Taoyi Ŋgagaga Lu roya
1 Ma loli usu toto ni Lu resi;
ŋgaopa maro ka ikyi ni nda resi.
2 Nda toto ni gaga'ba maro ago opa'ba maro;
nda ni vo rugagaro maro,
mänina ko milo'bene ndra.

3 Ami cini mìrina lidri alo gotane tuna mu'du moda
se mbarana te oso tiṛi se kate o'de ronye, ndrani aga se eperebe ronye ya?
4 Nyà gialo nda logo vuru ni vo ndaro 'dioro ro yasi;
ami riyä si koweoga voya.
Nyà ata 'diäṛu ro atana,
oko nyà 'di otri ya amiro ya.

5 Ma loli usu toto ni Lu resi;
tana ma mi maro o'ba nda dri.
6 Nda toto ni gaga'ba maro ago opa'ba maro;
nda ni vo rugagaro maro,
mänina ko milo'bena.
7 Ŋgaopa maro ndi taoro be ätiru Lu dri;
nda ni gaga'ba mbaraekye maro;
nda orivoya vo ruda'doro maro.

south sudan
8 Mìyi ta Lu ya tu cini si, ami lidri.
Nyìti rriti cini amiro tana ndäri,
tana nda ni ruda'dovo amaro.

9 Lidri cini laba oso abe lawa äfu ronye;
'desiro kode giṛiŋwà ro ojorere kadona i'do.
Ojo ànya be ŋga ŋgaojoro si, läŋgyi ànyaro i'do;
ànya orivoya täwu pari ti ni lawa ri.
10 Miyi ta miro ko siomba ya;
mi'ba mi ko ŋga aza litine ŋga kugu rosi;
ondro a'do miro ŋgaamba be ka ca liti,
nyätiru ko ànya dri.

11 Lu atate;
ago merite ndrani pere alo drisi,
anjioko mbara orivoya ni ndaro,
12 ago ŋgalu 'duro ni miro Äye OPI.
Tana nya päläti ozo 'dicini ri oso taoye ndaro ronye.
Confidence in God's Protection
1 I wait patiently for God to save me;
I depend on him alone.
2 He alone protects and saves me;
he is my defender,
and I shall never be defeated.

3 How much longer will all of you attack someone
who is no stronger than a broken-down fence?
4 You only want to bring him down from his place of honor;
you take pleasure in lies.
You speak words of blessing,
but in your heart you curse him.

5 I depend on God alone;
I put my hope in him.
6 He alone protects and saves me;
he is my defender,
and I shall never be defeated.
7 My salvation and honor depend on God;
he is my strong protector;
he is my shelter.

8 Trust in God at all times, my people.
Tell him all your troubles,
for he is our refuge.

9 Human beings are all like a puff of breath;
great and small alike are worthless.
Put them on the scales, and they weigh nothing;
they are lighter than a mere breath.
10 Don't put your trust in violence;
don't hope to gain anything by robbery;
even if your riches increase,
don't depend on them.

11 More than once I have heard God say
that power belongs to him
12 and that his love is constant.
You yourself, O Lord, reward everyone according to their deeds.