Mätu ta Kyila'baazii Yisaraele ro Opero Ṛe
1 Äye Lu, miri ko titiro;
miri ko ata ako, kode nya'do ko titiitiro Äye Lu!
2 Mindre! Kyila'baazii miro kayi ogbo,
ago ànya se yanayi osoro milomvo kayi ugu taoroako ka'da.
3 Ànya kayi ugu tandrwiro lora lidri miro lomvo.
Ànya kayi ugu taäyi ànya se nyulu be lomvo.
4 Ànya kayi ata ekye: “Nyìkyi, mì'de mùtufu tu'de ànyaro,
tana ije ta Yisaraele ro robe äduako.”

5 Ànya äyiyi ta te troalo
ago 'bayi tao'ba te kyila oyene mibe;
6 lidri Edoma ro ndi Isamaele'bai be;
lidri Moaba ro ndi Agara'bai be;
7 lidri Gebala ro, Amona ro, ndi Amaleka'ba be,
ago Felesetia ndi lidri Tura ro be.
8 Lidri Asaria ro bereazii mbaraekye Amona'bai ndi Moaba'bai zelevoi Loto ro ro be dro'beru kpate ànya be.

9 Miye tase miyebe Midiana'bai ri,
ago Sisera ndi Jabina be ri golo Kisona ro kala ana kpa ànyari.
10 Nyutufu ànya te Enedoro ya,
ago avoi ànyaro ŋgwate gyini dri.
11 Miye tase miyebe Oreba ndi Zeba be ri ana dri'bai ànyaro ri,
miye dri'bai cini ànyaro ri oso miyebe Zeba ndi Zalemuna be ri ronye,
12 se atayite ekye: “Mì'de mä̀ru wari Lu ro ono andivo amaro ri.”

13 Nyepere ànya oso durufu ronye, Äye Lu maro,
oso oli kabe turu uŋgyi ronye.
14 Oso asi kabe vocoko oza ronye,
oso leko asi ro kabe leko lutui drisi ronye,
15 minja ànya oligbiriṛi miro si
ago mi'ba ànya a'done turi ro oli mbaraekye miro si.
16 Mi'ba ànya ka'do driupiro, Äye OPI,
tana ànya koroyi mi robe.
17 Mi'ba ànya ka'do opeopero ṛe ago turiro äduako;
mi'ba ànya kodra kpeye yauni ako.
18 Mi'ba ànya kuniyi anjioko mi toto ni OPI yi,
Lu Fopara Ndra yi 'bädri cini dri.
A Prayer for the Defeat of Israel's Enemies
1 O God, do not keep silent;
do not be still, do not be quiet!
2 Look! Your enemies are in revolt,
and those who hate you are rebelling.
3 They are making secret plans against your people;
they are plotting against those you protect.
4 “Come,” they say, “let us destroy their nation,
so that Israel will be forgotten forever.”

5 They agree on their plan
and form an alliance against you:
6 the people of Edom and the Ishmaelites;
the people of Moab and the Hagrites;
7 the people of Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek,
and of Philistia and Tyre.
8 Assyria has also joined them
as a strong ally of the Ammonites and Moabites, the descendants of Lot.

9 Do to them what you did to the Midianites,
and to Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River.
10 You defeated them at Endor,
and their bodies rotted on the ground.
11 Do to their leaders what you did to Oreb and Zeeb;
defeat all their rulers as you did Zebah and Zalmunna,
12 who said, “We will take for our own
the land that belongs to God.”

13 Scatter them like dust, O God,
like straw blown away by the wind.
14 As fire burns the forest,
as flames set the hills on fire,
15 chase them away with your storm
and terrify them with your fierce winds.
16 Cover their faces with shame, O Lord,
and make them acknowledge your power.
17 May they be defeated and terrified forever;
may they die in complete disgrace.
18 May they know that you alone are the Lord,
supreme ruler over all the earth.