Lidri se Undiro
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 “Mita lidri Yisaraele ro kari'bai cini lofone tesi ni gawa yasi, 'dise cini ka'dobe ŋga orooro ro be, ndi 'dise cini orivoya undiro ta avo odo rosi 'do be. 3 Beṛo miri 'diago ndi 'ditoko se cini undiro lofone tesi ni gawa yasi, ukyi ànya o'bayi gawa lidri maro se mabe ori kitori na ya ono ro 'da a'done undiro. 4 Lidri Yisaraele ro yeyite oso inye, ago lofoyi ànya teni gawa yasi, oso OPI katabe Musa ri ronye.”
Ŋgaozo ta Takozi Oye rota
5 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 6 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: Ondro ka'do manoaza kode toko aza koye tate koziro 'diaza ri ago ka'do kote 'diri OPI ri, 'dina 'do te orivoya taenji be. 7 Beṛo ndäri takozi se nda koyebe 'do eṛone, ago ndäri ŋga ozone amba 'dise nda koye takozi be rigye 'do ri ago telesi 'buteritu kama alo ro o'bane drina ya. 8 Oko ondro 'dina 'do kodrate ka'dote 'didiri ako ŋgase ozobe ta takozi oyero ta 'do ozone rigye, 'dooko ozona ŋga na 'do te Opi ri ago a'dona te kohanii ri, ago kpa timelegogo ozone kinjana ro tana aye ta 'diwäṛiro robe sina ta ndaro ta. 9 Ŋgapäṛi se cini alokado lidri Yisaraele ro kabe ozona kohani rigye 'do a'dona te ndäri: 10 Ŋgase cini alokado 'dialo ro orina gi ndäri oko ondro nda kozote kohani ri 'dooko a'dona te kohani na 'do ri.
Ota ta Yaoko rota
11 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 12 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: Ondro ka'do toko manoaza ro koye tate wayi ro ago a'do kote 'diri ndäri, 13 ondro ka'do mano aza koye tate sina, oko ago ndaro ni tana dri ko ŋgye, tana toko ndaro ka oyena ndrwiro, ago tazevoedre aza i'do anya lomvo tana ro, tana äru anya kote njii ta oyevoya. 14 Ondro ka'do ya ago toko na 'do ro kokote toko lomvo tana toko 'do ye tate nda drisi ago kode ondro ka'do toko 'do koye ta cako nda drisi, oko ya ndaro kokogwo toko lomvo; 15 'dooko mano na 'do ri toko ndaro ezine kohani re. Ndäri kpa ŋgapäṛi se alebe telesi alodi 'butealo koma kyira kyifo ro ro 'do ozone, ndäri ko ido ice ido ro ro osone driigye ago ko ŋgaŋgutruro o'bane driigye, tana 'do orivoya ŋgapäṛi inya ro yaoko ago ro ro, ŋgapäṛi taoyi ro ta taenji rota.
16 Kohani ri tokona 'do lofone mileya, anya o'bane edrene vo tori oloro mile OPI kandra. 17 Ago kohani ri gyi alokado osone lakaza ludri roya, ndäri gyini aza oyine ni gyinidri ya Mutuguṛi ro yasi ago ndäri osone gyi ya. 18 'Dooko Kohanii ri drikyiri toko na 'do ro onjine, ago ŋgapäṛi kyira ro taoyi ro, se ni ŋgapäṛi yaoko ro 'do o'bane drì anyaro ya, ago kohani uruna gyi se yaoso ro se kabe latri ezi 'do gwo drì modo ndaro ya. 19 'Dooko kohani ri toko na 'do o'bane ruäṛu ne ekye: “Ondro ka'do 'diaza ku'du kote mibe, ago ondro ka'do miye ta undiro aza kote 'dooko mi drigba ota ago miro ro zele, nya'dona ndi dritai ro ni gyi osoro se kabe ni latri ezi ono risi. 20 Oko ondro ka'do mi drigba ago rigä, 'dooko manoaza ku'dute mibe,” 21 ('dooko Kohani o'bana toko 'do gwo ruäṛu latri ro oyene) se ekye: “OPI ko'ba mi taka'da latri robe lidri miro lako, ondro OPI ko'ba miṛi miro kalaŋgote ämbiri ago ko'ba lomvo miro te ogane owo. 22 Ka'do inye gyi latri ro ono koci ya miro ya ago ko'ba lomvo miro ogane ago ko'ba miṛi miro laŋgone ämbiri.” 'Dooko toko na 'do ri tadri ozane ekye: “Amen ka'do ndi inye, Amen, ka'do ndi inye.”
23 'Dooko kohani ri latri se kwoi egyine buku ya, ago ànya ojane wäṛi gyi osoro latri roya; 24 ago ndäri toko na 'do o'bane gyi se osoro kabe ni latri ezi 'do umvune, ago gyi se latri ro 'do ocina gwo anya ya, ago o'bana ya anyaro gwo luwune amba. 25 Ago kohani uruna kyira se ŋgapäṛi yaoko ro 'do gwo ni toko na 'do rigyesi, ago eŋgana gwo äṛune OPI ri; ndi o'bana gwo vo tori oloro dri. 26 'Dooko kohani ri ŋgapäṛi kyira ro oyine drì twi alo, ŋgapäṛi taka'daro ro, ago ozana gwo vo tori oloro dri, äduro ndäri toko na 'do o'bane gyi 'do umvune. 27 Ago ondro Kohani ko'ba anya kumvu gyi te, 'dooko ondro ka'do anya kenji andivo iro te ago koyetate ago anyaro drisi, 'dooko gyi latri ro se kocibe anya ya 'do o'bana ya anyaro ndi luwune amba, ago lomvo anyaro ogana ndi, ago miṛi anyaro laŋgona ndi ämbiri, ago toko na 'do a'dona te latri be lidri anyaro lako. 28 Oko ondro ka'do toko na 'do kenji ta kote, nda a'dona ndi wäṛi 'dooko ŋga aza unina ko anya oyene koziro, ago utina ŋgwa ndi.
29 Ono ni orivoya ota se ta yaoko rota owo, ondro ka'do toko se ago rigä kenji tate ago koye tate ago drisi. 30 Kode ondro mano aza yana kokote ekye toko iro u'dute mano to aza be, 'dooko Kohani ri toko na 'do o'bane edrene vo tori oloro mile, ago kohani ri ota se cini ono o'bane anyari oyene. 31 Manoago ri a'done dritairo taenjiako, oko ondro ka'do toko ka'dote taenji be, beṛo anyari taezaro uŋgyine.
Unclean People
1 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Command the people of Israel to expel from the camp everyone with a dreaded skin disease or a bodily discharge and everyone who is unclean by contact with a corpse. 3 Send all these ritually unclean people out, so that they will not defile the camp, where I live among my people.” 4 The Israelites obeyed and expelled them all from the camp.
Repayment for Wrongs Done
5 The Lord gave Moses 6 the following instructions for the people of Israel. When any of you are unfaithful to the Lord and commit a wrong against someone, 7 you must confess your sin and make full repayment, plus an additional 20 percent, to the person you have wronged. 8 But if that person has died and has no near relative to whom payment can be made, it shall be given to the Lord for the priest. This payment is in addition to the ram used to perform the ritual of purification for the guilty person. 9 Also every special contribution which the Israelites offer to the Lord belongs to the priest to whom they present it. 10 Each priest shall keep the offerings presented to him.
Cases of Wives with Suspicious Husbands
11 The Lord commanded Moses 12-14 to give the Israelites the following instructions. It may happen that a man becomes suspicious that his wife is unfaithful to him and has defiled herself by having intercourse with another man. But the husband may not be certain, for his wife may have kept it secret—there was no witness, and she was not caught in the act. Or it may happen that a husband becomes suspicious of his wife, even though she has not been unfaithful. 15 In either case the man shall take his wife to the priest. He shall also take the required offering of two pounds of barley flour, but he shall not pour any olive oil on it or put any incense on it, because it is an offering from a suspicious husband, made to bring the truth to light.
16 The priest shall bring the woman forward and have her stand in front of the altar. 17 He shall pour some holy water into a clay bowl and take some of the earth that is on the floor of the Tent of the Lord's presence and put it in the water to make it bitter. 18 Then he shall loosen the woman's hair and put the offering of flour in her hands. In his hands the priest shall hold the bowl containing the bitter water that brings a curse. 19 Then the priest shall make the woman agree to this oath spoken by the priest: “If you have not committed adultery, you will not be harmed by the curse that this water brings. 20 But if you have committed adultery, 21 may the Lord make your name a curse among your people. May he cause your genital organs to shrink and your stomach to swell up. 22 May this water enter your stomach and cause it to swell up and your genital organs to shrink.”
The woman shall respond, “I agree; may the Lord do so.”
23 Then the priest shall write this curse down and wash the writing off into the bowl of bitter water. 24 Before he makes the woman drink the water, which may then cause her bitter pain, 25 the priest shall take the offering of flour out of the woman's hands, hold it out in dedication to the Lord, and present it on the altar. 26 Then he shall take a handful of it as a token offering and burn it on the altar. Finally, he shall make the woman drink the water. 27 If she has committed adultery, the water will cause bitter pain; her stomach will swell up and her genital organs will shrink. Her name will become a curse among her people. 28 But if she is innocent, she will not be harmed and will be able to bear children.
29-30 This is the law in cases where a man is jealous and becomes suspicious that his wife has committed adultery. The woman shall be made to stand in front of the altar, and the priest shall perform this ritual. 31 The husband shall be free of guilt, but the woman, if guilty, must suffer the consequences.