Mätu ta Ŋgaopa rota Tu Rriti rosi
1 OPI, nyuluku ma ko! Ondro nya'dote kyilaro owo,
ca nyeza ma ko kyila miro si!
2 Äye OPI, nya'do yauni be malomvo tana mate mbaraako;
Nyede ma, tana lomvo maro ka lu,
3 Adri maro te orivoya cu rritiro,
oko Äye OPI, a'dona inye tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya?
4 Nyeza mi ago mipa ma, OPI;
ta ŋgalu para miro rota mipa ma.
5 'Diaza kodrate yi ta miro kote;
a'di räṛuna mi ni 'bädri avoro ya ya?

6 Mokwo tawi ni leri ri;
ŋgäkyi cini si mudu kitapara maro te miendre si;
ŋga dri adroa ro maro udute ni liyi risi.
7 Mandrevo kote kadoro ni liyi ri;
mi maro te mbaraako
ni liyi se kyila'baazii maro kozobe ono ri.

8 Mìnaru ni maresi, ami ŋgakozi oye'ba!
tana OPI eri liyi maro te.
9 OPI eri rulo'ba maro te;
ago nda zatadri mätu maro rote
10 Kyila'baazii cini maro a'donayi 'da driupiro ago riti ya;
ŋgagburu ndriŋwa si anjana ànya 'da kovole.
A Prayer for Help in Time of Trouble
1 Lord, don't be angry and rebuke me!
Don't punish me in your anger!
2 I am worn out, O Lord; have pity on me!
Give me strength; I am completely exhausted
3 and my whole being is deeply troubled.
How long, O Lord, will you wait to help me?

4 Come and save me, Lord;
in your mercy rescue me from death.
5 In the world of the dead you are not remembered;
no one can praise you there.

6 I am worn out with grief;
every night my bed is damp from my weeping;
my pillow is soaked with tears.
7 I can hardly see;
my eyes are so swollen
from the weeping caused by my enemies.

8 Keep away from me, you evil people!
The Lord hears my weeping;
9 he listens to my cry for help
and will answer my prayer.
10 My enemies will know the bitter shame of defeat;
in sudden confusion they will be driven away.