Mätu ta Ŋgaoparo ta
1 Mipa ma ni kyila'baazii maro risi Äye Lu maro;
nyagaga ma ni ànya se kabe ma gota risi!
2 Mipa ma ni lidri se ka takozi oye rigyesi;
mipa ma ni 'diufu'bai rigyesi!

3 Mindre! Ànya kayi ugu ma kote ufune;
lidri siombaekye kayi ugu kalakoto mädri.
Ko ta takozi aza kode ŋgakozi aza se mayebe rota Äye OPI,
4 ca kpa ko ta taenji aza maro rota,
ànya kayite oyi foroforo ma gotane.
Miŋga, nyikyi ma opane ago mindre!

5 Mi OPI, Lu Mbaraekye, mi Lu Yisaraele ro!
Mipi mi ago nyeza tu'dei cini kwoi;
nye'be ànya se kabe taundiro ora driozo si kayi ko eza ako!
6 Ànya kayi ego tandrole cini si,
kayi ugu ogbo oso kokye kabe
ugu lepi 'bakici lomvosi ronye.
7 Nyeri tase kabe efo ni kala ànyaro yasi.
Ladra ndi ozionyaro ànyaro be,
tana ànya kusuyi iro be ekye 'diaza eri iyi ko.

8 Oko nya ànya ugu, OPI;
nya tu'dei taomaako'bai ro cini uguna.
Lu mi ni mbara maro, ma voondre midri.
9 Ma taoyibe mbara miro ya;
tana mi orivoya ruda'dovo maro, Äye Lu.
10 Lu maro se lu ma be ono ikyina 'da mare;
nda o'bana ma 'da opeṛe kyila'baazii maro ro ondrene.

11 Mifu ànya ko, Äye Lu, ukyi lidri maro ijetate.
Nyepere ànya mbara miro si,
ago mipe ànya ṛe.
Äye Opi, gaga'ba amaro.
12 Ta takozi kala ànyaro rota, ago ata cini ànyaro rota;
mi'ba äru ànya driuŋgyi ànyaro ya!
Tana ànya kayi latriotri ndi koweoga be,
13 nyutufu ànya kyila miro si;
nyutufu ànya kpeye.
'Dooko lidri kuni robe anjioko Lu kani Yisaraele miri,
ndi 'bädri cini be.

14 Ànya kayi ego tandrole cini si,
kayi ugu ogbo oso kokye ronye
ugu lepibe 'bakici lomvosi,
15 Ànya kayi aba ŋgaonya uṛibe oso kokyei ronye,
ago kayi ugu oozo ondro ànya kusuyi kote amba owo.

16 Oko maŋgona loŋgo 'da ta mbara miro rota;
maŋgona loŋgo 'da amba ta ŋgalu 'duro miro rota kyenoŋbo cini si.
Tana nya'dote vo rugaga ro märi,
ago ruda'dovo tu rritiro maro si.
17 Lu mi ni mbara maro, ma voondre midri,
tana mi Lu ni vo rugagaro maro,
Lu se kabe ŋgalu 'duro ka'da märi owo.
A Prayer for Safety
1 Save me from my enemies, my God;
protect me from those who attack me!
2 Save me from those evil people;
rescue me from those murderers!

3 Look! They are waiting to kill me;
cruel people are gathering against me.
It is not because of any sin or wrong I have done,
4 nor because of any fault of mine, O Lord,
that they hurry to their places.

5 Rise, Lord God Almighty, and come to my aid;
see for yourself, God of Israel!
Wake up and punish the heathen;
show no mercy to evil traitors!

6 They come back in the evening,
snarling like dogs as they go about the city.
7 Listen to their insults and threats.
Their tongues are like swords in their mouths,
yet they think that no one hears them.

8 But you laugh at them, Lord;
you mock all the heathen.
9 I have confidence in your strength;
you are my refuge, O God.
10 My God loves me and will come to me;
he will let me see my enemies defeated.

11 Do not kill them, O God, or my people may forget.
Scatter them by your strength and defeat them,
O Lord, our protector.
12 Sin is on their lips; all their words are sinful;
may they be caught in their pride!
Because they curse and lie,
13 destroy them in your anger;
destroy them completely.
Then everyone will know that God rules in Israel,
that his rule extends over all the earth.

14 My enemies come back in the evening,
snarling like dogs as they go about the city,
15 like dogs roaming about for food
and growling if they do not find enough.

16 But I will sing about your strength;
every morning I will sing aloud of your constant love.
You have been a refuge for me,
a shelter in my time of trouble.
17 I will praise you, my defender.
My refuge is God,
the God who loves me.