1 Balama atate Balaka ri ekye: “Mibe vo tori oloro njidrieri märi noŋwa, ago nyezi 'daŋgoi njidrieri ago timelegogoi njidrieri märi noŋwa.”
2 Balaka yete oso se Balama katabe ronye; ago Balaka ndi Balama be loyi 'daŋgoi ndi timelegogoi be te ba alo alo vo tori oloro alo alo drisi. 3 'Dooko Balama atate Balaka ri ekye: “Nyedre ŋgapäṛi ozaro miro lomvo, mate dri oyi, kode azaya OPI ikyina 'da drio'bene mabe; ago ŋgase nda kabe ka'dana märi mitina tana 'da miri.” Ndi Balama oyite driku'du'du lutu aza roya.
4 Lu 'bedrite Balama be; ago Balama atate ndäri ekye: Mabe vo tori oloro njidrieri te, ago maza 'daŋgo ndi timelegogo be te ba alo alo vo tori oloro alo alo drisi. 5 OPI ititate Balama ri atane Balaka ri ago atate ndäri ekye: Migo Balaka re, ago mipe ta ndäri. 6 Ta'dota Balama gote kovole ago 'dooko Balaka dri gi'du edrevoya ndi dri'bai cini Moaba robe ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndaro lomvosi. 7 'Dooko Balama eto taope ndaro ono te, atate ekye:
“Balaka ezi mate ni Arona yasi.
'Bädri'ba Moaba ro ezi mate ni 'bereŋwa 'buzelesi yasi ekye:
‘Nyikyi mitri Yakoba märi,
ago nyikyi nyata ta kozi lidri Yisaraele ro robe.’
8 Matrina 'dise Lu kotri ko ono eŋwanyeya?
Kode matana takozi 'dise OPI kata takozi ko lomvoigye ono lomvo eŋwanyeya?
9 Mandre ànya ndi ni driku'du'du 'bereŋwai ro yasi,
mandre ànya ndi ni luutui drisi;
ànya orivoya tu'dei se kayi ugu ori iṛe owo;
äṛu ànya te ndrani tu'dei azaka ri!
10 A'di otina zelevoi Yakoba ro oso durufu ronye ono niya?
Kode a'di otina telesi alo lisu lidri Yisaraele ro niya?
Mi'ba madra odra taŋgyero ayani,
ago mi'ba ori ädu maro ka'do oso alo aza lidri Lu ro ronye.”
11 'Dooko Balaka atate Balama ri ekye: “Miye ono e'diyi märi ya? Mezi mi kyila'baazii maro otrine, oko mindre, miye ŋga aza kote oko nyäṛu ànya ro äṛu ayani.” 12 Balama zatadrite ekye: “Inye'do beṛo ko märi tase OPI kitibe märi 'do tana atane ayani ya?”
Taope Ṛiri Balama ro
13 'Dooko Balaka atate Balama ri ekye: “Nyikyi mabe vo kinja aza ya, se ni kigyesi mindrena Yisaraele'bai ndi; mindrena toto ànya se loto 'do ayani, oko miri ànya ondrene kpeye i'do, 'dooko mitri ànya märi ni nasi.” 14 Ndi Balaka ugu Balama te ämvu Zofima roya, le driku'du'du Pisega roya, ago be vo tori oloro njidrieri te, ago za ŋgapäṛi ozaro 'daŋgo ro ndi timelegogo be te ba alo alo, vo tori oloro alo alo drisi. 15 Balama atate Balaka ri ekye: “Nyedre noŋwa ŋgapäṛi ozaro miro lomvo madri oyi drio'bene OPI be lau.” 16 Ago OPI 'bedrite Balama be, ago iti tase atane Balaka ri te ago atate ndäri ekye: Migo Balaka re ago mipe tase ono ndäri. 17 Ta'dota nda gote kovole Balaka re, ago usu nda te ndi dri'bai Moaba robe dri gi'du edrevoya ŋgapäṛi ozaro ndaro lomvo. Balaka eji nda te ekye: “OPI atate ekye e'diya?” 18 'Dooko Balama eto taope ndaro ono te, atate ekye:
“Miŋga Balaka ago nyeri,
miga bi ta maro erine, ŋgwa Zipora ro.
19 Lu ko lidri yi ndäri kowe ogane; Kode ŋgwa lidri ro yi ndäri drietane.
Inye'do nda kata tate oko rigwo oyeako ya?
Kode aza nda katate oko nda 'ba tana sako mina ya ya?
20 Mindre ozo tate märi 'di äṛune
oko ondro ka'do Lu käṛu 'di teni mänina kote drina otane.
21 Nda usu taenji kote Yakoba ya,
ago ndre rriti kote Yisaraele ya,
OPI Lu ànyaro orivoya ànya yibe;
ago äräṛuna oso 'bädri'ba ronye ànya lako.
22 Lu lofo ànya ni tesi Ezipeto yasi;
nda ka kyila oye anyata oso udru ronye.
23 Tana ta läkä ro a'dona i'do Yakoba lomvo,
ca tetedri oyene tu'de Yisaraele ro lomvo i'do.
Lidri atana ta Yisaraele rota ekye:
‘Mindre tase Lu koyebe ayani!’
24 Tu'de Yisaraele ro ka oŋga oso ibitoko ronye, ago ka yi eŋga oso ibiago ronye.
Anya u'du ko vuru madale osina iza lutu,
ago ombena kari ŋgase kufube ro lutu.”
25 'Dooko Balaka atate Balama ri ekye: “Kode inye mitri anya ko alona ago nyäṛu ànya kpa ko alona.” 26 Oko Balama zatadri Balaka rote ekye: “Inye'do mata ṛo ko miri makye: Tase cini OPI kabe atana beṛo märi oyene ayani ya?”
Taope Nina Balama ro
27 Balaka atate Balama ri ekye: “Nyikyi mugu mi robe vo kinja aza ya; kode Lu a'dona 'da yai'dwesi tana mitri ànya robe märi ni nasi.” 28 Ta'dota Balaka ugu Balama te driku'du'du 'Bereŋwa Peora roya, se abe ondrena ni vocowa yasi ana. 29 Balama atate Balaka ri ekye: “Mibe vo tori oloro njidrieri märi noŋwa, ago nyozo 'daŋgo njidrieri ndi timelegogoi njidrieri be märi noŋwa.” 30 Ago Balaka yete oso se Balama katabe ronye, ago za 'daŋgoi ndi timelegogoi be te vo tori oloro alo alo drisi.
1 He said to Balak, “Build seven altars here for me, and bring me seven bulls and seven rams.”
2 Balak did as he was told, and he and Balaam offered a bull and a ram on each altar. 3 Then Balaam said to Balak, “Stand here by your burnt offering, while I go to see whether or not the Lord will meet me. I will tell you whatever he reveals to me.” So he went alone to the top of a hill, 4 and God met him. Balaam said to him, “I have built the seven altars and offered a bull and a ram on each.”
5 The Lord told Balaam what to say and sent him back to Balak to give him his message. 6 So he went back and found Balak still standing by his burnt offering with all the leaders of Moab.
7 Balaam uttered this prophecy:

“Balak king of Moab has brought me
From Syria, from the eastern mountains.
‘Come speak for me,’ he said.
‘Put a curse on the people of Israel.’
8 How can I curse what God has not cursed,
Or speak of doom when the Lord has not?
9 From the high rocks I can see them;
I can watch them from the hills.
They are a nation that lives alone;
They know they are blessed more than other nations.
10 The descendants of Israel are like the dust—
There are too many of them to be counted.
Let me end my days like one of God's people;
Let me die in peace like the righteous.”

11 Then Balak said to Balaam, “What have you done to me? I brought you here to curse my enemies, but all you have done is bless them.”
12 He answered, “I can say only what the Lord tells me to say.”
Balaam's Second Prophecy
13 Then Balak said to Balaam, “Come with me to another place from which you can see only some of the Israelites. Curse them for me from there.” 14 He took him to the field of Zophim on the top of Mount Pisgah. There also he built seven altars and offered a bull and a ram on each of them.
15 Balaam said to Balak, “Stand here by your burnt offering, and I will meet God over there.”
16 The Lord met Balaam, told him what to say, and sent him back to Balak to give him his message. 17 So he went back and found Balak still standing by his burnt offering, with the leaders of Moab. Balak asked what the Lord had said, 18 and Balaam uttered this prophecy:

“Come, Balak son of Zippor,
And listen to what I have to say.
19 God is not like people, who lie;
He is not a human who changes his mind.
Whatever he promises, he does;
He speaks, and it is done.
20 I have been instructed to bless,
And when God blesses, I cannot call it back.
21 I foresee that Israel's future
Will bring her no misfortune or trouble.
The Lord their God is with them;
They proclaim that he is their king.
22 God has brought them out of Egypt;
He fights for them like a wild ox.
23 There is no magic charm, no witchcraft,
That can be used against the nation of Israel.
Now people will say about Israel,
‘Look what God has done!’
24 The nation of Israel is like a mighty lion:
It doesn't rest until it has torn and devoured,
Until it has drunk the blood of those it has killed.”

25 Then Balak said to Balaam, “You refuse to curse the people of Israel, but at least don't bless them!”
26 Balaam answered, “Didn't I tell you that I had to do everything that the Lord told me?”
Balaam's Third Prophecy
27 Balak said, “Come with me, and I will take you to another place. Perhaps God will be willing to let you curse them for me from there.” 28 So he took Balaam to the top of Mount Peor overlooking the desert. 29 Balaam said to him, “Build seven altars for me here and bring me seven bulls and seven rams.” 30 Balak did as he was told, and offered a bull and a ram on each altar.