Loŋgo Dawidi ro Ŋgaopeṛe ro
(2 Samuele 22:1-51)
1 Mulu mi, OPI!
Mi ni mbaravo maro,
2 OPI ni gaga'ba maro,
nda ni tiṛi mbaraekye maro,
Lu maro ni gaga'ba maro,
se ma ruopa nda ya
nda ni ŋgaruota ro maro ago ka ma opani mbara ndaro si;
nda ka ma gaga ni.
3 Ma driayo OPI ri, nda se bendi räṛune ono
ago nda ka ma opani kyila'baazii maro rigyesi.

4 Rriti odra ro te gbikyi ma lomvosi,
rukanda 'di pere ro reṛite mädri.
5 Rriti odra ro embe rute gbikyi ma lomvosi,
ago odra 'be abari ndaro te märi.
6 Tu rriti maro ro ya mäzi OPI te.
Mayodrite Lu maro ri ta ŋgaopa rota.
Ni Yekalu ndaro yasi nda eri drî maro te
nda eri driayo maro ta ŋgaopa rota te.

7 'Dooko 'bädri lä'bite ago kandarute;
kotopa 'bereŋwai ro lifute ago lä'bite,
tana Lu orivoya kyilaro.
8 Kätu efote konvokala ndaro yasi.
Asilele ŋga ujero efote ni kala ndaro yasi,
ago asikyele efote ni nda yasi.
9 Nda wa vokuru te ago ikyite vuru
'dikolo gbiṛikyiri be pà ndaro zele.
10 Nda tute ŋgase kufu be dri ago ŋgate,
nda elite kufu oli rosi.
11 Nda 'ba vouniro te gbikyi nda takone;
ŋgadritakoro ndaro ni 'dikolo gbiṛikyiri twi gyi be.
12 Siyakuniŋwà ro ndi asikyele robe
efote ni ŋgaeyi se nda kandra ana yasi
ago ṛovote 'dikoloi yasi.

13 OPI hwe ni vokuru yasi,
ago ndase Fopara Ndra ono ata ta ndaro te siyakuniŋwà ro ndi asikyele robe si.
14 Nda 'bo ätui ndaro te ago pere kyila'baazii ndaro te,
nda 'ba ŋgaeyi te voeyine ago ànya mute.
15 Zele gyi Bebelebe ro ro a'dote ṛaṛa,
nda 'ba gyi Bebelebe rote osene
ago kotopa gyini ro äpite,
ondro mi'bidri kyila'baazii miro rote owo, OPI,
ago mitrete ànya dri kyila si.

16 OPI efote vuru ni kurusi ago ru ma te,
nda ewe ma te tesi ni gyi ociekye yasi.
17 Nda pa ma te ni kyila'baazii mbaraekye maro rigyesi,
ago ni ànya se ya na osobe ma lomvo rigyesi,
tana mbara ànyaro ndrani märi.
18 Ànya gotayi ma te tu rriti ro maro rosi,
oko OPI gaga ma te.
19 Nda lofo ma te vose londro ro ya;
nda pa ma te tana nda yai'dwesi ma be.

20 OPI ka päläti ozo märi tana ma taŋgye oye;
nda ka ma äṛu tana ma taenjiako.
21 Maro ota OPI rote;
maye takozi kote ruona si pere ni Lu maro resi.
22 Mäti otai cini ndaro te;
mari kote otai ndaro oroako.
23 Ma orivoya taenjiako nda mile,
ago malaga andivo maro te ni ugu ŋgakozi oyevoya.
24 Ta'dota OPI ka päläti ozo ni märi tana ma taŋgye oye,
ago tana ma tase nda kolebe oyena.

25 Nyaka'da andivo miro te 'diriro ànya se orivoya 'diri miri ri;
nyaka'da andivo miro te kado ànya se orivoya kadoro miri ri.
26 Nyaka'da andivo miro te wäṛiro ànya se orivoya wäṛiro ri,
oko mi orivoya to ànya se orivoya koziro ri.
27 Nya ni ànya se mäwuako opa,
oko nyologo ànya se driuŋgyi be te vuru.

28 Äye OPI Lu maro, nyozo ŋgaeyi märi,
mi'ba ŋgaeyi miro kana vouniro.
29 Ŋgaopa miro si mogotana kyila'baazii ndi
ago ŋgaopa Lu maro rosi maŋgona tiṛi 'bakici ro ndi.

30 Lu ono, taoye ndaro orivoya kadopara ndra!
ata ndaro orivoya ŋgye!
nda orivoya oso ŋgaruota ro ronye
ànya se cini kabe rugaga nda ya ri.
31 A'di ni Lu yi ya? Toto ni OPI owo;
Ago a'di ni gaga'ba yi ya? Toto ni Lu amaro owo.
32 Lu ni se kabe ma o'ba mbara ro owo,
se kabe liti maro o'bana londroro owo.
33 Nda ka ma o'bani abane kaliŋga ronye,
Nda ka ma äti ni londro ro 'bereŋwai drisi.
34 Nda ka ma embani ta kyila rota,
tana mäni robe ŋga u'bone kusu atala ro si.

35 Nyozo ŋgaruota ro ŋgaoparo miro rote märi;
mbara miro äti ma ni,
ago ŋgaopa miro 'ba ma te 'desi ro.
36 Nyozo vote gbäräŋgälä märi abaza,
ago pa maro lewe kote.
37 Ma kyila'baazii maro lanja ago märu ànya te;
medre kote madale mutufu ànya te kpeye.
38 Motoga ànya te, ta'dota ànya niyi kote oŋgane,
ànya todrayite makandra.
39 Nya mbara ozoni märi ta kyila rota
ago nya kyila'baazii maro opena ni ṛe märi.
40 Nyani kyila'baazii maro o'ba umune ni märi;
ma ànya se ya na osoro ma lomvo tufu.
41 Ànya ka driayo ta ŋgaopa rota, oko 'diaza i'do ànya opane,
ànya kayi OPI uzi, oko nda zatadri ànyaro kote.
42 Monji ànya te foda oso durufu
se oli kabe onjana ronye.
Mato ànya te 'bodro oso koro litiŋwai drisi ronye.

43 Mipa ma te ni kyila lidri ro risi
ago mi'ba ma te tu'dei miri'ba ro;
lidri se mäni kätina ko yauono kate a'do ma zele.
44 Ondro dori atrai keriyi ta maro te, ànya royi ma te;
ànya kayi ändi makandra.
45 Agoago ànyaro kyete
ago ànya efoyite lä'bilä'biro ni tiṛii mbaraekye ànyaro yasi.

46 OPI ka gi ori! Räṛu ka'do gaga'ba maro ri!
Nyayo ta 'desipara Lu se kabe ma opani ono ro.
47 Lu se ka votaro logone kyila'baazii maro ri;
nda 'ba tu'dei te ma zele,
48 ago ka ma opani kyila'baazii ri.

Nyozo mbara te märi kyila'baazii maro opeza
ago mipa mate ni lidri siomba be risi.
49 Ta'dota märäṛuna mi ndi tu'dei lakosi Äye OPI;
ago maŋgona loŋgo räṛu ro ndi miri.

50 Lu ka ŋgaopeṛe 'desi ozoni 'bädri'ba ndaro ri;
nda ka ŋgalu para ka'da nda se nda konjibe ri,
Dawidi ri ago zelevoi ndaro ri äduako.
David's Song of Victory
(2 Samuel 22.1-51)
1 How I love you, Lord!
You are my defender.

2 The Lord is my protector;
he is my strong fortress.
My God is my protection,
and with him I am safe.
He protects me like a shield;
he defends me and keeps me safe.
3 I call to the Lord,
and he saves me from my enemies.
Praise the Lord!

4 The danger of death was all around me;
the waves of destruction rolled over me.
5 The danger of death was around me,
and the grave set its trap for me.
6 In my trouble I called to the Lord;
I called to my God for help.
In his temple he heard my voice;
he listened to my cry for help.

7 Then the earth trembled and shook;
the foundations of the mountains rocked and quivered,
because God was angry.
8 Smoke poured out of his nostrils,
a consuming flame and burning coals from his mouth.
9 He tore the sky open and came down
with a dark cloud under his feet.
10 He flew swiftly on his winged creature;
he traveled on the wings of the wind.
11 He covered himself with darkness;
thick clouds, full of water, surrounded him.
12 Hailstones and flashes of fire
came from the lightning before him
and broke through the dark clouds.

13 Then the Lord thundered from the sky;
and the voice of the Most High was heard.
14 He shot his arrows and scattered his enemies;
with flashes of lightning he sent them running.
15 The floor of the ocean was laid bare,
and the foundations of the earth were uncovered,
when you rebuked your enemies, Lord,
and roared at them in anger.

16 The Lord reached down from above and took hold of me;
he pulled me out of the deep waters.
17 He rescued me from my powerful enemies
and from all those who hate me—
they were too strong for me.
18 When I was in trouble, they attacked me,
but the Lord protected me.
19 He helped me out of danger;
he saved me because he was pleased with me.

20 The Lord rewards me because I do what is right;
he blesses me because I am innocent.
21 I have obeyed the law of the Lord;
I have not turned away from my God.
22 I have observed all his laws;
I have not disobeyed his commands.
23 He knows that I am faultless,
that I have kept myself from doing wrong.
24 And so he rewards me because I do what is right,
because he knows that I am innocent.

25 O Lord, you are faithful to those who are faithful to you;
completely good to those who are perfect.
26 You are pure to those who are pure,
but hostile to those who are wicked.
27 You save those who are humble,
but you humble those who are proud.

28 O Lord, you give me light;
you dispel my darkness.
29 You give me strength to attack my enemies
and power to overcome their defenses.

30 This God—how perfect are his deeds!
How dependable his words!
He is like a shield
for all who seek his protection.
31 The Lord alone is God;
God alone is our defense.
32 He is the God who makes me strong,
who makes my pathway safe.
33 He makes me sure-footed as a deer;
he keeps me safe on the mountains.
34 He trains me for battle,
so that I can use the strongest bow.

35 O Lord, you protect me and save me;
your care has made me great,
and your power has kept me safe.
36 You have kept me from being captured,
and I have never fallen.
37 I pursue my enemies and catch them;
I do not stop until I destroy them.
38 I strike them down, and they cannot rise;
they lie defeated before me.
39 You give me strength for the battle
and victory over my enemies.
40 You make my enemies run from me;
I destroy those who hate me.
41 They cry for help, but no one saves them;
they call to the Lord, but he does not answer.
42 I crush them, so that they become like dust
which the wind blows away.
I trample on them like mud in the streets.

43 You saved me from a rebellious people
and made me ruler over the nations;
people I did not know have now become my subjects.
44 Foreigners bow before me;
when they hear me, they obey.
45 They lose their courage
and come trembling from their fortresses.

46 The Lord lives! Praise my defender!
Proclaim the greatness of the God who saves me.
47 He gives me victory over my enemies;
he subdues the nations under me
48 and saves me from my foes.

O Lord, you give me victory over my enemies
and protect me from violent people.
49 And so I praise you among the nations;
I sing praises to you.

50 God gives great victories to his king;
he shows constant love to the one he has chosen,
to David and his descendants forever.