1 Ago nda ugu atate ekye: “Endaro mata ämiri ono, azakana orivoya noŋwa se uninayi ko odrane madale ànya ondrenayi Miri 'Bädri'ba Lu ro ro lutu ikyivoya mbara be.”
Beti Yesu ro Tozarute
(Matayo 17:1-13Luka 9:28-36)
2 U'du njidrialo vosi oko, Yesu ru Petero, Yakoba ndi Yoane be te, ago ugu ànya te lekuru 'bereŋwa ogwaekye dri, ago ànya riyite lau iṛe. Ago ànya kondreyi oko beti Yesu ro tozarute, 3 ago boŋgo ndaro a'dote onjero hwia ndrani 'diaza 'bädri ya ni be boŋgo ojone drisi. 4 'Dooko taeri'bai se nätu kwoi ndreyi Eliya ndi Musa be te kayi ugu ata Yesu be. 5 'Dooko Petero atate Yesu ri ekye: “Miemba'ba, orivoya kado ämäri a'done noŋwa! Màmona mutuguṛi nätu, alodi miri, alodi Musa ri, ago alodi Eliya ri.” 6 Tana nda ndi azii be a'doyite turituriro ago niyi tase atane kote.
7 'Dooko 'dikolo efote ago lindri na tako ànya te, ago ata ikyite ni 'dikolo yasi ekye: “Ono ni Ŋgwa modo maro se mulu tawi ono owo; nyèri ta ndaro!” 8 Dori ànya kondreyi vote ndri gbikyi oko ndreyi 'diaza tona kote; toto Yesu ni orivoya ànya be.
9 Ondro ànya kayite efo vuru ni 'bereŋwa drisi oko, Yesu tadri ànyaro te ekye: “Ŋgase mìndrebe ono nyìti tana ko 'diaza ri, madale Ŋgwa Lidri ro kefo lutu ni avo yasi.”
10 Ànya royi ta ndaro te, caoko ànya etoyi tana atana te ànyavoya ekye: “Efo ni avo yasi ono takacina e'di ya?” 11 Ago ànya ejiyi Yesu te ekye: “Tana e'di miemba'bai Ota ro kayi ata ekye, beṛo Eliya ri ikyine käti niya?”
12 Ago nda zatadri ànyaro te ekye: “Ṛo Eliya ri ikyine käti tana ko'ba ŋga cini robe nja. Caoko tana e'di taegyi ka ata ekye Ŋgwa Lidri ro ezaruna 'da amba ago agana 'da zo niya? 13 Mata ämiri ono, Eliya ikyi ṛote ago lidri ye nda te oso tana kusi ànya be ronye, oso Taegyi katabe ta ndaro ta ronye.”
Yesu Ede Ŋgaga aza Tori Undiro be te
(Matayo 17:14-21; Luka 9:37-43a)
14 Ondro ànya kego kodro'beruyite anjoko taeri'bai robe oko, ànya ndreyi lowa amba te gbikyi ànya lomvosi ago azaka miemba'bai Ota ro ro kayi ugu kaladiṛi ànya yibe. 15 Ondro lidri kondre Yesu te oko, ànya laroyite amba, muyite ndare ago yeyi mede te ndäri. 16 Yesu eji taeri'bai ndaro te ekye: “Nyà ta e'diro diṛina ànya yibe ya?”
17 Mano aza ni lowa lakosi zatadrite ekye: “Miemba'ba, mezi ŋgwa maro mire, tana nda orivoya tori undiro be nda ya ago ni ata ko. 18 Ondro tori kuru nda te oko, vo nda te gyini dri, ago kamo ka efo kalana yasi, ka si onya, ago egwa nda te, meji taeri'bai miro te tori ono isine tesi, oko ànya niyi kote lofone.”
19 Yesu atate ànyari ekye: “Ami lidri taomaako ono! Marina ami yibe tuna modaya? Marina ami yibe tuna mu'du eŋwanye ya? Nyezi ŋgwa 'do mare!” 20 Ànya eziyi nda te Yesu re. Ago dori tori kondre Yesu te oko, embe ŋgaga ana te, ago nda 'dete gyini dri ago reṛite ŋguṛiŋguṛi kamo be kala yasi. 21 Yesu eji täpi te ekye: “Nda a'dote inye tuna mu'du eŋwanye ya?” Nda zatadrite ekye: “Ṛo kyeno nda dri ŋgagaŋwa ro. 22 Perena amba tori undiro ojote nda ufune nda ovosi asi ya ago gyi ya. Ya miro kuni ama lomvo ago mipa ama, ondro ka'do mini gindi oyene rritiako owo!”
23 Yesu atate ekye: “Owo, ondro ka'do mi modo mini gindi oyene! Ŋga cini orivoya rritiako 'dise taoma be ri.”
24 Dori täpi ŋgaga ana ro trete ekye: “Ma orivoya taoma be, oko ojo ko. Mipa ma a'done sina ndra.”
25 Ondro Yesu kondre lowa ka ezi ruibi ànya dri oko, nda ta tori undiro te ekye: “Tuṛu ago tori ataako ono, mata mi efone tesi ni ŋgaga ono yasi ago migo mici ko nda ya tona.”
26 Tori trete, ago embe ŋgaga ana te vo anya te vuru, anya yete agyigyi ago efote tesi. Ŋgaga ana landrete oso avo ronye, ago 'dicini atate ekye: “Nda drate!” 27 Oko Yesu ru ŋgaga ana te drí yasi ago eŋga nda te kuru, ago nda edrete kurusi.
28 Ondro Yesu kocite zo ya oko, taeri'bai ndaro ejiyi nda te iṛero ekye: “Tana e'di mä̀ni kote tori lofone tesi niya?”
29 Yesu zatadrite ekye: “Änina ko lofone ŋga aza si, se nonye ono olofona toto mätu si ayani.”
Yesu ka ta Odra Ndaro ro Itina Kpa To'di
(Matayo 17:22-23Luka 9:43b-45)
30 Yesu ndi taeri'bai ndaro be e'beyi vo ana te ago oyiyite Galilaya ya. Yesu leko 'diaza ri vose nda be kigye ana unine; 31 tana nda kate ugu taeri'bai ndaro embana ekye: “Ozona Ŋgwa Lidri ro 'da drí lidri roya, ago ànya ufunayi nda 'da. Caoko u'du nina si oko, nda adrina 'da.”
32 Oko ànya niyi takaci tase ana ro ko, ago a'doyite turiro nda ejine.
A'di Ni Parandra ya?
(Matayo 18:1-5Luka 9:46-48)
33 Ànya ikyiyite Kaperenauma ya, ago ànya kociyite zoya oko Yesu eji taeri'bai ndaro te ekye: “Nyà kaladiṛi liti ya etaya?”
34 Oko ànya leyi kote tadri ndaro ozane, tana liti ya ànya kayi kaladiṛi ànyavoya ekye a'di ni parandra. 35 Yesu rite vuru, nda zi taeri'bai 'butealo foritu te, ago atate ànyari ekye: “Nda se kolebe a'done käti beṛo andivo ndaro o'bane äduro ago a'done ruindu'ba 'di cini ro.” 36 'Dooko nda ru ŋgagaŋwa aza te ago edre nda te ànya kandra. Nda omvo nda te ago atate ànyari ekye: 37 “Nda se kabe alo aza ŋgagaŋwà kwoi ro uruna ävuru maro ya, ka ma uru, ago nda ka ko toto ma uru oko nda se kezo mabe ono kpa.”
Nda Se Ko Kyilaro Ama Yibe Orivoya Amaro
(Luka 9:49-50)
38 Yoane atate ndäri ekye: “Miemba'ba, mandre mano aza te ka ugu demonai lofo tesi ävuru miro si, ago màtate ndäri edrene, tana nda ko gboko amaro ro.”
39 Yesu atate anyari ekye: “Nyèdre nda ko, tana 'diaza i'do se ka talaro ro oye ävuru maro ya, ndri voigyesi oko ogone ta undiro atane ta maro ta. 40 Tana nda se ko kyilaro ama yibe orivoya amaro. 41 Endaro mata ämiri ono, 'diaza se kabe gyi umvuro ozona ämiri tana ami be maro ono ro endaro nda usuna päläti ndaro 'da.
Taojoro Takozi Oyene
(Matayo 18:6-9Luka 17:1-2)
42 “Ondro ka'do 'diaza ko'ba alo aza se giṛiŋwà kwoi rote taoma ndàro ma ya ijene, ni kadopara kuni 'desi inya uyiro embene 'dina 'do kyembe ago ovone gyi'desi ya. 43 Ondro ka'do drí miro kani mi o'ba takozi oyene, nyätäṛi anya ätu! Ni kadopara miri ocine adri ya drí alodi ako ndrani miri ocine drí be riti gehena ya, le asi se zwe ko alona ana ya ri. 45 Ago ondro ka'do pa miro kani mi o'ba takozi oyene, nyätäṛi anya ätu! Ni kadopara miri ocine adri ya pa alodi be ndrani mi ovone pa be riti gehena ya ri. 47 Ago ondro ka'do mi miro kani mi o'ba takozi oyene, nyewe anya tesi! Ni kadopara miri ocine Miri 'Bädri'ba Lu ro roya toto mi alodi be ndrani mi ovone mi be riti gehena ya ri. 48 Lau kyiri se kabe ànya onya dra ko alona, ago asi se kabe ànya oza zwe ko alona.
49 “Äwäṛina 'dicini 'da asi si oso abe tori se alobe wäṛina täyi si 'do ronye.
50 “Täyi orivoya ŋga kado yi; oko ondro ka'do kije oci anyaro te, minina o'bane ocine to'di eŋwanye ya?
“Nyà'do täyi bereazi robe amivoya, ago mìri liatokpero azi be.”
1 And he went on to say, “I tell you, there are some here who will not die until they have seen the Kingdom of God come with power.”
The Transfiguration
(Matthew 17.1-13Luke 9.28-36)
2 Six days later Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John, and led them up a high mountain, where they were alone. As they looked on, a change came over Jesus, 3 and his clothes became shining white—whiter than anyone in the world could wash them. 4 Then the three disciples saw Elijah and Moses talking with Jesus. 5 Peter spoke up and said to Jesus, “Teacher, how good it is that we are here! We will make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” 6 He and the others were so frightened that he did not know what to say.
7 Then a cloud appeared and covered them with its shadow, and a voice came from the cloud, “This is my own dear Son—listen to him!” 8 They took a quick look around but did not see anyone else; only Jesus was with them.
9 As they came down the mountain, Jesus ordered them, “Don't tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has risen from death.”
10 They obeyed his order, but among themselves they started discussing the matter, “What does this ‘rising from death’ mean?” 11 And they asked Jesus, “Why do the teachers of the Law say that Elijah has to come first?”
12 His answer was, “Elijah is indeed coming first in order to get everything ready. Yet why do the Scriptures say that the Son of Man will suffer much and be rejected? 13 I tell you, however, that Elijah has already come and that people treated him just as they pleased, as the Scriptures say about him.”
Jesus Heals a Boy with an Evil Spirit
(Matthew 17.14-21; Luke 9.37-43a)
14 When they joined the rest of the disciples, they saw a large crowd around them and some teachers of the Law arguing with them. 15 When the people saw Jesus, they were greatly surprised, and ran to him and greeted him. 16 Jesus asked his disciples, “What are you arguing with them about?”
17 A man in the crowd answered, “Teacher, I brought my son to you, because he has an evil spirit in him and cannot talk. 18 Whenever the spirit attacks him, it throws him to the ground, and he foams at the mouth, grits his teeth, and becomes stiff all over. I asked your disciples to drive the spirit out, but they could not.”
19 Jesus said to them, “How unbelieving you people are! How long must I stay with you? How long do I have to put up with you? Bring the boy to me!” 20 They brought him to Jesus.
As soon as the spirit saw Jesus, it threw the boy into a fit, so that he fell on the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth. 21 “How long has he been like this?” Jesus asked the father.
“Ever since he was a child,” he replied. 22 “Many times the evil spirit has tried to kill him by throwing him in the fire and into water. Have pity on us and help us, if you possibly can!”
23 “Yes,” said Jesus, “if you yourself can! Everything is possible for the person who has faith.”
24 The father at once cried out, “I do have faith, but not enough. Help me have more!”
25 Jesus noticed that the crowd was closing in on them, so he gave a command to the evil spirit. “Deaf and dumb spirit,” he said, “I order you to come out of the boy and never go into him again!”
26 The spirit screamed, threw the boy into a bad fit, and came out. The boy looked like a corpse, and everyone said, “He is dead!” 27 But Jesus took the boy by the hand and helped him rise, and he stood up.
28 After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn't we drive the spirit out?”
29 “Only prayer can drive this kind out,” answered Jesus; “nothing else can.”
Jesus Speaks Again about His Death
(Matthew 17.22Matthew 23Luke 9.43b-45)
30 Jesus and his disciples left that place and went on through Galilee. Jesus did not want anyone to know where he was, 31 because he was teaching his disciples: “The Son of Man will be handed over to those who will kill him. Three days later, however, he will rise to life.”
32 But they did not understand what this teaching meant, and they were afraid to ask him.
Who Is the Greatest?
(Matthew 18.1-5Luke 9.46-48)
33 They came to Capernaum, and after going indoors Jesus asked his disciples, “What were you arguing about on the road?”
34 But they would not answer him, because on the road they had been arguing among themselves about who was the greatest. 35 Jesus sat down, called the twelve disciples, and said to them, “Whoever wants to be first must place himself last of all and be the servant of all.” 36 Then he took a child and had him stand in front of them. He put his arms around him and said to them, 37 “Whoever welcomes in my name one of these children, welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me, welcomes not only me but also the one who sent me.”
Whoever Is Not against Us Is for Us
(Luke 9.49Luke 50)
38 John said to him, “Teacher, we saw a man who was driving out demons in your name, and we told him to stop, because he doesn't belong to our group.”
39 “Do not try to stop him,” Jesus told them, “because no one who performs a miracle in my name will be able soon afterward to say evil things about me. 40 For whoever is not against us is for us. 41 I assure you that anyone who gives you a drink of water because you belong to me will certainly receive a reward.
Temptations to Sin
(Matthew 18.6-9Luke 17.1Luke 2)
42 “If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around the neck and be thrown into the sea. 43 So if your hand makes you lose your faith, cut it off! It is better for you to enter life without a hand than to keep both hands and go off to hell, to the fire that never goes out. 45 And if your foot makes you lose your faith, cut it off! It is better for you to enter life without a foot than to keep both feet and be thrown into hell. 47 And if your eye makes you lose your faith, take it out! It is better for you to enter the Kingdom of God with only one eye than to keep both eyes and be thrown into hell. 48 There ‘the worms that eat them never die, and the fire that burns them is never put out.’
49 “Everyone will be purified by fire as a sacrifice is purified by salt.
50 “Salt is good; but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again?
“Have the salt of friendship among yourselves, and live in peace with one another.”