Ŋgamiri OPI ro Taliatokpe ro 'Bädri cini dri
(Yesaya 2:1-4)
1 Tuse kabe ikyi ana si
'bereŋwa se Yekalu kabe edre driigye ana
a'dona 'da ogwaekye ndra azi cini drisi,
ago ogwana 'da wiṛa ro ndrani lutuŋwai cini drisi.
Tu'dei udinayi 'da kigye,
2 ago ànya atanayi 'da ekye:
“Nyìkyi mì'de mä̀tu kuru lutu OPI ro dri,
Yekalu Lu Yisaraele ro roya.
Tana nda kemba ama robe tase nda kolebe ämäri oyene si;
ago màba robe litiŋwai ndaro yasi.
Tana ŋgaemba OPI ro ka efo ni Zaiona yasi;
ago nda ka ata ni Yerusalema yasi.”

3 Nda oyena vure lakole tu'dei amba royasi,
tu'dei se mbara amba be ago lozo kai.
Ànya udinayi bando ànyaro 'da kye'bo ŋga osoro ro
ago udinayi äzui ànyaro 'da iṛii ŋga oforo ro.
Tu'dei oyenayi kyila kote tu'dei azi be,
ànya ederunayi kote kyila oyene tona.
4 'Di cini orina 'da liatokpero
ämvu kono ro ndi ice kyi'du ro modo ndaro ro lako,
ago 'di aza o'bana nda ko turi ro.
Tana OPI Mbaraekye atani inye.

5 Tu'de alo mätu gi ago ro gi lu modo iro ayani, oko mä̀mätuna ago màrona OPI Lu amaro 'da rriro äduako.
Yisaraele'bai Egona 'da ni Vomidiro yasi
6 OPI ka ata ekye: “Tu ana si mambina kala ka'boi ro 'da ago motona kala lidri se eperebe ro 'da voaloya ndi ànya se mezabe iyi be. 7 Mayena ànya se ka'bo ro iyi 'da lidri se ke'bebe ro ago ma'bana ànya se ärube midiro iyi 'da a'done tu'de mbaraekye ro. Ago ma OPI mimirina ànya 'da 'Bereŋwa Zaiona dri etoni tu ana si rriro ago äduako.”
8 Ago mi, Zowiṛa vookwa ro, Yerusalema, vose Lu, oso lekye'ba ronye, kabe vo lidri ndaro ro ondrena kigye ono, taäŋguro se ta miro ta 'do a'dona 'da endaro ago a'dona kpa to'di miri 'bädri'ba se miro kyeno ana egona 'da. 9 Nyà totre amba etaya? Ami te 'bädri'ba ako ya? Ta ata'ba amiro drate ni nyà rueza oso toko se kabe uti ronye wo ya? 10 Nyòlodiru ago nyèleri ami lidri Yerusalema ro, oso toko se kabe lomvoluwu ŋgwa utiro usuna 'do ronye, tana nyè'bena 'bakici 'da ago mìkyi mìrina 'da vo leewero ya. Nyòyina 'da Babelona ya, oko ni lau OPI opana ami 'da ni kyila'baazii amiro rigyesi. 11 Tu'dei amba otoyikalate mi gotane. Ànya kayi ata ekye: “Beṛo Yerusalema perene! Ämäri 'bakici ono ondrene tandro ro!” 12 Oko tu'dei se kwoi niyi tase tausu OPI roya ko'de. Ànya niyi tavoora ndaro kote anjioko nda otokala ànyaro te voaloya ezane, oso drî inya embeembero ro kaladri dri o'bine ronye.
13 OPI ekye: “Ami lidri Yerusalema ro, nyòyi ago mìye kyila teri! Ma'bana ami a'done mbara ro, osoago ami koyi logo ro be ago potoko atalaro be ronye, nyòronyona tu'dei amba 'da, ago ŋgadriamba se ànya kuruyibe kyila si ono nyòzona 'da Opi ri, ŋgadriamba ànyaro nyòzona 'da ma OPI 'bädri cini ro ono ri.”
The Lord's Universal Reign of Peace
(Isaiah 2.2-4)
1 In days to come
the mountain where the Temple stands
will be the highest one of all,
towering above all the hills.
Many nations will come streaming to it,
2 and their people will say,
“Let us go up the hill of the Lord,
to the Temple of Israel's God.
He will teach us what he wants us to do;
we will walk in the paths he has chosen.
For the Lord's teaching comes from Jerusalem;
from Zion he speaks to his people.”

3 He will settle disputes among the nations,
among the great powers near and far.
They will hammer their swords into plows
and their spears into pruning knives.
Nations will never again go to war,
never prepare for battle again.
4 Everyone will live in peace
among their own vineyards and fig trees,
and no one will make them afraid.
The Lord Almighty has promised this.

5 Each nation worships and obeys its own god, but we will worship and obey the Lord our God forever and ever.
Israel Will Return from Exile
6 “The time is coming,” says the Lord, “when I will gather together the people I punished, those who have suffered in exile. 7 They are crippled and far from home, but I will make a new beginning with those who are left, and they will become a great nation. I will rule over them on Mount Zion from that time on and forever.”
8 And you, Jerusalem, where God, like a shepherd from his lookout tower, watches over his people, will once again be the capital of the kingdom that was yours. 9 Why do you cry out so loudly? Why are you suffering like a woman in labor? Is it because you have no king, and your counselors are dead? 10 Twist and groan, people of Jerusalem, like a woman giving birth, for now you will have to leave the city and live in the open country. You will have to go to Babylon, but there the Lord will save you from your enemies. 11 Many nations have gathered to attack you. They say, “Jerusalem must be destroyed! We will see this city in ruins!” 12 But these nations do not know what is in the Lord's mind. They do not realize that they have been gathered together to be punished in the same way that grain is brought in to be threshed.
13 The Lord says, “People of Jerusalem, go and punish your enemies! I will make you as strong as a bull with iron horns and bronze hoofs. You will crush many nations, and the wealth they got by violence you will present to me, the Lord of the whole world.”