Ŋgase Lu Kolebe
1 OPI, a'di ocina ni zo mäturo miro ya ya?
A'di mätuna ni lutu alokado miro dri ya?

2 'Dise kabe ta 'diri oye,
ago kabe tase ŋgye oyena,
ago tase endaro ago ŋgye atana,
3 ago se ye kyere ko azii lomvo 'do.
Se ye ŋgakozi ko bereazii ndaro ri
ca kode lari ta oriazii ndaro ro ko 'do.
4 Nda se kabe ànya se Lu kogabe zo 'do mawo,
oko kabe ànya se kabe OPI oro 'da orona.
Nda se kabe tao'ba ndaro orona, ago ätina.
5 Nda se kabe ŋga ozo teinye ŋgaliti ako
ago äni ko mina ogyene taedrene taenjiako'ba lomvo 'do.

Nda se kabe ŋga kwoi oyena 'do orina ndi tokpero.
What God Requires
1 Lord, who may enter your Temple?
Who may worship on Zion, your sacred hill?

2 Those who obey God in everything
and always do what is right,
whose words are true and sincere,
3 and who do not slander others.
They do no wrong to their friends
nor spread rumors about their neighbors.
4 They despise those whom God rejects,
but honor those who obey the Lord.
They always do what they promise,
no matter how much it may cost.
5 They make loans without charging interest
and cannot be bribed to testify against the innocent.

Whoever does these things will always be secure.