Mätu ta Taŋgye rota
1 Äye OPI, Lu maro, ma ruopa mire.
Mipa ma ni ànya se cini kabe ma lanja iyi rigyesi;
ka'do inye mipa ma,
2 ukyi ànya towayi ma 'da oso ibi ronye,
eseyi ma 'da lozo se 'diaza ununa ko ma opane.

3 Äye OPI, Lu maro ondro ka'do maye ŋga kwoi azana te
ondro ka'do maye ŋgakozi aza te,
4 ondro ka'do maye ŋgakozi te bereazi maro ri
kode maka'da yauni te 'diaza se ye ma te koziro taŋgyeako si ri ,
5 'dooko mi'ba kyila'baazii maro kalanjayi ago kuruyi ma,
mi'ba ànya ko'biyi ma ṛi vuru
ago ke'beyi ma avoro gyini dri!

6 Äye OPI, miŋga kyila si!
Nyedre kyila kyila'baazii maro ro mi;
miŋga ma opane;
nyaka'da tu vure ro ṛote.
7 Mi'ba otokala tu'dei cini ro gbikyi milomvosi
ago nyimiri ànya ni kurusi.
8 Mi OPI nya vure 'dicini ro openi.
Äye OPI, miye vure maro a'do taŋgye maro ro voro;
tana ma orivoya taenjiako.
9 Mi'bi takozi lidri undiro ro drina
oko nyäpäṛi ànya se kabe taŋgye oye.
Mise nya ya ago tausu lidri ro unina ni ono;
mi orivoya Lu taŋgye'ba yi.

10 Lu ni gaga'ba mara,
nda kani ànya se kabe ota ndaro oro opa.
11 Lu orivoya vureope'ba ŋgye yi
ago Lu se ondoalo ka 'dikozi eza.
12 Ondro ka'do ànya ketayi drî kote,
Lu elena bando ndaro 'da;
nda ewena kusu ndaro ago o'bana ndi nja.
13 Nda ede lakazà koziro kyila ro ndaro te
ago ka ätu ndaro elena kyaka'da.

14 Mindre lidri koziro ka ta undiro usu,
ànya kayi ta rritiro ora ago kayi koweoga.
15 Ànya kayi abari ede 'bu u'di si,
oko ànya go 'de ro 'bu se ànya ku'dibe 'do ya.
16 Taoye koziro ànyaro go ri gi loto modo ànyaro dri,
ago siomba anyaro ogona gyi modo ànyaro dri.

17 Maye aro'boya OPI ri ta taŋgye ndaro rota;
ago ma loŋgo räṛu ro oŋgo OPI, Fopara Ndra ri.
A Prayer for Justice
1 O Lord, my God, I come to you for protection;
rescue me and save me from all who pursue me,
2 or else like a lion they will carry me off
where no one can save me,
and there they will tear me to pieces.

3-4 O Lord, my God, if I have wronged anyone,
if I have betrayed a friend
or without cause done violence to my enemy
if I have done any of these things—
5 then let my enemies pursue me and catch me,
let them cut me down and kill me
and leave me lifeless on the ground!

6 Rise in your anger, O Lord!
Stand up against the fury of my enemies;
rouse yourself and help me!
Justice is what you demand,
7 so bring together all the peoples around you,
and rule over them from above.
8 You are the judge of all people.
Judge in my favor, O Lord;
you know that I am innocent.
9 You are a righteous God
and judge our thoughts and desires.
Stop the wickedness of evildoers
and reward those who are good.

10 God is my protector;
he saves those who obey him.
11 God is a righteous judge
and always condemns the wicked.
12 If they do not change their ways,
God will sharpen his sword.
He bends his bow and makes it ready;
13 he takes up his deadly weapons
and aims his burning arrows.

14 See how wicked people think up evil;
they plan trouble and practice deception.
15 But in the traps they set for others,
they themselves get caught.
16 So they are punished by their own evil
and are hurt by their own violence.

17 I thank the Lord for his justice;
I sing praises to the Lord, the Most High.