ni Zaiona ya
ago anana takozi cini 'da ni zelevoi Yakoba ro yasi.
27 Ma'bana tao'baro ono 'da ànya be
ondro mana takozii ànyaro te zwi owo.”
28 Tana ànya gayi Lazokado tezo. Yudai orivoya Kyila'baazii Lu ro ta ami Atrai rota. Oko tana ta ŋgaonji Lu ro rota, ànya orivoya bereazii ndaro ta zutui ànyaro rota. 29 Lu läpi drî ndaro kote ta 'dise nda konjibe ago käṛube rota. 30 Ago ami Atrai, kyeno mìro Lu kote, oko yauono nyùsu yauni Lu rote tana Yudai royi ta kote. 31 Kpa oso inye, tana yauni se nyùsube ono si, Yudai yauono royi Lu kote tana anjioko ànya ka'do robe kpa yauni Lu ro be. 32 Tana Lu 'ba lidri cini te kamba'bai taoroako ro, tana nda kaka'da yauni ndaro robe ànya cini ri.
Räṛu Ka'do Lu ri
33 Ŋgadriamba Lu ro para! Tavouni ndaro ndi tauni be orivoya gyuru! A'di unina ni taora ndaro tazevona edrene ya? A'di unina ni taoye ndaro unine ya? 34 Oso taegyi kabe ata ronye ekye:
“A'di ni tauni drî Opi ro ro niya?
A'di ni mbara be miomba ozone ndäri ya?
35 A'di ozo ŋga ni ndäri,
nda kologo vona robe ya?”
36 Tana ŋga cini a'bate nda si, ago ŋga cini ka ori nda si ago ndäri. Räṛu ka'do Lu ri äduako. Amen.
God's Mercy on Israel
1 I ask, then: Did God reject his own people? Certainly not! I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, a member of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God has not rejected his people, whom he chose from the beginning. You know what the scripture says in the passage where Elijah pleads with God against Israel: 3 “Lord, they have killed your prophets and torn down your altars; I am the only one left, and they are trying to kill me.” 4 What answer did God give him? “I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not worshiped the false god Baal.” 5 It is the same way now: there is a small number left of those whom God has chosen because of his grace. 6 His choice is based on his grace, not on what they have done. For if God's choice were based on what people do, then his grace would not be real grace.
7 What then? The people of Israel did not find what they were looking for. It was only the small group that God chose who found it; the rest grew deaf to God's call. 8 As the scripture says, “God made their minds and hearts dull; to this very day they cannot see or hear.” 9 And David says,
“May they be caught and trapped at their feasts;
may they fall, may they be punished!
10 May their eyes be blinded so that they cannot see;
and make them bend under their troubles at all times.”
11 I ask, then: When the Jews stumbled, did they fall to their ruin? By no means! Because they sinned, salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make the Jews jealous of them. 12 The sin of the Jews brought rich blessings to the world, and their spiritual poverty brought rich blessings to the Gentiles. Then, how much greater the blessings will be when the complete number of Jews is included!
The Salvation of the Gentiles
13 I am speaking now to you Gentiles: As long as I am an apostle to the Gentiles, I will take pride in my work. 14 Perhaps I can make the people of my own race jealous, and so be able to save some of them. 15 For when they were rejected, all other people were changed from God's enemies into his friends. What will it be, then, when they are accepted? It will be life for the dead!
16 If the first piece of bread is given to God, then the whole loaf is his also; and if the roots of a tree are offered to God, the branches are his also. 17 Some of the branches of the cultivated olive tree have been broken off, and a branch of a wild olive tree has been joined to it. You Gentiles are like that wild olive tree, and now you share the strong spiritual life of the Jews. 18 So then, you must not despise those who were broken off like branches. How can you be proud? You are just a branch; you don't support the roots—the roots support you.
19 But you will say, “Yes, but the branches were broken off to make room for me.” 20 That is true. They were broken off because they did not believe, while you remain in place because you do believe. But do not be proud of it; instead, be afraid. 21 God did not spare the Jews, who are like natural branches; do you think he will spare you? 22 Here we see how kind and how severe God is. He is severe toward those who have fallen, but kind to you—if you continue in his kindness. But if you do not, you too will be broken off. 23 And if the Jews abandon their unbelief, they will be put back in the place where they were; for God is able to do that. 24 You Gentiles are like the branch of a wild olive tree that is broken off and then, contrary to nature, is joined to a cultivated olive tree. The Jews are like this cultivated tree; and it will be much easier for God to join these broken-off branches to their own tree again.
God's Mercy on All
25 There is a secret truth, my friends, which I want you to know, for it will keep you from thinking how wise you are. It is that the stubbornness of the people of Israel is not permanent, but will last only until the complete number of Gentiles comes to God. 26 And this is how all Israel will be saved. As the scripture says,
“The Savior will come from Zion
and remove all wickedness from the descendants of Jacob.
27 I will make this covenant with them
when I take away their sins.”
28 Because they reject the Good News, the Jews are God's enemies for the sake of you Gentiles. But because of God's choice, they are his friends because of their ancestors. 29 For God does not change his mind about whom he chooses and blesses. 30 As for you Gentiles, you disobeyed God in the past; but now you have received God's mercy because the Jews were disobedient. 31 In the same way, because of the mercy that you have received, the Jews now disobey God, in order that they also may now receive God's mercy. 32 For God has made all people prisoners of disobedience, so that he might show mercy to them all.
Praise to God
33 How great are God's riches! How deep are his wisdom and knowledge! Who can explain his decisions? Who can understand his ways? 34 As the scripture says,
“Who knows the mind of the Lord?
Who is able to give him advice?
35 Who has ever given him anything,
so that he had to pay it back?”
36 For all things were created by him, and all things exist through him and for him. To God be the glory forever! Amen.