Aba ni Ezipeto yasi le Moaba ya
1 Kwoi ni ävuru vose cini lidri Yisaraele ro kuguyi gawa otobe kigyesi ro, tuse ànya kefoyibe ni Ezipeto yasi a'do lowa 'bakalai ànyaro ro voro ŋgalepe Musa ndi Arona rosi owo. 2 Musa eto egyina teni vose ànya ketoyibe ni kigye yasi, ba sirosiro oso OPI kota nda be ronye, ago kwoi ni otovo gawa ro ba sirosiro ni etovona yasi.
3 Ànya e'beyi Ramesesa te u'du 'butealo fonji imba käti rosi, u'du alo Lävu Odra ro ro vosi oko Yisaraele'bai abayite ṛo mbarasi mile Ezipeto'bai cini ro yasi, 4 'dooko Ezipeto'bai kayi dri ugu ŋgwà kayoro cini se OPI kutufube ànya lako kai avona osena, OPI ka'da tate nonye anjioko nda orivoya mbara be ndrani lui ànyaro drisi.
5 Lidri Yisaraele ro e'beyi Ramesesa te ago otoyi gawa te Sukota ya. 6 Ànya e'beyi Sukota te ago otoyi gawa te Etama ya sidri vocowa roya. 7 Ànya e'beyi Etama te, ago goyite Piyairota ya ogone 'buzele Bala Zefona roya, ago otoyi gawa te loto Migedola lomvo. 8 Ànya e'beyi Piyairota te, lävuyite kitoriya gyi'desi ro yasi le vocowa ya, abayite u'duna nätu Vocowa Etama ro yasi, ago kyi otoyi gawa te Mara ya. 9 Ànya e'beyi Mara te ago ikyiyite Elima ya; se orivoya koro gyi robe 'butealo foritu ago ice itu robe 'butenjidrieri ana ya, ago otoyi gawa te lau.
10 Ànya e'beyi Elima te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Gyi'desi Okaro kala. 11 Ànya e'beyi Gyi'desi Okaro te ago kyi otoyi gawa te vocowa Sina roya. 12 Ànya e'beyi vocowa Sina rote ago kyi otoyi gawa te Dofeka ya. 13 Ànya e'beyi Vocowa Dofeka ro te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Alusa ya. 14 Ànya e'beyi Alusa te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Refidima ya, vose gyi i'do kigye lidri ri umvune 'do ya.
15 Ànya e'beyi Refidima te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Vocowa Sinai roya. 16 Ànya e'beyi Vocowa Sinai rote ago kyi otoyi gawa te Kiberotatava ya. 17 Ànya e'beyi Kiberotatava te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Azerota ya. 18 Ànya e'beyi Azerota te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Ritema ya. 19 Ànya e'beyi Ritema te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Rimona pereza ya. 20 Ànya e'beyi Rimona pereza te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Libena ya. 21 Ànya e'beyi Libena te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Risa ya. 22 Ànya e'beyi Risa te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Keleta ya. 23 Ànya e'beyi Keleta te ago kyi otoyi gawa te 'Bereŋwa Sefera pa. 24 Ànya e'beyi 'Bereŋwa Sefera te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Arada ya. 25 Ànya e'beyi Arada te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Makelota ya. 26 Ànya e'beyi Makelota te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Tahata ya. 27 Ànya e'beyi Tahata te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Tara ya. 28 Ànya e'beyi Tara te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Miteka ya. 29 Ànya e'beyi Miteka te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Asemona ya. 30 Ànya e'beyi Asemona te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Moserota ya. 31 Ànya e'beyi Moserota te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Bene jakana ya. 32 Ànya e'beyi Bene jakana te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Agijada ya. 33 Ànya e'beyi Agijada te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Jotebata ya. 34 Ànya e'beyi Jotebata te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Aberona ya. 35 Ànya e'beyi Aberona te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Eziona gebera ya. 36 Ànya e'beyi Eziona gebera te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Kadesa ya Vocowa Zina roya. 37 Ànya e'beyi Kadesa te ago kyi otoyi gawa te 'Bereŋwa Ora pa ogone kishwedri Edoma be ya.
38 Ago Kohani Arona tute 'Bereŋwa Ora dri oso se OPI kota nda be ronye ago nda drate lau, u'du käti imba linji ndroa 'butesu ro efo ànyaro ni Ezipeto ya vosi. 39 Arona ka odra 'Bereŋwa Ora dri oko ndroa ndaro te orivoya kama alo 'buteritu fonätu (123).
40 'Bädri'ba Arada ro se koribe ŋgäṛiŋwadri Kanana roya ana eri ta ikyi lidri Yisaraele ro rote.
41 Ago ànya e'beyi 'Bereŋwa Ora te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Zalemona ya. 42 Ànya e'beyi Zalemona te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Punona ya. 43 Ànya e'beyi Punona te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Obota ya. 44 Ànya e'beyi Obota te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Iye abarima ya kishwedri Moaba be ya. 45 Ànya e'beyi Iye abarima te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Dibona gada ya. 46 Ànya e'beyi Dibona gada te ago kyi otoyi gawa te Alemona dibelataima ya. 47 Ànya e'beyi Alemona dibelataima te ago kyi otoyi gawa te 'Bereŋwai Abarima roya loto Nebo lomvo. 48 Ànya e'beyi 'bereŋwai Abarima rote ago kyi otoyi gawa te vo rriro Moaba ro Yaradene kala ya loto Yeriko lomvo. 49 Gawa ànyaro Golo Yaradene kalasi ozorute ni Bete jesimota yasi le Abele sitima ya vo rriro Moaba roya.
Ta Ŋgaembaro Teinye Drî Golo Yaradene ro Ozaako
50 Ni vo rriro Moaba ro Golo Yaradene kala loto Yeriko lomvo ya OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 51 “Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: Ondro miza dri Golo Yaradene rote micite wari Kanana roya oko, 52 beṛo ämiri lidri se cini koribe wari ana ya ana onjane tesi. Nyotoga lui cini edeedero ànyaro kuniŋwà ro ndi logoŋwà ro be, ndi vo mäturo cini ànyaro be riya vuru. 53 Miru 'bädri ana, ago miri kigye, tana mozo 'bädri 'do te ämiri. 54 Beṛo ämiri wari na lonyine käläsikalai amiro ri a'do ànyaro voro vodo ovo si, 'bakala se 'desi nyozo drimbi na 'desi, ago 'bakala se giṛiŋwa nyozo drimbi na giṛiŋwa. Drimbi lewene vodo ovosi a'do 'bakalai amiro ro voro. 55 Oko ondro ka'do minja lidri se cini kabe ori 'bädri ana ya kote ni ami milesi, 'dooko rukä ànyaro se nyàbe e'bena orine iyi a'dona ndi mi amiro osoosoro ago kukyi ro lama amiro ya, ago ànya oyenayi kyila ndi ami yibe wari se nyabe ori kigye 'do ya. 56 'Dooko tase musube oyene ànyari 'do mayena ndi ayani ämiri.”
The Journey from Egypt to Moab
1 The following account gives the names of the places where the Israelites set up camp after they left Egypt in their tribes under the leadership of Moses and Aaron. 2 At the command of the Lord, Moses wrote down the name of the place each time they set up camp.
3 The people of Israel left Egypt on the fifteenth day of the first month of the year, the day after the first Passover. Under the Lord's protection they left the city of Rameses in full view of the Egyptians, 4 who were burying the first-born sons that the Lord had killed. By doing this, the Lord showed that he was more powerful than the gods of Egypt.
5 The people of Israel left Rameses and set up camp at Sukkoth. 6 Their next camp was at Etham on the edge of the desert. 7 From there they turned back to Pi Hahiroth, east of Baal Zephon, and camped near Migdol. 8 They left Pi Hahiroth and passed through the Red Sea into the desert of Shur; after a three days' march they camped at Marah. 9 From there they went to Elim, where they camped, because there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees there.
10 They left Elim and camped near the Gulf of Suez. 11 Their next camp was in the desert of Sin. 12 Then they camped at Dophkah, 13 and after that at Alush. 14 Next was Rephidim, where there was no water for them to drink.
15-37 From Rephidim to Mount Hor they set up camp at the following places: the Sinai Desert, Kibroth Hattaavah (or “Graves of Craving”), Hazeroth, Rithmah, Rimmon Perez, Libnah, Rissah, Kehelathah, Mount Shepher, Haradah, Makheloth, Tahath, Terah, Mithkah, Hashmonah, Moseroth, Bene Jaakan, Hor Haggidgad, Jotbathah, Abronah, Eziongeber, the wilderness of Zin (that is, Kadesh), and Mount Hor, at the edge of the land of Edom.
38-39 At the command of the Lord, Aaron the priest climbed Mount Hor. At the age of 123 he died there on the first day of the fifth month of the fortieth year after the Israelites had left Egypt.
40 The king of Arad in southern Canaan heard that the Israelites were coming.
41-49 From Mount Hor to the plains of Moab the Israelites set up camp at the following places: Zalmonah, Punon, Oboth, the ruins of Abarim in the territory of Moab, Dibon Gad, Almon Diblathaim, the Abarim Mountains near Mount Nebo, and in the plains of Moab across the Jordan River from Jericho, between Beth Jeshimoth and Acacia Valley.
Instructions before Crossing the Jordan
50 There in the plains of Moab across the Jordan from Jericho the Lord gave Moses 51 the following instructions for Israel: “When you cross the Jordan into the land of Canaan, 52 you must drive out all the inhabitants of the land. Destroy all their stone and metal idols and all their places of worship. 53 Occupy the land and settle in it, because I am giving it to you. 54 Divide the land among the various tribes and clans by drawing lots, giving a large piece of property to a large clan and a small one to a small clan. 55 But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those that are left will be as troublesome as splinters in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they will fight against you. 56 If you do not drive them out, I will destroy you, as I planned to destroy them.”