1 Orivoya kadopara a'done lemeri'ba ro ago taŋgye'ba ro ndrani a'done koweoga'ba ro ago amamaro drisi.
2 A'do teinye tauniako 'do a'do ko kado; ago a'do yaiŋgyiako 'do uguna 'di ndi rriti ya.
3 Ondro tauniako 'diaza ro kugu ndate rriti ya oko, nda go ro OPI kozine ayani.
4 Ŋgadriamba ka bereazii to'di ezi amba oko bereazi lemeri'bai ro ka rupere ni nda resi.
5 Tazevoedre'ba kowesi e'bena ko ezaako, ago 'dise kabe kowe oga vo opane i'do.
6 Lidri amba ka yauni lidri se 'desiro iyi ro uṛina; ago 'dicini ka bereazi o'be 'dise kabe takado oye iyi be.
7 'Di diri cini mano se lemeri'ba ro ro orivoya losiako nda be; ca bereazii ndaro e'beyi nda te.
8 Ndase kusu tavouni be 'do ka andivo ndaro oyena kadoro ago ndase kulu tauni be 'do orivoya kandrakado be.
9 Tazevoedre'ba kowesi e'bena ko eza ako ago 'dise kabe koweoga odrana ndi.
10 Amamai niyi ko ori kado orine, ago iyeäṛi niyi ko lidri se 'desiro iyi mirine.
11 Lidri se tavousu kado be orivoya yaiŋgyi be, ago orivoya takado yi ndäri orine taenji ako.
12 Kyila 'bädri'ba ro orivoya oso totre ibi ro ronye, oko yauni ndaro orivoya oso nduruṛi käyi dri ronye.
13 Ŋgwa se tauniako ka täpi iro ufuna; ago toko se rri kalaope'ba ro 'do orivoya oso gyi kabe oti tiya tiya tiya 'do ronye.
14 Zo ndi ŋgadriamba be uruna drimbi ro ni uti'bai rigyesi, oko OPI ka toko se tavousu kado be 'do ozoni.
15 Tovo ka 'di o'ba u'dune ŋbi, ago 'dise ka ori etero täbiri ufuna ni.
16 Ndase kabe ota äti orina ndi madaro; oko ndase koga ota tezo, odrana ndi.
17 Ndase yauni be lemeri'bai ri, osoago ka ŋga ozo OPI ri, ago OPI ozona vona ndi ndäri taoye kado ndaro ta.
18 Nyoloto ŋgaga miro 'dooko anya dri ṛo ombato'diŋwa ro nja taunine; nye'be nda ko ruenjine.
19 Lidri se ka oŋgaoŋga ndriŋwa kyilaro, uŋgyina taezaro na ni; tana ondro ka'do mipa nda te, migo mipana nda kpa to'di.
20 Miga bi ta tavoozo ro ya ago nya'do ole be taunine, tana nya'do robe tavouni be tu mileya ya.
21 Lidri orana ta vo amba ndi, caoko ayena ole OPI ro ayani.
22 Ŋgase alebe lidri ri ni a'do 'diri ayani; lidri se lemeri'bai ro orivoya kadopara ndrani koweoga'bai ri.
23 OPI oro ka 'di o'ba orine madaro, ago ndase ka oyena inye ŋga ojona nda ndi ago ŋga aza unina ko ndana oyene koziro.
24 Lidri se pari tovo ro koso drì ca ŋgaonya ya, unina ko locine kala andivo ànyaro roya.
25 Nyeza mäwu'ba tana 'dooko tauniako'ba kuni ta robe; ondro ka'do uluku tavouni'ba te, nda unina ta ndi ndra.
26 Ndase kabe täpi ndaro oyena koziro ago ka endre ndaro onjana ni 'bärusi 'do orivoya ŋgwa se ka driupi ago liku kozi ezi 'do owo.
27 Ŋgwa, nye'be tauni te, ndriŋwa oko minina kote tase minibe iyi oyene.
28 Tazevoedre'ba se takaciako koziro 'do ka'dote iga taŋgye aza te i'do iga. Lidri kozi lui takozi tawi.
29 Ezana mäwu'ba ndi, ago a'bina amamai ndi.
1 It is better to be poor but honest than to be a lying fool.
2 Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good; impatience will get you into trouble.
3 Some people ruin themselves by their own stupid actions and then blame the Lord.
4 Rich people are always finding new friends, but the poor cannot keep the few they have.
5 If you tell lies in court, you will be punished—there will be no escape.
6 Everyone tries to gain the favor of important people; everyone claims the friendship of those who give out favors.
7 Even the relatives of a poor person have no use for him; no wonder he has no friends. No matter how hard he tries, he cannot win any.
8 Do yourself a favor and learn all you can; then remember what you learn and you will prosper.
9 No one who tells lies in court can escape punishment; he is doomed.
10 Fools should not live in luxury, and slaves should not rule over noblemen.
11 If you are sensible, you will control your temper. When someone wrongs you, it is a great virtue to ignore it.
12 The king's anger is like the roar of a lion, but his favor is like welcome rain.
13 Stupid children can bring their parents to ruin. A nagging wife is like water going drip-drip-drip.
14 A man can inherit a house and money from his parents, but only the Lord can give him a sensible wife.
15 Go ahead and be lazy; sleep on, but you will go hungry.
16 Keep God's laws and you will live longer; if you ignore them, you will die.
17 When you give to the poor, it is like lending to the Lord, and the Lord will pay you back.
18 Discipline your children while they are young enough to learn. If you don't, you are helping them destroy themselves.
19 If someone has a hot temper, let him take the consequences. If you get him out of trouble once, you will have to do it again.
20 If you listen to advice and are willing to learn, one day you will be wise.
21 People may plan all kinds of things, but the Lord's will is going to be done.
22 It is a disgrace to be greedy; poor people are better off than liars.
23 Obey the Lord and you will live a long life, content and safe from harm.
24 Some people are too lazy to put food in their own mouths.
25 Arrogance should be punished, so that people who don't know any better can learn a lesson. If you are wise, you will learn when you are corrected.
26 Only a shameful, disgraceful person would mistreat his father or turn his mother away from his home.
27 My child, when you stop learning, you will soon neglect what you already know.
28 There is no justice where a witness is determined to hurt someone. Wicked people love the taste of evil.
29 A conceited fool is sure to get a beating.