A'do'desi Lu ro Ŋgao'ba ya
1 Vo'buyakuru ka a'do'desi Lu ro ka'da!
ago vokuru lewe ka losi drì ndaro ro ka'da!
2 U'du alo alo ka tana itina u'du kabe ugu eso ri;
ŋgäkyi alo alo ka tana ayona ŋgäkyi kinja ri.
3 Taata kode atà aza i'do, kode ca ata aza,
eri kporo ànyaro kote;
4 Caoko kporo ànyaro ka ofo tesi 'bädri cini ya
ago erite le ädu 'bädri roya.
Lu ede 'ba te vokuru ya kitu ri;
5 anya ka itwe oso kodrogo kabe zo u'duro ndaro e'bena be ronye,
ago oso umu'ba kabe umukyekye umu riyä si ronye.
6 Anya ka itwe ni ädu vokuru ro yasi
ago ka oyi le äduna aza ya.
Ŋga aza ni ko ruda'done ni eme anyaro ri.
7 Ota OPI ro orivoya ŋgye
kani mbara to'di ozo.
Ota OPI ro orivoya endaro,
ka ugu tavouni ozo ànya se mäwuako ri.
8 Otai OPI ro orivoya ŋgye, ago ka 'di o'bani yai'dwesi.
Ota OPI ro orivoya wäṛi ro
ago kani tauni ozo.
9 OPI oro orivoya kado;
orina 'da äduako.
Vureope OPI ro orivoya ŋgye;
ànya orivoya cini kado.
10 Ale ànya te ndrani logo läguläguro drisi,
ca ndrani logo läguläguro liŋgyiekye drisi;
ago epe wäṛiro drisi.
11 Ozo miomba te ma ruindu'ba miro ri ànya si,
ànya oro si päläti 'desi orivoya.

12 A'di unina ni taenji modo ndaro unine ya?
Mipa ma, OPI, ni taenji da'doda'do ro yasi!
13 Nyäti ma ruindu'ba miro, kpani, takozi ole yasi;
mi'ba ànya kimiri ma ko!
'Dooko ma'dona ndi wäṛiro
ago taenjiako ni kozi takozi ro risi.

14 Mi'ba ata kala maro ro ndi tavousu ya maro robe ka'do mi usiusiro,
Äye OPI, gaga'ba maro, ago driutwe'ba maro.
God's Glory in Creation
1 How clearly the sky reveals God's glory!
How plainly it shows what he has done!
2 Each day announces it to the following day;
each night repeats it to the next.
3 No speech or words are used,
no sound is heard;
4 yet their message goes out to all the world
and is heard to the ends of the earth.
God made a home in the sky for the sun;
5 it comes out in the morning like a happy bridegroom,
like an athlete eager to run a race.
6 It starts at one end of the sky
and goes across to the other.
Nothing can hide from its heat.
The Law of the Lord
7 The law of the Lord is perfect;
it gives new strength.
The commands of the Lord are trustworthy,
giving wisdom to those who lack it.
8 The laws of the Lord are right,
and those who obey them are happy.
The commands of the Lord are just
and give understanding to the mind.
9 Reverence for the Lord is good;
it will continue forever.
The judgments of the Lord are just;
they are always fair.
10 They are more desirable than the finest gold;
they are sweeter than the purest honey.
11 They give knowledge to me, your servant;
I am rewarded for obeying them.

12 None of us can see our own errors;
deliver me, Lord, from hidden faults!
13 Keep me safe, also, from willful sins;
don't let them rule over me.
Then I shall be perfect
and free from the evil of sin.

14 May my words and my thoughts be acceptable to you,
O Lord, my refuge and my redeemer!