Mätu ta 'Dilepe ro ndi 'Digaga be rota
1 Äye OPI, ma mätu maro, oye miri;
2 Lu maro, mayi ta, miya.
Mi'ba a'ba ma ko driupiro
mi'ba kyila'baazii maro konya ciri ko mädri!
3 Mi'ba a'ba ànya se kabe taoyi mi ya ko driupi ro,
oko mi'ba a'ba driupi ànya se kabe ogbo takaciako milomvo dri ayani.

4 Mi'ba ma litii miro unine Äye OPI;
nyemba ma liti miro ya.
5 Nyelepe ma ago nyemba ma osone taŋgye miro vo,
tana mi orivoya Lu maro, se kabe ma opa owo.
Ma taoyi ondoalo mi ya.

6 Äye OPI, miyi ta yauni ndi ŋgalu 'duro miro ro
se nyaka'dabe ṛo kyeno ana.
7 Miyi ta takozi ndi uje ombato'di maro robe tana ko;
Ŋgalu 'duro miro si miyi ta maro.
Ta takado rota Äye OPI!

8 OPI orivoya taŋgye'ba yi ago kado,
ta'dota nda kani takozi'bai emba liti se beṛo ànyari osone voigye ya.
9 Nda kani driuŋgyiako'bai lepe liti ŋgye ya
ago kani ole ndaro emba ànyari.
10 Ole OPI ro ni ŋgalu 'duro ndi ta'diri be
ànya se kabe tao'baro ndaro ndi otai ndaro be ätina ri.

11 Takado miro si, Äye OPI, nye'be ma takozii maro ta,
tana ànya orivoya amba.
12 Ànya se kabe OPI oro a'diyi owo ya?
OPI embana ànya 'da liti se beṛo ànyari osone voigyesi 'do ya.
13 Ànya a'donayi 'da ŋgadriamba be,
ago ŋgwai ànyaro urunayi wari 'da.
14 OPI orivoya bereazi ànya se kabe nda oro ro
ago nda ka tao'baro ndaro o'bana ni ätine ànyari.

15 Ma voondre OPI dri tu cini si ŋgaoparo ta,
ago nda ka ma opa ni rriti yasi.
16 Nyeza mi mare OPI, ago nya'do yauni be märi,
tana ma orivoya iṛe ago rueza ya.
17 Nyonji ma ni milo'be maro yasi
ago mipa ma ni rriti maro yasi.
18 Nyusu rueza maro ndi rriti maro be tana
ago nye'be ma takozii cini maro ta.

19 Mindre ma orivoya kyila'baazii amba be;
ya ànyaro oso tawi inye malomvo.
20 Nyagaga ma ago mipa ma;
mi'ba a'ba ma ko driupi ro,
tana ma rugaga miya.
21 Mi'ba takado ndi ta'diri be käti ma,
tana mayi ta mi ya.

22 Mipa lidri miro Yisaraele ro, Äye Lu,
ni rriti cini anyaro yasi!
A Prayer for Guidance and Protection
1 To you, O Lord, I offer my prayer;
2 in you, my God, I trust.
Save me from the shame of defeat;
don't let my enemies gloat over me!
3 Defeat does not come to those who trust in you,
but to those who are quick to rebel against you.

4 Teach me your ways, O Lord;
make them known to me.
5 Teach me to live according to your truth,
for you are my God, who saves me.
I always trust in you.

6 Remember, O Lord, your kindness and constant love
which you have shown from long ago.
7 Forgive the sins and errors of my youth.
In your constant love and goodness,
remember me, Lord!

8 Because the Lord is righteous and good,
he teaches sinners the path they should follow.
9 He leads the humble in the right way
and teaches them his will.
10 With faithfulness and love he leads
all who keep his covenant and obey his commands.

11 Keep your promise, Lord, and forgive my sins,
for they are many.
12 Those who have reverence for the Lord
will learn from him the path they should follow.
13 They will always be prosperous,
and their children will possess the land.
14 The Lord is the friend of those who obey him
and he affirms his covenant with them.

15 I look to the Lord for help at all times,
and he rescues me from danger.
16 Turn to me, Lord, and be merciful to me,
because I am lonely and weak.
17 Relieve me of my worries
and save me from all my troubles.
18 Consider my distress and suffering
and forgive all my sins.

19 See how many enemies I have;
see how much they hate me.
20 Protect me and save me;
keep me from defeat.
I come to you for safety.
21 May my goodness and honesty preserve me,
because I trust in you.

22 From all their troubles, O God,
save your people Israel!