Lu 'Dimiri'ba Parandra
1 Lu ni giti'ba taäyi vo'buyakuru ya ro;
kalaombi lui roya nda ka tavousu ndaro ozo ekye:
2 “Mìpena vure taŋgyeako si;
ago nyègyelena takozi'ba tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya?
3 Mìye taŋgye ati'bai ri ndi kyevoi yibe;
nyàgaga lemeri'bai ndi ànya se ŋgaopa ako be.
4 Mìpa ànya se mbaraako ndi lemeri'ba be,
ni drì lidri koziro ro yasi.

5 “Ami orivoya tauniako! Ago driako!
Nyenjirute kpeye takozi oye si,
ago 'bädri ka oyete ruperene.
6 Matate makye: ‘Ami orivoya lui;
vo amiro cini orivoya ŋgwai nda se Fopara Ndra ro.’
7 Oko nyòtodrana 'da oso lidri ronye;
ago mìdrana 'da oso 'dimiri'ba ronye.”

8 Nyikyi, Äye Lu, ago nyimiri 'bädri;
tana tu'dei cini orivoya miro.
God the Supreme Ruler
1 God presides in the heavenly council;
in the assembly of the gods he gives his decision:
2 “You must stop judging unjustly;
you must no longer be partial to the wicked!
3 Defend the rights of the poor and the orphans;
be fair to the needy and the helpless.
4 Rescue them from the power of evil people.

5 “How ignorant you are! How stupid!
You are completely corrupt,
and justice has disappeared from the world.
6 ‘You are gods,’ I said;
‘all of you are children of the Most High.’
7 But you will die like mortals;
your life will end like that of any prince.”

8 Come, O God, and rule the world;
all the nations are yours.