Kyila Alokado Midiana be
1 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 2 “Nyologo votaro Midiana'bai ri ta tase ànya koyeyibe lidri Yisaraele ro ri ana rota; 'do vosi oko mi'dena gwo odrane.”
3 Ta'dota Musa atate lidri ri ekye: “Mi'ba lidri azaka ka'do nja ami lakosi ŋga kyila oyero be kyila oyene, tana ànya koyiyi robe kyila oyene Midiana'bai be, ago kezayi ànya robe ta tase ànya koyeyibe OPI ri rota. 4 Ämiri lidri kutu alo (1,000) ozone ni 'bakala alo alo Yisaraele ro yasi kyila ya.”
5 Ta'dota äzi lidri kutu 'butealo foritu (12,000) teni Yisaraele yasi, kutu alo (1,000) ni 'bakala alo alo yasi, a'done nja oyine kyila ya. 6 Musa zo ànya te kyila ya, lidri kutu alo (1,000) ni 'bakala alo alo yasi tro Finasa ŋgwa kohani Eleazara ro be ndi lakazà vo alokado ndi cekuṛei ovoro be nda rigye. 7 Ànya yeyi kyila te Midiana'bai be, oso se OPI kota Musa be ronye, ago tufuyi manoàgo cini te. 8 Ànya fuyi 'bädri'bai nji Midiana ro Evi, Rekema, Zura, Ura ndi Reba be te ago ànya fuyi Balama ŋgwa Beora ro kpate bando si.
9 Ago lidri Yisaraele ro ruyi 'ditoko Midiana'bai ro ndi ŋgàga giṛiŋwà anyaro be te kamba'bai ro; ago ànya ruyi tii cini timelei cini ànyaro be te ndi lakazà cini ànyaro be. 10 Ànya zayi 'bakicii cini Midiana'bai ro, se ànya koriyibe kigyesi kai te asi si ndi gawaŋwà cini ànyaro yibe. 11 Ànya ruyi lakazà cini se otopabe te, lidri ndi koronyai 'ba robe. 12 'Dooko ànya eziyi kamba'bai ndi ŋgase cini ànya kotopabe kai be te Musa ndi kohani Eleazara be re, ago lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro ro re, Gawa ya vo rriro Moaba roya Yaradene kala loto Yeriko lomvo.
Ego Kyila'bai ro
13 Musa, kohani Eleazara ndi dri'bai cini lowa robe oyiyite drî kyila'bai ro utune tesi gawa kundusi. 14 Musa a'dote kyilaro dri'bai kyila'bai ro, ndi otaozo'bai gboko kutu amba ro, ago otaozo'bai gboko kama amba robe be, se kegoyibe ni kyila yasi kai. 15 Musa atate ànyari ekye: “Mi'debe 'ditoko cini e'bene tufuako etaya? 16 Mini kado, ànya ni 'dise miomba ozo Balama rosi oko, kodoyi Yisaraele'bai be orine taŋgye oyeako OPI ri tuse ànya be Peora ya ana si owo, se 'ba ezi taezaro te, lowa OPI ro dri. 17 Ka'do inye nyutufu ŋgàga se cini àgoro ŋgàga giṛiŋwà lako iyi ago nyutufu 'ditoko se cini ni ta u'du ro manoàgo be te iyi. 18 Oko 'ditoko se cini kuni ta u'du ro manoàgo be ro kodri iyi nyeta ànya orine lidriidri ro andivo amiro ri. 19 Beṛo ämiri orine tesi gawa kundusi u'duna njidrieri, vo amiro se cini kutufu lidri be ago se cini kodo avo be 'do, nyäwäṛi andivo amiro ndi kamba'bai amiro be u'du nina si ago u'du njidrieri si. 20 Ämiri kpa boŋgo cini amiro wäṛine, ndi ŋgase cini ede ni kyini yasi be, ŋgase cini a'di ni 'bi indri ro yasi be, ndi ŋgase cini ede ni ice yasi be.”
21 Kohani Eleazara atate kyila'bai se kegoyibe ni kyila yasi kai ri ekye: “Ono ni ota ndi tase OPI korabe Musa ri owo: 22 toto logo läguläguro ro, mo'di ro, atala ro, ŋbiṛi ro, kofo ro, logo cariŋwà ro. 23 Ŋgase cini asi unina ko ujene iyi, ämiri ovone asi ya 'dooko a'dona ndi wäṛiro, ago kpa wäṛine gyi ŋga undiro wäṛi rosi. Ŋgase cini asi ka ujena uje mivo gyi ya. 24 Beṛo ämiri boŋgo amiro ojane u'du njidrieri si, 'dooko nya'dona ndi wäṛiro; ago ono vosi mi'dena gwo ogo ecine gawa ya.”
Lonyi Ŋgase Otopabe ro
25 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 26 “Mìti ŋgase cini otopabe iyi, lidri ndi koronyai 'ba robe, ami ndi kohani Eleazara be ndi dri'bai katidrii ro lowa robe. 27 Ago nyolonyi ŋgase otopabe iyi yana ritu, 'dise koyiyibe kyila ya ri, ago lowa cini ri. 28 Ago ämiri ŋga osane OPI ri ni lidri se koyiyibe kyila ya rigyesi, alodi ni kama nji (500) cini yasi, kode lidri yi, ti yi, doŋgyi yi, timele yi, kode indri yi, 29 mìru ni telesi ŋga kyila'bai ro yasi ago nyozo kohani Eleazara ri ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri. 30 Ago ni telesi ŋga lidri ro yasi miru ba alo alo ni 'bute nji cini yasi, kode lidri yi, kode ti yi, kode doŋgyi yi, kode timele yi, kode indri yi, nyozo Lewe'bai se ni dri'bai Mutuguṛi OPI ro ro 'do ri.” 31 Musa ndi kohani Eleazara be yeyite oso se OPI kota Musa be ronye.
32 Ono ni orivoya oti ŋgase kyila'bai kotopayibe ago ketayi anjokona be andivo ànyaro ri ro owo: timele ndi indri be cini orivoya kutu kama njidrialo 'butenjidrieri fonji (675,000), 33 ti orivoya kutu 'butenjidrieri foritu (72,000), 34 doŋgyi orivoya kutu 'butenjidrialo foalo (61,000), 35 ago ndiriŋwa se ogyeako iyi orivoya cini kutu 'butenätu foritu (32,000), se ni ta u'du ro manoàgo be dri ko iyi. 36 Telesi ŋga ro se ozobe ànya se koyiyibe kyila ya ri, timele ndi indri be cini orivoya kutu kama nätu 'butenätu fonjidrieri kama nji (337,000), 37 ago ŋgase ozobe OPI ri ni kigyesi cini orivoya kama njidrialo 'butenjidrieri fonji (675). 38 Ti orivoya kutu 'butenätu fonjidrialo (36,000), ago se ozobe OPI ri ni kigyesi cini orivoya 'butenjidrieri foritu. 39 Doŋgyii orivoya kutu 'butenätu kama nji (30,500), ago se ozobe OPI ri ni kigyesi cini orivoya 'butenjidrialo foalo. 40 Ndiriŋwa se ogyeako cini orivoya kutu 'butealo fonjidrialo (16,000), ago se ozobe OPI ri ni kigyesi cini orivoya 'butenätu foritu. 41 Musa ozo ŋgase cini asabe OPI ri te kohani Eleazara ri, oso se OPI kota nda be ronye.
42 Ŋgase Musa kelewebe ozone Yisaraele'bai cini ri orivoya ojoojoro oso se ozone lidri se koyiyibe kyila ya ri ronye, 43 telesi na se ozone lowa ri: timele ndi indri be cini orivoya kutu kama nätu 'butenätu fonjidrieri kama nji (337,500), 44 ti orivoya kutu 'butenätu fonjidrialo (36,000), 45 doŋgyi orivoya kutu 'butenätu kama nji (30,500), 46 ago ndiriŋwa se ogyeako cini orivoya kutu 'butealo fonjidrialo (16,000). 47 Musa ru ŋga te ni telesi ŋga lidri Yisaraele ro ro yasi ba alo alo ni 'butenji cini yasi, kode lidri yi, kode koronyai 'ba ro, ago ozo ànya te Lewe'bai se ni dri'bai Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro ro 'do ri, oso se OPI kota nda be ronye.
48 'Dooko dri'bai kutui kyila'bai ro dri, otaozo'bai kutui dri ndi otaozo'bai kamai dri yibe, ikyiyite lototi Musa re, 49 ago atayite ndäri ekye: “'Desi, ama ruindu'bai miro mètemo kyila'bai se kyila oyero ota amaro zele te, ago alo aza ànyaro je kote. 50 Ta'dota mezi ŋgapäṛi begi OPI ri ono oso 'di alo alo kusube ronye, logo läguläguro o'baro drì ya, o'baro kyembe ya, mäŋgusi osoro driŋgwa ya, iŋgyi bi ro ndi 'bela be, tana OPI kagaga ama robe.” 51 Musa ndi kohani Eleazara be ruyi logo läguläguro teni ànya rigyesi, ndi ŋgase cini edebe ede iyi yibe. 52 Logo läguläguro se cini otaozo'bai kozoyibe ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri atibe cini orivoya sekele kutu 'butealo fonjidrialo kama njidrieri 'butenji (16,750). 53 (Oko kyila'bai se ko otaozo'bai kai etayi ŋgase kotopayibe ana te andivo ànyaro ri.) 54 Ta'dota Musa ndi kohani Eleazara be ruyi logo läguläguro teni otaozo'bai kutui dri ndi kamai dri be rigyesi, ago eziyite Mutuguṛi ya, tana OPI koyi ta lidri Yisaraele ro robe.
The Holy War against Midian
1 The Lord said to Moses, 2 “Punish the Midianites for what they did to the people of Israel. After you have done that, you will die.”
3 So Moses said to the people, “Get ready for war, so that you can attack Midian and punish them for what they did to the Lord. 4 From each tribe of Israel send a thousand men to war.”
5 So a thousand men were chosen from each tribe, a total of twelve thousand men ready for battle. 6 Moses sent them to war under the command of Phinehas son of Eleazar the priest, who took charge of the sacred objects and the trumpets for giving signals. 7 They attacked Midian, as the Lord had commanded Moses, and killed all the men, 8 including the five kings of Midian: Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba. They also killed Balaam son of Beor.
9 The people of Israel captured the Midianite women and children, took their cattle and their flocks, plundered all their wealth, 10 and burned all their cities and camps. 11 They took all the loot that they had captured, including the prisoners and the animals, 12 and brought them to Moses and Eleazar and to the community of the people of Israel, who were at the camp on the plains of Moab across the Jordan from Jericho.
The Army Returns
13 Moses, Eleazar, and all the other leaders of the community went out of the camp to meet the army. 14 Moses became angry with the officers, the commanders of battalions and companies, who had returned from the war. 15 He asked them, “Why have you kept all the women alive? 16 Remember that it was the women who followed Balaam's instructions and at Peor led the people to be unfaithful to the Lord. That was what brought the epidemic on the Lord's people. 17 So now kill every boy and kill every woman who has had sexual intercourse, 18 but keep alive for yourselves all the girls and all the women who are virgins. 19 Now all of you who have killed anyone or have touched a corpse must stay outside the camp for seven days. On the third day and on the seventh day purify yourselves and the women you have captured. 20 You must also purify every piece of clothing and everything made of leather, goats' hair, or wood.”
21 Eleazar the priest said to the men who had returned from battle, “These are the regulations that the Lord has given to Moses. 22-23 Everything that will not burn, such as gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin, or lead, is to be purified by passing it through fire. Everything else is to be purified by the water for purification. 24 On the seventh day you must wash your clothes; then you will be ritually clean and will be permitted to enter the camp.”
Division of the Loot
25 The Lord said to Moses, 26 “You and Eleazar, together with the other leaders of the community, are to count everything that has been captured, including the prisoners and the animals. 27 Divide what was taken into two equal parts, one part for the soldiers and the other part for the rest of the community. 28 From the part that belongs to the soldiers, withhold as a tax for the Lord one out of every five hundred prisoners and the same proportion of the cattle, donkeys, sheep, and goats. 29 Give them to Eleazar the priest as a special contribution to the Lord. 30 From the part given to the rest of the people, take one out of every fifty prisoners and the same proportion of the cattle, donkeys, sheep, and goats. Give them to the Levites who are in charge of the Lord's Tent.” 31 Moses and Eleazar did what the Lord commanded.
32-35 The following is a list of what was captured by the soldiers, in addition to what they kept for themselves: 675,000 sheep and goats, 72,000 cattle, 61,000 donkeys, and 32,000 virgins. 36-40 The half share of the soldiers was 337,500 sheep and goats, of which 675 were the tax for the Lord; 36,000 cattle for the soldiers, of which 72 were the tax for the Lord; 30,500 donkeys for the soldiers, of which 61 were the tax for the Lord; and 16,000 virgins for the soldiers, of which 32 were the tax for the Lord. 41 So Moses gave Eleazar the tax as a special contribution to the Lord, as the Lord had commanded.
42-46 The share of the community was the same as that for the soldiers: 337,500 sheep and goats, 36,000 cattle, 30,500 donkeys, and 16,000 virgins. 47 From this share Moses took one out of every fifty prisoners and animals, and as the Lord had commanded, gave them to the Levites who were in charge of the Lord's Tent.
48 Then the officers who had commanded the army went to Moses 49 and reported, “Sir, we have counted the soldiers under our command and not one of them is missing. 50 So we are bringing the gold ornaments, armlets, bracelets, rings, earrings, and necklaces that each of us has taken. We offer them to the Lord as a payment for our lives, so that he will protect us.” 51 Moses and Eleazar received the gold, all of which was in the form of ornaments. 52 The total contribution of the officers weighed over four hundred pounds. 53 Those who were not officers kept the loot they had taken. 54 So Moses and Eleazar took the gold to the Tent, so that the Lord would protect the people of Israel.