Ogo Obe Tiṛi Yerusalema ro ro
1 Ago abe 'bakici te oso nonye Eliasiba Kohani Fopara ndi kohanii azi ndaro yibe etoyi losi te ago goyi beyi Dereŋwa Timele rote, diyite to: ago 'bayi käläsi nai te vona yasi. Ànya diyi tiṛi te to sagwo le zowiṛa Kama Alo (100) ya, ago sagwo le zowiṛa Ananela roya.
2 Lidri Yeriko ro beyi lama tiṛi rote ànya vo.
Zakura ŋgwa Imeri ro be lamana azate ànya vo.
3 Käläsikala Asena ro beyi Dereŋwa Ti'bi rote; ànya lalayi loro na te ago otoyi käläsii na te, 'bayi ŋga osena rote ndi gbolo käläsi osero be.
4 Meremota ŋgwa Uria ro, kwozo Akekoza ro be vose aka'dabe ndäri obene te ànya vo.
Ago se kesobe ànya vo ni Mesulama ŋgwa Berekia ro, kwozo Mesezabela ro be iro te.
Ago se kesobe ànya vo ni Zadoka ŋgwa Bana ro be iro te.
5 Ago se kesobe ànya vo ni lidri Tekoa ro beyi iro te; oko dri'bai lidri Tekoa ro gayizo losi se täkyi'bai kozobe ànyari oyene 'do oyene.
6 Yoyada ŋgwa Pasea ro ndi Mesulama ŋgwa Besodeya robe goyi beyi Dereŋwa Uku te, ànya lalayi loro nate ago otoyi käläsii nate ndi ŋga osena robe, ndi gbolo nai be.
7 Ago se kesobe ànya vo ni Melatia Gibeona'ba, Jadona Meronota'ba, ndi lidri Gibeona ndi Mizepa be robe goyi beyi iro te, ànya orivoya drikaca wari'ba wari Aŋgoyasi Eferata roya.
8 Se kesobe ànya vo ni Uziela ŋgwa Areya, toka'ba logo läguläguro ro ro go be iro te, se kesobe nda vo ni Anania alo aza ŋga ŋgutruro ede'bai ro go be iro te. Ànya go beyi Yerusalema te sagwo le Tiṛi Bäräŋgälä ya.
9 Se kesobe ànya vo ni Refaya ŋgwa Uru, miri'ba telesi kägyi Yerusalema ro ro, go be iro te.
10 Se kesobe anya vo ni Jedaya ŋgwa Arumafa ro, go be iro se loto zo modo ndaro lomvo ana te.
Ago se kesobe nda vo ni Atusa ŋgwa Asabeneya ro go be iro te.
11 Malekija ŋgwa Arima ro ndi Asuba ŋgwa Patamoaba robe goyi beyi vo telesi aza te ndi Tiṛiwiṛa Voŋgao'bero robe.
12 Se kesobe ànya vo ni Saluma ŋgwa Alohesa, miri'ba telesi kägyi Yerusalema ro ro, go be iro te, nda ndi ndiriŋwa ndaro yibe.
13 Anuna ndi lidri 'bakici Zanoa robe goyi beyi Dereŋwa Vodelero rote, ànya go beyi te ago otoyi käläsii nate ndi ŋga osena robe ndi gbolo nai be te, ago beyi tiṛi te ocana kpikpina orivoya kutu alo kama nji (1,500), sagwo le Dereŋwa Kaŋwa roya.
14 Malekija ŋgwa Rekaba, miri'ba kägyi Betakerema ro ro, go be Dereŋwa Kaŋwa rote. Nda go be te ago oto käläsii nate ndi ŋga osena robe ndi gbolo nai be.
15 Ago Saluma ŋgwa Koloze miri'ba kägyi Mizepa ro ro, go be Dereŋwa Gyilegwalegwaro rote. Nda go bete ago oto drina te ago oto käläsii nai te ndi ŋga osena robe ndi gbolo nai be te, ago nda go be tiṛi Gyigburu Sela ro ämvu 'Bädri'ba ro rote, sagwo le utuvo se kici'di dribe vururo 'Bakici Dawidi roya ana ya.
16 Se kesobe nda vo ni Nemaya ŋgwa Azebuka ro, miri'ba telesi kägyi Betezura ro ro, go be iro te sagwo le vo aza ya miäwuäwu ro 'budri Dawidi robe, ago le gyigburu se ä'diu'di ana ya, sa kpa gwo le zo kyila'bai roya.
Lewe'bai se Koyeyi Losi be Tiṛi Dri
17 Se kesobe nda vo ni Lewe'bai, goyi beyi iro te; dri'ba ànyaro ni Reuma ŋgwa Bani ro, ago se kesobe nda vo ni Asabia miri'ba telesi kägyi Keila ro ro, nda go be kägyi ndaro rote.
18 Ago se kesobe nda vo ni Bavai ŋgwa Enadada ro, miri'ba kägyi telesi aza Keila ro ro, go be iro te.
19 Se kesobe nda vo ni Ezere ŋgwa Jesua ro, miri'ba Mizepa ro, go be vo aza se miäwuäwu ro vo lakazà kyila ro odroro be ana te sagwo le cukudri tiṛi roya.
20 Se kesobe nda vo ni Baruka ŋgwa Zabai ro, go be vo aza te ni cukudri tiṛi roya sagwo le käläsi zo Eliasiba Kohani Fopara ro roya.
21 Se kesobe nda vo ni Meremota ŋgwa Uria ro, kwozo Akaza ro go be vona aza te etoni käläsi zo Eliasiba ro ya le ädu zo Eliasiba ro roya.
Kohanii se Koyeyi Losi be Tiṛi Dri
22 Se kesobe nda vo ni kohanii. Kohanii se gbikyi Yerusalema lomvosi beyi iro te.
23 Se kesobe ànya vo ni Benjamina ndi Asuba be, go beyi se miäwuäwu ro zoi ànyaro robe te.
Se kesobe ànya vo ni Azaria ŋgwa Maseya ro, kwozo Anania ro, go be iro se zo modo ndaro lomvo 'do te.
24 Se kesobe nda vo ni Binui ŋgwa Enadada ro go be vona aza te, etoni zo Azaria ro lomvo sagwo le cukudri tiṛi roya ndi cuku ya. 25 Palala ŋgwa Uzai ro go be iro te, miäwuäwu ro etoni cukudri tiṛi roya ago dridonjo zowiṛa zo'desi miri ro roya loto goko vookwa'bai ro lomvo, 26 ago losi'bai Yekalu ro se kayi oribe Ofela ya ana go beyi iro te vona azaya miäwuäwu ro Dereŋwa Gyi ro be ogone 'buzelero ndi dridonjo zowiṛa robe.
Ŋgaobe'bai Azaka
27 Lidri Tekoa ro, go beyi ànyaro vona aza kpate miäwuäwu ro dridonjo zowiṛa be be sagwo le tiṛi Ofela roya.
28 Gboko kohanii ro go beyi iro te ànya vo, oyigwo drî Dereŋwa Farasi roya si, 'dialo alo be gi mile zo modo ndaro ya 'do ayani.
29 Se kesobe ànya vo ni Zadoka ŋgwa Imera ro go be se mile zo modo ndaro roya 'do te. Se kesobe nda vo ni Semaya ŋgwa Sekania, gaga'ba Dereŋwa 'Buzelesi ro, go be iro te.
30 Se kesobe nda vo ni Anania ŋgwa Selemaya ro ndi Anuna ŋgwa njidrialo Zalafa ro robe, go beyi vona aza kpate. Se kesobe ànya vo ni Mesulama ŋgwa Berekia ro go be se mile zo ndaro roya 'do te.
31 Se kesobe nda vo ni Malekija, alo aza toka'bai logo läguläguro ro, go be iro te sagwo le zo losi'bai Yekalu ro ndi ŋgalogye'bai be roya, se orivoya miäwuäwu ro Dereŋwa Kalaoṛiro lomvo, sagwo le zoya kurusi cuku tiṛiro ya. 32 Toka'bai ndi ŋgalogye'bai be go beyi iro te äduro etoni zoya cukudri roya sagwo le Dereŋwa Timele ya.
Rebuilding the Wall of Jerusalem
1 This is how the city wall was rebuilt. The High Priest Eliashib and his fellow priests rebuilt the Sheep Gate, dedicated it, and put the gates in place. They dedicated the wall as far as the Tower of the Hundred and the Tower of Hananel.
2 The men of Jericho built the next section.
Zaccur son of Imri built the next section.
3 The clan of Hassenaah built the Fish Gate. They put the beams and the gates in place, and put in the bolts and bars for locking the gate.
4 Meremoth, the son of Uriah and grandson of Hakkoz, built the next section.
Meshullam, the son of Berechiah and grandson of Meshezabel, built the next section.
Zadok son of Baana built the next section.
5 The men of Tekoa built the next section, but the leading men of the town refused to do the manual labor assigned them by the supervisors.
6 Joiada son of Paseah and Meshullam son of Besodeiah rebuilt Jeshanah Gate. They put the beams and the gates in place, and put in the bolts and bars for locking the gate.
7 Melatiah from Gibeon, Jadon from Meronoth, and the men of Gibeon and Mizpah built the next section, as far as the residence of the governor of West-of-Euphrates.
8 Uzziel son of Harhaiah, a goldsmith, built the next section.
Hananiah, a maker of perfumes, built the next section, as far as Broad Wall.
9 Rephaiah son of Hur, ruler of half of the Jerusalem District, built the next section.
10 Jedaiah son of Harumaph built the next section, which was near his own house.
Hattush son of Hashabneiah built the next section.
11 Malchijah son of Harim and Hasshub son of Pahath Moab built both the next section and the Tower of the Ovens.
12 Shallum son of Hallohesh, ruler of the other half of the Jerusalem District, built the next section. (His daughters helped with the work.)
13 Hanun and the inhabitants of the city of Zanoah rebuilt the Valley Gate. They put the gates in place, put in the bolts and the bars for locking the gate, and repaired the wall for fifteen hundred feet, as far as the Rubbish Gate.
14 Malchijah son of Rechab, ruler of the Beth Haccherem District, rebuilt the Rubbish Gate. He put the gates in place, and put in the bolts and the bars for locking the gate.
15 Shallum son of Colhozeh, ruler of the Mizpah District, rebuilt the Fountain Gate. He covered the gateway, put the gates in place, and put in the bolts and the bars. At the Pool of Shelah he built the wall next to the royal garden, as far as the stairs leading down from David's City.
16 Nehemiah son of Azbuk, ruler of half of the Bethzur District, built the next section, as far as David's tomb, the pool, and the barracks.
Levites Who Worked on the Wall
17 The following Levites rebuilt the next several sections of the wall:
Rehum son of Bani built the next section;
Hashabiah, ruler of half of the Keilah District, built the next section on behalf of his district;
18 Bavvai son of Henadad, ruler of the other half of the Keilah District, built the next section;
19 Ezer son of Jeshua, ruler of Mizpah, built the next section in front of the armory, as far as the place where the wall turns;
20 Baruch son of Zabbai built the next section, as far as the entrance to the house of the High Priest Eliashib;
21 Meremoth, the son of Uriah and grandson of Hakkoz, built the next section, up to the far end of Eliashib's house.
Priests Who Worked on the Wall
22 The following priests rebuilt the next several sections of the wall:
Priests from the area around Jerusalem built the next section;
23 Benjamin and Hasshub built the next section, which was in front of their houses;
Azariah, the son of Maaseiah and grandson of Ananiah, built the next section, which was in front of his house;
24 Binnui son of Henadad built the next section, from Azariah's house to the corner of the wall;
25-26 Palal son of Uzai built the next section, beginning at the corner of the wall and the tower of the upper palace near the court of the guard;
Pedaiah son of Parosh built the next section, to a point on the east near the Water Gate and the tower guarding the Temple. (This was near that part of the city called Ophel, where the Temple workers lived.)
Other Builders
27 The men of Tekoa built the next section, their second one, from a point opposite the large tower guarding the Temple as far as the wall near Ophel.
28 A group of priests built the next section, going north from the Horse Gate, each one building in front of his own house.
29 Zadok son of Immer built the next section, which was in front of his house.
Shemaiah son of Shecaniah, keeper of the East Gate, built the next section.
30 Hananiah son of Shelemiah and Hanun, the sixth son of Zalaph, built the next section, their second one.
Meshullam son of Berechiah built the next section, which was in front of his house.
31 Malchijah, a goldsmith, built the next section, as far as the building used by the Temple workers and the merchants, which was by the Miphkad Gate to the Temple, near the room on top of the northeast corner of the wall.
32 The goldsmiths and the merchants built the last section, from the room at the corner as far as the Sheep Gate.